Friday, November 11th
"I've been thinking about that one sentence all week!" Blossom whined, slumping down in the driver's seat of her car so that she and Amy were nearly the same height. They were stopped at a light in the town before the beach house.
"Really? The 'sigh from her mouth and her diaper' thing?" I shook my head in disbelief. "I thought it was kind of cringey when I wrote it..."
"It was one of the sexiest phrases I could have imagined for that. It was so quintessentially baby, but also sexy too. Like a corset and a diaper together? Sexy and Baby, two great flavors together at last. So nuhuh, not cringey in the least!"
I rolled my eyes. Her flattery so often toed the line of ridiculousness. But a corset and a diaper... hm... I'd have to look into that.
"So you've still never...?"
"You've been over any time I've worn one," Blossom countered.
"Why does that matter?" I asked rhetorically. "I wouldn't know. Just do it when you wake up and change after."
"Because you've wet yourself at the beach house already?"
I paused. She had a good point. Even if Blossom didn't know, it still felt weird. I'd never wet a diaper outside of my own bedroom before. At least, not since I was buying my own diapers.
"I don't have any inherent aversion to it on paper, or when we talk about it, but once I'm in a diaper and it's like... real, there's a part of me that's like 'okay what if it leaks everywhere?' Also a whole lot of other irrational stuff that I know isn't true. Thoughts are like government departments; big, bloated, and bad at communicating with others of its own ilk."
There was an interesting phenomenon at work here where as they spent time together: Amy got more comfortable, and Blossom got more vulnerable.
"I guess I get what you mean..." I was wrapped up in the weirdness of it, of deliberately peeing myself in Blossom's beach house. Of doing something that some in our community might consider a sex thing. I mean, I didn't want to masturbate in her house either. But Blossom's reservations were a lot more practical. She had the same fears I used to have. Finally, I had the experiential upper-hand.
"It won't leak," I reassured her. "If you're worried, do it standing up. I've never leaked standing up." I'd only ever leaked once, and it was my own fault. I didn't know what I was doing.
"Like walking up to the front of the room in Academy A?" Blossom asked, almost glowing with excitement.
"Sure," I laughed. "Why not."
"See, that sounds so much sexier. Being commanded to wet myself? What a great idea..."
"I thought so," I smiled. "Diaper stories are all about accidents and losing control and all that, but there's a lot of missed opportunities there for obedience. What if, instead of losing control of your potty habits, someone else had control of them instead? And thus spoke Academy A."
Blossom had never understood the root of her interests in this kink, but the same could be said for a lot of her sexual proclivities. Why was latex so objectively sexy? Why did she like pegging people? Why did tanned and oiled skin turn her on? It was just something she came to accept about herself. But when it came to diapers - when it came to wetting them, or messing them, or dressing up in baby clothes - "just because" wasn't quite enough. She was both exploring herself in the context of Amy, but also trying to encourage Amy as well. If she couldn't understand herself fully, how could she help her lil' diapered playmate do the same?
It wasn't like Blossom to be so lost in thought.
"I think that's one of the sexiest parts in Academy A so far. There's some stuff like that in the Calibeen Trilogy and that also riled me up, but you're a much better writer."
Blossom let herself go quiet for a moment, and then nodded her head.
"We should do it. A scene like that."
"Like what?"
"Ya know. Like in Academy A."
I wasn't following. Blossom was just pulling into the driveway of the beach house. When she turned off the car and the overhead lights turned on, I saw a hint of color on her cheeks.
"I've peed my pants before," Blossom said flippantly. "It's fine. But it's a lot more fun when you're forced to do it. Right?"
Oh. It finally clicked. She wanted to do a scene like that. My first instinct was to say no, because I didn't really want to watch some girl piss herself in front of me. But then again, when I reframed that sentence as 'watch a cute girl wet her diaper in front of me', it wasn't such a black and white issue. I bit my lip.
"I dunno..." I mumbled. The heat in the car had only turned off a few seconds ago, but already it felt like it had dropped five degrees. "You're asking me to be the teacher, right? That might not be in my wheelhouse..."
"It might not be, or it might be; either way, it'll help you to know what it feels like for writing stuff like that, right?"
Blossom did worry that she might be putting too much pressure on Amy, but she also had to balance that with the fact that Amy often didn't know what she wanted or how to ask for it or suggest it.
It was a fine line.
"I guess that's true..." I'd never thought about the headspace of the teachers themselves. The protagonists in Academy Works were always the ones being converted into babies, not the ones doing the converting. From a purely artistic angle, it would help my writing a lot.
"And I should tell you that I'm not trying to pressure you, alright cupcake? I'm just trying to give you permission to do something you wouldn't ordinarily do, that I think you probably want to. Does that make sense?"
"Yeah, I don't feel pressured. Just nervous." I sunk down in my seat and wrapped my arms around myself. It really was getting cold.
"We should get inside," Blossom urged.
I nodded. We both got out of the car, grabbed our respective backpacks, and made our way into the beach house. It was cold inside too, but Blossom turned on the heat about as quickly as she turned on the lights.
We had fast food on the way, so we didn't need to eat dinner. I unpacked a few things I brought from home and put them in the fridge. By the time the house had warmed up and I felt too uncomfortable to keep my coat on, I had made up my mind.
"Okay," I said, continuing a conversation that ended half an hour before. We had talked about other things since then, but they were tertiary. It was background noise in my brain. "Okay, I think I can try it. But I wanna do it right."
"Oh good! I'm so proud of you!"
Yes, Blossom was nervous as heck about this, but she was more excited about the fact that Amy was pushing her own horizons, and that she could help with that.
"Wait, what does 'do it right' mean in this context?"
"Well... I don't know yet..." I paused and looked down at my feet. How was I supposed to recreate that scene in Academy A? "You need a skirt, at least. And your black diapers won't do. We could use my pink ones but... honestly they're gigantic, so."
So what? We needed another trip to the store? We could hit a local place and get more Attends, but it wasn't really the effect I wanted. Plus, if she did leak, it would really ruin the experience.
"Let's go to the store then! I'd like some more variety anyway, and we already have the steamer trunk for them, so we could start building a bigger collection. And maybe we could go pick out cute outfits for the scene?"
"I suppose." I wish I had known in advance: I had some black slacks that could really sell a "teacher" aesthetic. Maybe I could pick up a blouse or something at the store. Then again, this was more about her outfit than mine.
"Tomorrow then?" Blossom asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "Tomorrow."
"Then tonight? We cuddle!" Blossom declared, with a big silly smile on her face. Amy was presently the girl she wanted to sleep with most, and that term meant a different thing in this case.