Meta Moore

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Posted on October 8th, 2022 05:42 PM

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Saturday, October 8th


On Friday, I didn't have classes. Those were usually my writing days, when my mom was at work, but I had been feeling off ever since the munch. Ever since bumping into Blossom. I knew people wanted to know what was going on with Aya, but I wasn't even sure myself. I had ideas, but all of them seemed to pale in comparison to the story about a girl who blackmailed her bully. When did I get so cliche?

I spent my day doing homework instead. I ate some brownies and my mom made chicken for dinner. It wasn't until late that night that I decided to check DailyDiapers. Would there be any new comments? Maybe someone asking when the next chapter would be released? But ever since Academy B - the second of five - no one seemed all that interested. I had some good fan mail for Academy T, but K really killed the audience. Serves me right, waiting halfway through the story to put the protagonist in a diaper. If I was the reader, I wouldn't have made it past the first chapter.

Unexpectedly, I had two new notifications. A comment on Academy I and a message in my inbox. I decided to check the message first, since it was probably just some guy asking if I wore diapers. Like, I'm on a diaper website. Take a guess.

I didn't recognize the screen name. Sent Thursday morning at 1am.

>>I forgot to give you my number. Text?

Ten digits... and a local area code.

I should have downloaded an app or something with a fake number. I should have messaged back and given my Discord username. But I wasn't thinking; I was fervent. It had been almost two days since that message was delivered.

>>Hey, it's Mia!

>>Sorry, I didn't see the message until just now.

I blinked at the clock in the corner of my phone screen. 12:25am. She would be asleep. Or at one of those fun late-Friday college parties. I should have waited until morning, but the reply came back within a minute.

>>Hi Mia!!!!

>>It is peachy! I was not sure how long it would take you to check the message neways!

I looked at her messages for a few minutes, trying to think of what to say. She was so quick to text me back, but she didn't say anything to me at school. Maybe she was busy? She didn't look busy...

>>So what's up?

Great texting skills, I scolded myself. I fell back on my bed with a groan.

>>I am doing this essay and it is about the importance of the spice trade

>>I promise I would rather be reading than writing

>>Reading your stories if that was not clear! 🤤

>>Yeah I usually write on Fridays when my mom's at work. But I wasn't feeling it today.

>>So everyone will have to endure another week without Academy Works.

>>Not that they seem to mind. 😔

>>I mind!!!!

>>I am sorry you are not feeling it tho

>>Do you want me to come hang out with you?


>>No that's probably not a good idea.

>>My mom's asleep.

>>Also like?? There's nothing to do in this house.

>>Why do you think I write stories?? 😅

>>Well do you want to go out somewhere

>>I would love love love any excuse to not be writing this essay

>>It's kinda late?? I also don't have a car.

>>Which reminds me

>>Why did you take a train to that dinner??

>>I did not 😅

>>But I saw you were taking the train

>>So like a weird creepy stalker girl

>>I followed you to the station

>>I had to go back and get my car the next day 😤


Yeah, that was kind of weird. But maybe if I ran into Carl Jung at a meeting for diaper lovers I would have followed him onto a train too. It was weird to think that I was Blossom's Carl Jung.

>>You coulda just talked to me the next day??

>>Actually no I would of freaked out

>>You did the most normal thing

>>Babes I know I did

>>I leave my car all sorts of places tho

>>I once left it in Chicago by accident because I thought I took the greyhound there.

>>So it is fine!

>>I can't imagine misplacing a car

>>But I am glad you got on the train

I paused and bit my lip, looking at that last message. I was glad she followed me. I was glad I had someone to share this with. But then yesterday at school...

>>So I tried to get your attention Thursday in class??

>>I didn't wanna bug you tho

>>I was worried that might happen

>>It is hard to explain and sometimes people get hurt when I try but hear me out

There was a fairly long pause.

>>I do not really mix parts of my life because it is easier to just know who is who and who knows what about me if that makes sense? When I was in middle school there was an incident where I told secrets to a friend and that secret got around to everybody so now I keep my pockets of friends separate like potato and gravy.


>>Yeah I guess that makes sense

I didn't know why, but her explanation didn't really make me feel any better. I knew what she was saying was reasonable, but my heart didn't really care.

>>I don't tell my best friend about the Mia stuff either

>>So I get where you're coming from

>>You would not like my friends anyway they are pretty shallow people

>>Really nice and loyal and sweet!!

>>But shallow

>>Your characters have more depth.

>>And I love my friends but they have the emotional maturity of Talita.

>>Did you fall asleep?

>>No, sorry.

>>I was just thinking, like...

Did she still want to hang out? Probably not. I closed my eyes tight, until I saw stars when I opened them, and went back to my phone.

>>We can just text about Academy Works if you want??

>>I don't wanna make things hard on you

>>You are not making things hard for me you silly gosling

>>And do not think I do not notice what "we can just" means in this context!!

>>I am your friend. I want to hang out with you!!!

Friend? She didn't really act like my friend. We had known each other for six years, and she had never once acted like my friend. And now, because I wrote some stories on the internet, she wanted to know me? But not enough to make room for me.

No, she just wanted more stuff about Academy Works. I was a middleman. But... well, I would rather be that than be nothing.

>>How are we supposed to hang out??

>>I mean I can't talk about AW at home when my mom's here, which is like. Always??

>>And you live in a sorority house right??

Ah, the age old problem of discussing diaper smut without a place to discuss diaper smut. Texting was just easier.

>>I have a beach house.

>>My dad's brother does I mean

>>But he only uses it for one week in July

>>And it sits there all year without being used

>>It is about a two hour drive away

>>I could pick you up!

Of course her family had a summer home. On the beach no less. The ocean was at least an hour away, maybe two. From there, a myriad of beaches and beach-front properties. They were popular for summer vacations, and too damn cold the rest of the year.

>>I dunno...

>>That's kind of far??

Blossom's speedy reply was really a testament to her thoughtlessness.

>>Stay the weekend then!!

A weekend at a beach house. Mom wouldn't believe me if I told her. But I was an adult, despite my proclivities, and she never stood in my way when I wanted to do something.

>>You sure it's not an imposition??

>>It is not at all!

>>We will have to bring our own food and I do not know how to cook so it will be junk food mostly

>>But it is really lovely!

>>And it is not too cold yet so we might be able to tan even!

>>I can bake??

>>I'll bring some dough with me??

Finally, something I could bring to the table. Literally.

>>Wait, when are we doing this?? Next weekend???

>>If you want to!

>>But if I see a beach house in a future Academy Story it better be my one so I can be like "Oh look that is my beach house!"


>>I've never been to a beach house, so I promise to use yours as the template 🤣

>>Though I really have no intention of making an Academy Beach House

>>We already had Academy B

>>It could be Academy V!

>>The Illusive Academy Vacation House

>>That is right I pay attention! 🤔

That actually made me laugh. The mention of Academy V was a throwaway line from my first Academy story, and it was actually a little flattering that she remembered. Back then, I was still using Roman numerals instead of letters.

>>Friday after school??

>>Wait do you have classes??

>>Fridays are my day off

>>Yeah 😭

>>I am done at five

>>That's okay, maybe I'll get some writing done

>>My mom works until 6 so those are my writing days

>>That sounds great!

>>Thank you for understanding

>>About my circles

>>Of people

>>Some people get very bent out of shape and I do not know how to tell them like

>>This is how I do not be anxious please be chill

>>Mia, some people are just not chill OTL

>>That's me

>>So chill

I sighed and put down my phone. I was not chill. I didn't like this at all, honestly. But it was her life. If she was making room for me, I should take what I could get. What I could get was a beach house. That was kind of cool, right?

>>I should finish this essay

>>I had friends in high school who had simps to do their essays

>>But because I was Miss Ugly Duckling through middle school I learned how to do my own school work

>>It is such a curse

>>I hope you get good sleep tonight, Mia Moore!


>>Good luck

I put my phone on my nightstand and looked up at the ceiling. For better or for worse, I had a weekend away with Blossom Brixley at a summer home on the beach. Despite the sickness and anxiety swirling around in my chest, I was actually kind of excited. But all that excitement was crushed when I went back to my computer and checked that comment.

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