Meta Moore

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Posted on March 3rd, 2023 11:18 PM

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With that same confident smile, that smug babysitter smirk, Blossom waited for Amy to rebalance herself after the shove, and then quick as lightning she shot out one hand and grabbed her wrist; her fingers clamping down firmly. She pivoted, spun Amy around, and herself with her, before dropping down onto the sofa and using the momentum to smoothly swing Amy out, and then in, and pull her over her lap.

Honestly, she wished she had a video recording of that, because her years of redirecting human momentum as a cheerleader had never felt so well-spent. She moved one hand to Amy's lower back and pinned her simply down, before speaking in a softer tone for a moment - an out of character moment.

"Green? Please tell me if that changes, even if it's only after one or two spanks, okay?"

"Ummmm..." Woah. Okay. Like, I wasn't sure what was happening. I knew I was over Blossom's lap, but how she got me there was something between martial arts and figure skating. I was dizzy, and the heat on my cheeks wasn't helping.

Then I remembered that I was over Blossom's lap. I remembered that she was going to spank me. I tried to get up, but Blossom pushed down on the small of my back and held me in place. I was so warm.

"Amy?" Blossom asked again, still whispering.

"R-right, sorry... yeah, green..."

This time when I tried to get back up, she pressed down a little harder and I felt queasy in my stomach. My big fat stomach on her strong thighs. Was I hurting her? I shouldn't be on her like this...

"Um, green...?" I asked, trying not to think about my fat ass sticking out. About how hard it must be to keep my squishy body firmly in place. Maybe this was a bad idea…

"Green as a cucumber, baby girl."

Those words were warm and gentle, but what came next was definitely not. What came next, was, in fact, far from gentle. But it would bring warmth, Blossom supposed. She tugged down the seat of Amy's pants with her free hand, holding the squirming girl in place with her other. She hadn't done a lot of impact play, and what she had done, she'd usually been on the receiving end of; but that did mean she had some experience. She didn't expose more than Amy's butt; but she did manage to expose all of it. And she was quiet and paused for a moment, giving time for the anticipation to build.

Anticipation was a lot of the fun of impact play, after all, and she wanted to give a good experience to Amy.

Back in character. I could do this. But as Blossom pulled down my pants and flashed my pale pink panties to her empty living room, I felt a new wave of embarrassment.

"L-lemme up! Lemme go..." I wiggled and pushed around on her lap, careful not to fall off. But Blossom's voice that came back was a whisper.

"You're okay, cupcake. Don't hold back."

Don't hold back? But I'd tumble off her lap, or my fat stomach would slide past her knees. I'd crash into the ground like a huge mound of silly putty. I couldn't actually throw a tantrum. I wasn't an actual child!

But before I could argue, Blossom slipped back into character.

"I did give you a lot of warning, Amy. But in the end I guess your Mommy and Daddy were right to tell me I could spank you."

She raised her right hand up, and brought it down sharply on Amy's butt; not loud like the crack of a whip, but for the two of them in the echoey living room, it might as well have been.

Wow. Okay. It didn't hurt, and it wasn't on my bare butt, but it sure left an impression on me. My cheeks took on two more shades of red and Blossom's words reminded me again and again that I was getting spanked over my babysitter's lap.

Maybe that was what did it. Maybe I just needed to be someone else, I needed to be this other Amy. Because I tried to kick off her lap and sit back up, but she held me firmly in place by the small of my back. I started to feel powerless... I started to feel small. My heart was racing.

"Lemme go! Lemme up!" This time, the whining sounded a lot more demanding. More yelling. Indignation.

This was perfect, this was exactly what Blossom was hoping for; both for herself, and for Amy. This was a certain type of intimacy they could share in this moment, that wasn't between them in the now, but would be remembered as such looking back. Type 2 Intimacy. She loved it.

In response to the squirming and the shouting demands, Blossom spanked Amy again, not just once, but twice.

"I probably should be making you do the counting, Amy, but you're such a dumb baby that I doubt you even remember how."

"I do so!" I shouted back without thinking. I forgot to contest the nickname. My butt was a little tingly, just a little, and I wiggled side to side to throw myself off Blossom's lap. It didn't work.

"Oh, you do?"

Blossom spanked her again, at an uneven pace so she couldn't predict it, and then threw down the proverbial gauntlet, just as her hand came down again.

"Then count, Amy. When we get to ten, I'll see if you've calmed down enough to be allowed to get changed into your diapers."

I walked into that one. I boxed myself into a corner. Either I was a little baby who couldn't count, or I had to count her spanking me. Her, Blossom. Her, my babysitter. Oh gosh...

"Just... I'm not wearing... let..." I was struggling to keep the narrative. The tingling on my butt was a little more present and her words were a bit complicated to follow. I kicked my feet hard and felt an inch of freedom. I tried to use it to my advantage, but another spank stopped me dead in my tracks. I let out a slight involuntary whimper and blushed even deeper. This... wasn't exactly what I expected.

"Well, I guess I can tell your Mommy that you've forgotten how to count then, can't I?"

She delivered three sharp swats in quick succession, none of them particularly hard, but enough to make an impression on Amy, and then decided to amp up her word game.

"I guess it's one of the first things to go, for sick little Candies like you. First you lose your counting, and then you lose your spelling, and then your reading, and soon you can't even open a door. If you even could make it to the potty, would you even know how to use it by then? That's why we need to keep you where you belong, Amy: in diapers and cribs, pretty lil' shortalls and pigtails. That's who you are now."

"N-no it's not..." Fake Amy having my name was a problem. It felt like Blossom talking directly to me. It felt like I belonged in diapers and cribs and shortalls and pigtails. Or maybe I was very in character. Either way, I was faltering. I tried to count in my head, how many times had she spanked me? But I kept slipping up.

"I'll have to tell your Mommy and Daddy that all you need is a good spanking and that case of the grumpies goes right away, doesn't it?"

Blossom ended up going to twelve before she stopped. She left Amy over her lap, pants tugged down, not even bothering to hold her in place.

"Little brats like you are all the same; lots of bluster, a little tantrum, and then you go straight to showing what a crybaby you really are~"

I wasn't crying. But I was out of breath. I didn't fight as hard as I could have, but I didn't play it safe either. I was somewhere in between. But when I tried to get up again, I felt Blossom's hand on my back and I fell onto her lap. Another whimper left my lips. Why did that keep happening?!

"I'm not... a... cry—"

My word was broken by another slap on my panties. I yelped, just a little, and sunk back down into Blossom's lap. The tingling was constant. Like a numbness, like sitting on an uncomfortable chair for too long. And when Blossom spanked me, it hurt. Just for a second, just for that impact, but it actually hurt. I fell quiet.

"Tell me you're a crybaby, Amy. Admit it, because it's not nice to tell lies, is it?"

Blossom was, admittedly, extremely aroused. But who wouldn't be? She had a sexy girl across her lap getting spanked!

"I... I'm not—"

Another smack on the seat of my panties. I didn't cry. I didn't even tear up. But my face was so hot and I felt so small on Blossom's lap. I hadn't felt small on anyone's lap since I was five years old. The disparity between us... the helplessness... I wasn't sure I could argue literalism against her anymore. I tried one more time to get up, but it was half-hearted. I knew I'd fail. I just needed to prove it.

"You're a crybaby, Amy. You're a crybaby Candy and you belong in Town, and you belong in diapers. It's time you accepted that, and you'll show me that you do by telling me that you're a crybaby. Now hurry up, pipsqueak. Admit it."

Pipsqueak. Town. Candy. I felt dizzy with possibility. The fact that Blossom was spanking me was already so much to take in, but the fact that it was just the first step into the rest of my life at Academy T...

"Imma... crbby..."

"Hm? What was that?"

When I hesitated, Blossom's hand came down on my butt again and I whined loudly. I didn't even mean to.

"I'm a crybaby..." I said louder, so she could hear it. So I could hear it. I felt so embarrassed in the most wonderful way.

"That's right, you're a crybaby. And you're not going to give me any more trouble tonight, are you? We're going to march upstairs, and I'm going to lay you on the bed and put you in a diaper where you belong. And then if you're still good, we can watch some Bluey on the TV. But not too much, because Candies like you have early bedtimes. Understood?"

Gosh, Amy was so fucking hot.


I forgot where I was. My mouth moved faster than my brain. I wasn't thinking. So when her hand came down once again on my butt, I felt tears in my eyes. It wasn't pain; it was surprise.

Crybaby, I reminded myself internally. Fuuuucckkkk...

"Understood?" Blossom said again.

"Y-yes ma'am," I mumbled without thinking. I wasn't sure where ma'am came from: I hadn't called anyone ma'am in years.

I winced in fear when Blossom's hand touched my butt again, but it didn't hurt. Her skin brushed the seat of my panties softly and tenderly. I felt my body melt into her lap. Not so much like a blob of human, but more like a cat getting pet. I did a good thing.

"There's a good girl," Blossom whispered, "we're going to take a little gentle aftercare here, just a spell, and if you're still green in a couple of minutes we'll continue the scene. And if you'd rather just stay here and be done for the night, that's fine, too. Breathe in, enjoy the moment; you're doing so good."

So good, I repeated in my head. So good. I wasn't sure why, but the feeling of Blossom rubbing my butt felt like such a reward. It felt like giving a dog a biscuit after doing a trick. It felt like an A on an exam I studied hard for.

Gentle rubs. Gentle pats. Kind words. I wasn't sure how long it was with me over Blossom's lap - from the start of the spanking until the end, or from the end until she helped me to my feet - but it felt like an eternity. An eternity that didn't last long enough.

"Step," Blossom said, after getting Amy to her feet. Her voice was kind, but commanding.

I stepped out of my pants before realizing I was just standing there in my underwear and t-shirt. My cheeks were red and Blossom was so tall...

"Um..." I thought I had something to say, but it was slipping my mind.

"Green?" Blossom asked, in her out-of-character whisper.

I nodded. For sure.

Blossom smiled happily. She didn't want to offer a good girl to a green prompt because that made it seem like anything that wasn't green was bad; Blossom knew a bit about the kink scene. She waited a moment and slipped back into character.

"This is much better, isn't it? I like you much more this way, Amy. Quiet as a mouse, and polite as can be. Now come on, upstairs; you've got a date with a diaper, Candy girl."

My character would argue. No, maybe not. That spanking was so humiliating, and the feelings in my stomach, in my heart, on my butt... I wasn't sure anyone could have argued. Especially not a Candy.

But my brain was working slowly. It couldn't come to a conclusion before Blossom grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me up the stairs. I followed, but her long legs made me feel like I was always half-a-step behind. If I fell, she'd make me crawl, I told myself. And I blushed a shade deeper.

Blossom was, admittedly, moving more quickly than normal to ensure that Amy felt smaller. When she got to the top of the stairs, she led the girl into the bedroom and pointed to the bed.

"Go lay down, Amy. If you're not used to this now, you will be soon, and it'll become your new normal. That's what it means to be a Candy."

Blossom went to the steamer trunk and knelt down to open it, fetching one of the new Bunny diapers they'd loaded into it earlier.

I stood awkwardly in just my panties and t-shirt, watching Blossom bend her knees. At her hoodie, which rose up to show the tight booty shorts. At her firm ass. I imagined what it would look like over my lap, bright and red. But it also felt like anathema, like a figment of a dream. Like even the thought of her in a space of submission to me was impossible to grasp. And when she stood back up, when she was taller than me again, I remembered why. I was so warm.

"Amy," Blossom said sternly. "I said lay down."

"R-right..." I sat down on the edge of the bed without thinking, without remembering why I was doing that. She was going to diaper me. But my character... she was a big girl, right? Big girl... I was even thinking in the terms of a child.

"Good girl, now wasn't that easy? Lay back, I'll get you diapered in no time at all. And if you're good for the rest of the night, I won't even tell your Mommy and Daddy what a brat you were earlier, okay? See, I can be nice, you just have to be a good girl."

Blossom waited for Amy to lay back, and then without ceremony or hesitation, she stripped the girl of her cute panties and dropped them on the floor. And before she could make more of a fuss, Blossom began to unfold the diaper.

The crinkly and oh-so cute diaper.

I was so lost in the moment. The spanking. The tingling on my butt. The crinkling of the diaper. The smell of baby powder. I lifted my butt when I was told, though I wasn't sure if I was supposed to. How much bratting did brats do? When did it turn off? I felt so turned off. Or, my mind did. My body certainly did not.

And before I knew it, Blossom was re-taping the diaper on my hips. She messed one of them up, but the tapes were the velcro kind, unlike the Megamaxes. She fixed it and rubbed the front, and patted it twice.

And that was it. No panic attack. Honestly, not even a moment of fear. I hardly noticed it. Blossom helped me to my feet and took me by the hand to the mirror. I stared at myself in the pink bunny diaper and t-shirt, and my cheeks were as red as I expected. What surprised me was the look in my eyes: a faraway glossy shine. And I looked so fucking cute.

Okay, so the diaper was a little high, but nothing like the Megamaxes. And it taped on so nicely. I wished the landing zone - a bunny with stars and a moon - was a little bigger or a little higher up, but all in all... I repeat: I looked so fucking cute.

"Let's go watch some Bluey, baby girl~"

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