Saturday, December 31st
I laid there for as long as I could. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. It didn't work. Then I started feeling a little claustrophobic. I wiggled a little, pulling my arm out from under Blossom’s head. She stirred in the darkness and I felt the covers tug. She rolled over. I waited to see if she said anything, but she was still asleep. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked the time.
Oh, it was morning. A dark, winter morning. So I gently slid out of bed and went downstairs. Maybe I could get some Academy Works done.
I sat alone on the couch in the dreary dark-blue living room, with nothing but the light of my laptop screen to illuminate the space around me. I turned the brightness all the way down and read through the previous chapter. It was a bit of a cliffhanger, but it wasn't a very steep cliff. Wendy was sitting in a baby bouncer, full with an enema, and about to fill her diapers. I could have just skipped to the next scene - that was what I felt like doing - but I knew that it was moments like this that drew in the readership.
I typed a few sentences, then backspaced. I wasn't in the right mood for this. I wasn't even sure what an enema felt like, let alone a messy diaper. I could have gone back upstairs and changed into something, but I was afraid of waking up Blossom. Instead, I leaned into my original source of inspiration: stories.
I went to DailyDiapers and used the search feature: enema.
Diaper Dimension stuff? Nah, that wasn't my vibe. 600 replies? I'd never get to the part I wanted. A few names I didn't recognize...
Oh, a story by Peculiar Changeling. Two replies. Quick scroll... yeah, not too long.
The Gothic Castle loomed... interesting.
"Anyways" isn't a word! Whatever, I'll let it slide.
Non-standard sentence structure. Personally, I kind of liked that. It felt more real-life.
'Along' at the end of two clauses in the same sentence.
I stopped and took a deep breath.
This isn't Academy Works, I reminded myself. You aren't editing. You can just read something and enjoy it without picking it apart.
I started over. A Gothic Castle loomed...
Faux-candles. Good word choice.
Cock rings instead of coins. Ha!
Oof, someone interrupting a performance? What gall.
Kiddie magic. Baby-level magic. Powerful criticisms in an ABDL story. He was playing with fire.
Oh man, a classic language trap... what a sucker. But gosh was that a weakness of mine.
Do you know where the diaper went, he asked. I sunk a little further into Blossom's couch. I felt that familiar heat in my chest, like the friction of butterflies flapping their wings.
The write-off about the character knowing what an enema felt like was smart. As a reader, that told me all I needed to know.
Please. Quite literally, the guy was pleading. I squirmed in place on the sofa. I noticed that I was holding my breath, so I let it out through closed lips.
The protagonist realized magic was real, but the audience didn't. It was an extra bit of information that made the whole thing more humiliating. I wouldn't have thought to add that.
The short scene wrapped up a lot faster than I thought, but it didn't need to drag on any longer. My heart was beating a little faster and my mind was whirling with imagination. The story didn't explain what it felt like to let out an enema into a diaper, opting instead for a more visual description. It was unfortunate. Not as a story, but as reference material.
Either way, I could probably wing it. I'd written enema stuff in Academy I. I could do it again. I closed DailyDiapers and returned to my word processor.
Blossom Brixley looked every bit the sleepy toddler as she emerged from the bedroom; all she needed was a teddy grasped in one hand by its paw, hanging at her side, for the look to be complete. Her blonde hair was a mess, and her dress would definitely need to be hung up, or ironed, or both. And her diaper was wet, because of course it was; it was the first thing she did when she woke up in the bed. She rubbed her eye with one hand and yawned, leaning over the back of the sofa to rest her cheek on Amy's hair, like a cat looking for somewhere to lay down.
"Writing," I said passively. The room around me had gotten brighter. The clock in the corner of my laptop said 7:52. I had been up for a while, and I only had a page and a half written. Fortunately, it looked like the chapter wouldn't be very long. Already, Wendy was broken by what she had done.
"Say no more~"
Blossom rose up and stretched backwards, her arms above her head, and yawned, before going to the kitchen. Once she got there, she decided to go and get changed first.
When I was happy, the clock said 9:40. I didn't think editing would take as long as it did, but I wanted this chapter to be perfect. It was the culmination of the past two chapters, and I wanted to reward the reader. It had both smutty moments and an important story moment, so I felt like I covered all my bases.
I looked up from my computer and found Blossom at the kitchen island, sitting on a barstool. She was wearing a new outfit - something much more grown up - and looked focused on her iPad. Maybe for the first time in our relationship, I watched her instead of her watching me.
It took Blossom a little bit - a minute or two maybe - before she realized that Amy was looking over at her. When she noticed, she lit up with a big smile.
"All done, baby girl?"
"I am." I sat up a little, so I wasn't so slouched over. I was about to put my laptop on the coffee table, but Blossom was already sitting down at my side. I looked up at her with a slight blush and passed her my laptop.
(If you are following Academy Works, please read Ch.14 [linked above] and return here to continue the story. If Ch.15 has been released, it is recommended that you DO NOT read it at this time.)