SPOILERS: This chapter and further chapters contain spoilers for Academy M - Mistake 5.
Over five thousand words. Five thousand words, two baby bottles of apple juice, and one "accident" in my diaper. It was getting easier and easier to wet myself in front of Blossom. Soon, it might become automatic. I'd climb in her car on the way to the beach house and I'd wet myself when I saw her. She would have to diaper me in the back in my driveway, and then I'd have to sit in the back seat since the front was all wet. She'd tell me on the drive to the beach house how I wouldn't be allowed to be out of diapers anymore.
No, wait. Academy M! I finished the fifth chapter, the fifth capital M Mistake. And boy was it a doozy of a mistake too. I looked around for Blossom, but I didn't see her.
"Blossom?" I called, because I didn't want to get up off the couch. Her head poked out of the downstairs bedroom.
Blossom sometimes wondered if it felt like time travel for Amy when she was writing, because often Blossom would be dressed in entirely different outfits, or she would be in a totally different place since the last time Amy looked up. It actually felt a little bit like a game; Nana Porter had done something similar in Academy I, and that stuck in Blossom's mind.
"I'm so glad you got past that block!" Blossom praised. "Can I read?"
Blossom sat down on the couch beside me and I passed her the laptop. At the top it said "Mistake Five" in bold.
"Start here," I said. "Tell me if this is good medfet stuff. I did my best..."
"I just wanna say," Blossom started, only having read the first paragraph, "I totally forgive you if you ever use a marker on me. Sure, I mean, it's horrific, but it's also hot and therefore my brain is okay with it."
"I'll keep that in mind," I smiled.
And Blossom went back to reading.
"Oh hey! Hot Nurse!"
For one part of the scene, Maria dressed up in one of those quintessential hot nurse Halloween costumes. It made sense in the story, and it was a good way for me to show the readers how committed Maria was to her job. You know, her job of brainwashing people.
"I figured you'd like that part," I smiled.
"We should dress up as Maria and Judith for Halloween or something," Blossom said suddenly.
"So, you'd dress up as a hot nurse and I'd dress up as an ordinary adult woman?"
"No, you'd be in a diaper and baby clothes!" Blossom urged.
"Judith doesn't wear any of that," I countered.
"She will, by the time next Halloween comes around."
Well... she wasn't wrong. Blossom grinned and went back to reading.
"I'm your caseworker, your lifeline; more than just your nurse," Blossom quoted. "That sounds familiar!"
"Probably saw it on an episode of Bluey or something," I teased.
"I love little time skips like this. Over the next few days.. and stuff like that? It lets me see like… the impact of changes. And that really works for me."
"I'm really sensitive with time skips," I admitted. "I don't want to take away the fun of writing about something happening. And I don't want to jump ahead two weeks and have a totally different character. But I try to remember that people don't change that fast. Even when they are being forcibly regressed, it takes time to change people on a fundamental level, you know? All that 'it happened once, and now I'm a baby forever' stuff is nonsense."
"Absolutely," Blossom agreed, though nonsense could still be sexy. "But I love when a new routine is established, and then we get to see how it plays out. And I love to imagine myself in those situations, and how that passage of time goes by, and what it would do to me. And you know I love to self-insert when I'm reading, so… yeah, I mean. I think you nail it. I'm gonna keep reading."
"Okay, good..."
So far, Academy Works had only one notable time skip, in Academy K. I worried that Kione's changes as a character were too drastic, but she relapses. Because those changes weren't real. Change takes time. I hoped my readers understood that, instead of thinking I was just being flip-floppy on character decisions.
Blossom was quiet for a little bit as she read, and it wasn't until she got to the part about Maria giving Judith symptoms of being sick that she spoke up.
"Hey! That's a good strategy! I love that! The making-her-feel-fevery bit!"
"Yeah, well. I figured for our roleplay I had to pretend to be sick. But Maria could just make Judith feel sick for real. Right? And then Judith wouldn't be able to argue with any of Maria's professional" – I put that word in air quotes – "ideas."
"You're brilliant. Although… I did notice Maria didn't take Judith's temperature appropriately. Probably more believable with oral ones though, right?"
"Yeah," I blushed, knowing that Blossom would get what she wanted later in the chapter. "It's a little premature for their relationship."
I still couldn't believe I'd let Blossom put anything in my butt! No one in their right mind would let a stranger do that. But Maria didn't have Blossom's sense of morality; what Judith wanted wasn't important to her.
Blossom stopped reading to comment on another quote:
"Her face was hot, and her brain was slow is one of the hottest lines you've ever written."
"And I didn't even use the word diaper," I joked. But I knew that Blossom's biggest fascination wasn't with diapers exclusively. Academy M was definitely a broadening of my kink experience.
A few more minutes of silence passed, before Blossom's eyes went wide.
"Ahaha! Your underwear seems a little wet, but maybe that's just the fever?! The gaslighting here is incredible! I love this, cupcake!"
"Yeah..." I sunk down a little bit into the couch. We were getting into some more intimate sex stuff, and I'd never written anything like that in Academy Works before. I'd never written anything like that at all before! I knew this story was going to be more sexual than the others, but I didn't know how ill-prepared I was until today. Even the idea of writing about Judith's underwear being a little wet was hard to pull off without sounding crass.
"I love love love the patient/nurse relationship you're building up here, and I think it's a fantastic adjacent kink to ageplay. That means Judith will still resist and be embarrassed about the diapers, but there's also a kink that can be used to control her."
It didn't take long before she started to giggle.
"Oh! You are doing butt thermometer stuff!"
"I still think it's premature," I said flatly, doubling down on what I said before. "But... well, Maria is the kind of woman that pushes limits, right? So it's not totally unrealistic?"
"Mm... no, with the scapegoat of professionalism, I think it's a reasonable move."
I let out a sigh of relief. Truth be told, I never would have included something like that in this story if it wasn't for Blossom. What she did earlier... how it made me feel... I didn't know nurse stuff could be such a turn on.
"I like to think that you added this part because of me," Blossom smiled playfully, not realizing how right she was, and her eyes went back to the screen. In the next paragraph, Maria pulled out the thermometer from Judith's behind and rolled her over, only to find a small wet spot on the sheets.
"Oh. My. Gosh. You trapped her! Either Judith has to admit she wet the sheets, or that she's incredibly turned on. What a great concept!"
"I'm glad you think so." People like Blossom were my target audience for chapters like this. Body fluids in general were a bit squicky to me, and I didn't like talking about them. Ironic, since I liked to wet myself and sit in it all day. Ugh, even that thought made me shiver. How could I be into diapers and not watersports? Shouldn't there be more overlap?
"I love logic traps. And let me say, I love when diapers are alluded to by little nicknames or quirky descriptions. Protective underwear? Mm, love it."
"Honestly, I don't like stuff like that," I shrugged. "I know it's a way of downplaying diapers and stuff, like 'oh they aren't really for babies', or whatever. But I don't want them to be downplayed. It's a diaper, and if I wear one, that says something. You know?"
"Sure, but it says something anyway. It's just a trick to get you to wear it," Blossom countered.
"I guess that's true..." I pouted. "But I still don't like it." Maybe I just didn't like thinking about diapers as a medical need or an old person thing. I liked them being big puffy stamps that said "Baby". When I thought about it that way, it made sense why Blossom didn't mind the downplaying; our interests in ageplay weren't the same.
"That's okay, we don't have to agree on everything. Oh gosh, 'an adult always remembers their first diapering'? That's true as heck though. And how hard was it for you to write the line 'diapers weren't my thing'?"
"Unbelievably hard," I laughed. Writing Maria - a character who was coercing a grown woman into diapers, who didn't even have a diaper fetish! - was really a new challenge for me as a writer.
Blossom was almost at the end of the chapter, and she was a little flushed reading the scene. Maria was making Judith ask her to change her wet diaper. Blossom was wordless right until the end of the chapter, when her eyes went wide.
"She kissed her?!"
After a very long chapter - a chapter that not only got Judith into diapers, but also had her wet one for the first time - it ended with her leaning up and kissing Maria on the lips. Because, you know, Maria manipulated every possible variable to turn on Judith. Because she wanted Judith to make the mistake, so that Maria could capitalize on it. But that was where the chapter ended.
"That's the best chapter you've ever written. Of anything. I mean it. One thousand percent!"
Blossom was just. Aghast. Flabbergasted. And really aroused.
"Yeah, well... I figured you'd like it of all people." It took a few chapters to get going, but Academy M was about to speed up. And with all the stuff I had planned, I hoped Blossom was right. I hoped it would outshine all my other stories. Fingers crossed.
"Speaking of sick girls wetting their diapers," Blossom said, closing Amy's laptop and putting her hand between her girlfriend's legs to check her diaper.
"Blossom!" I shoved her hand away, but she had all the information she needed. My onesie still wasn't snapped up; chances were, she knew I was wet before she even checked.
"Let's get you changed," Blossom said cheerily. "And then we can get this onesie snapped up properly, since you're clearly too little to do it yourself."