Meta Moore

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Posted on July 25th, 2023 01:15 AM

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Dinner was really good. Blossom had two glasses of wine. I reminded her that I still wasn't twenty-one. To be honest, I was kind of dreading that day. Alcohol was the last thing society deemed inappropriate to a girl my age. Once that bastion was gone, I was an adult through and through. Or, at least outside the privacy of a hotel room.

"So I have a surprise," I said, a little nervously when we got back to the hotel. I knew Blossom was going to be excited about it, but there was the nagging thought in the back of my mind that I'd done the wrong thing. Maybe I wasn't supposed to be bringing stuff from her beach house without asking. But all the same, I pulled the two diapers out of my backpack and held them up with a cautious smile.

Blossom - who had that very slight glow of a girl who'd had two glasses of wine - broke into a beaming smile and clasped her hands together.

"Clever girl!"

"I figured it was better safe than sorry...?" I said, defending myself. But I didn't need to defend myself. This was a good choice. So I tilted the statement toward something more playful. "I mean, you know. With how many accidents you've been having."

"With how many accidents I've been having?" Blossom raised her eyebrow and thought about which tone she wanted to use; did she want to flip this back on Amy? Or be blushy herself? Hmm.

My writer brain worked a lot faster than my common sense brain. I mentioned her accidents. She countered. But there were two diapers. I wouldn't bring two diapers for a one-night trip just for her.

"Listen..." I paused to give myself space. Just a moment to think about it. Two friends, each having accidents. Adults, clearly, since we were in a hotel, and I brought the diapers. That ruled out the usual Academy Works plots. Then why would we be having accidents?

Oh come on, Amanda. You're better than one story series. Get creative.

"I know it's weird," I started. "But it can't be worse than explaining to the hotel staff why the bed is wet. And tomorrow we are going to track down the lady that did this and make her fix it."

The lady that did this...

Blossom wasn't quite as literary as Amy was, but she was pretty street smart and able to roll with those punches. She paused thoughtfully and nodded in agreement. Just like in Audrey and Staycee, right? When they ran away and tried to survive on their own? But maybe more magical?

"I don't know, this is a big city..."

"We'll find her. Because if we don't..." I hesitated, letting my sentence trail off. What happened if we didn't? Maybe something escalated? Altered reality? Either way, it seemed that I somehow took the role of the optimistic one. I guess we really were roleplaying!

"But we will," I said with mock confidence. "But for now, we just have to make it until morning."

"...I don't know, maybe it was just that one night? Maybe it won't happen again this time?"

Blossom did her best to channel her inner Slasher-Movie-Cheerleader-Archetype.

"It will," I said quietly, looking away from Blossom. My mind was already pattern-matching. Blossom was a lot less of an ageplayer than me, so having me "further along" in this regression was a good move. And since she was new to the bedwetting, it would be more embarrassing for her.

"Once it starts," I went on, "it doesn't stop. It just gets worse."

"Worse?" Blossom asked, her eyes wide.

I hesitated, but in character. "It's not important. But we really should err on the side of caution tonight."

"Fine... fine, okay, but we have to find her tomorrow, because I can't go back to school like this, I just can't. You don't know what it would do to me."

Dramatic pause. Lip bite. Look away.

"I know..." I let the awkward silence fill the hotel room. Coming up with stories on the spot was kind of hard, but it was easier when I was the one making the narrative. Following Blossom was trickier.

"Do you know how to put this on?" I asked, tossing her one of the pink bunny diapers. Hers had balloons and a sun on the front. Mine had stars and a moon. I never appreciated the differences before, but it was cute that we had matching-but-not-the-same diapers.

That question was a tricky one; Blossom's answer could manipulate the scene and manipulate Amy. Blossom was always careful when it came to the latter. After holding the diaper for a moment, crinkling it in her fingers with caution as though it were either radioactive or extremely precious, she shook her head no.

"Why would I know how to put on a diaper?"

The idea of diapering Blossom caused me a lot of anxiety, but it always seemed less daunting when I was pretending to be someone else. So I crossed my arms and steeled myself.

"Well, you don't want it to leak, so... I guess if you need help I can do it for you?"

After a pause to project her anxiety, Blossom looked down at the diaper in her hands. Trying to be as cute as possible about this whole thing, she thrust it out toward Amy and looked away.


"Okay. Um. I haven't done this on someone else since I was babysitting, so..." The implication of that sentence was that I had diapered myself since then. I let that thought linger in Blossom's mind. "Take off your pants and lay on the bed."

Without a word, but with plenty of pause, Blossom turned around - as though she was going to win any privacy by doing so - and unbuttoned her pants, letting them drop to her ankles on the floor.

I figured it would make things easier if I didn't have to take off Blossom's pants myself, but it really wasn't. She stepped out of her pants, wearing just flashy red underwear with lace along the front, and my eyes instinctively fell to the floor. My face felt hot.

"Okay, lay down..."

She nodded and crawled up onto the bed, one knee at a time, and then spun herself around and laid down on her back. Her knees bent and spread her perfect thighs just slightly. It felt a lot more sexual than it probably was.

"Okay, um… butt up for me."

Blossom complied. She was probably acting a little more cooperative than someone who was actually wearing a diaper for the first time, but I wasn't going to complain. It was hard enough to undress a fully grown adult woman, especially one you were dating, especially one you hadn't had sex with. It felt like that awkward moment in a teen movie, the kind that adults don't really have anymore when they get older.

I managed to pull Blossom's panties down without thinking too much about it. I unfolded the diaper and put it on the bed, at the crest of her butt. My hand, so close to her bare butt. And I thought about her spanking me over my panties the other day. Jeeze.

"Lift up again."

"What are we going to do from here? What if we can't find her? You said..."

Pause for effect.

"You said that things could get worse or… or that they did get worse...? I don't understand."

"Um..." Blossom lifted her bottom and I shuffled the diaper under it. My cheeks were a little hot, but her engagement was forcing my anxiety thoughts to switch to storytelling thoughts.

"Well, I, um. I know the longer we're like this, the longer it lasts... the more we change. First it's just the bedwetting. Then, a few daytime accidents. And, um... you start thinking differently."

"Differently?" Blossom asked as Amy opened up the powder and sprinkled it between her legs.

"Yeah, um. It's not important. You won't progress that far, I'm sure. We'll find that woman and fix all this."

"...but you're not thinking differently?" Penny in the air. "Do you know if she's done this to other people?"

"No, um... just you and me..."

The lingering pause was so awkward, but it was fake. It was her character and my character. And ironically, that awkwardness was enough for me to push through. I pulled up the front of her diaper and took her hand in mine.

"Hold this here, please... I have to tape you up."

Blossom complied, but it wasn't enough to distract her line of inquiry. While one hand was holding the diaper in place, she continued to ask questions.

"So... so when did this happen to you? And what happened? What… how has it changed you?"

"A few days before you," I mumbled, pulling up the wings and taping the little velcro stickies to the landing zone of her diaper. Bottom tapes first, then the top. Opposite of when I did it to myself. Maybe it was a perspective thing.


"Anyway, it doesn't matter," I interrupted her train of thought. "Nothing more is going to happen to you, I promise. We'll fix it." I patted the front of her diaper and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Did you think you'd fix it when it first happened to you? Because it's been days since then and you didn't." Blossom's tone wasn't accusatory, it was curious. "I need to know what to expect..." She squeezed her thighs together around the diaper.

"I didn't know what was happening until she was gone," I sulked. "You're a few days behind me, so don't worry. You won't start–"

I froze, intentionally, almost spilling a deep secret. I had to change the topic. That's how my character would act.

"Would you mind helping me change? I can do most of it myself, but the tapes... they're tricky..."

"Yes, but! I won't start what?"

Blossom got to her feet and ran her fingers into the leg gathers of her own diaper to adjust it just a little bit. She was actually rather proud of the fact that she was now experienced enough with wearing diapers to know how to do that at all.

"Lay on the bed."

"It's not important," I argued. But I laid down on the bed all the same. I unbuttoned my jeans, but I didn't pull them down. The longer I could go with my clothes on, the better.

"I think it's pretty important," Blossom argued. "So you'd better tell me, missy." While she was saying this, Blossom unfolded the diaper in her hands. Noisily and deliberately.

"It. Doesn't. Matter." It wasn't very good storytelling, but I knew my character wouldn't volunteer this information.

"Then I'll just throw this diaper away," Blossom said callously. "You can wet the bed and explain it to the maid in the morning."

"What? No!" I sat up and snatched at the diaper, but Blossom held it above her head. She was so tall that it was like I was trying to reach a cookie pot on the top shelf.

"You're gonna tell me everything or you're gonna sleep like the fishes: wet and unhappy." Watching Amy try to snatch the diaper made Blossom smirk.

I looked at Blossom with a bit of annoyance, but that quickly faded into embarrassment. What did I say? I thought differently? Okay, story time...

"Fine," I mumbled, looking away from Blossom. "I've noticed some... patterns..."

"Like what?"

"Like... how I started wetting the bed. And after it started, it didn't stop. And then, I was a little distracted on my phone one day, and... and I had an accident. While I was awake. I found that if I go potty every hour–"

I paused. I thought about what I'd said. I decided to work it in.

"I mean, um. Use the bathroom. If I do that every hour, I'm okay. But otherwise..."

"Go to the potty?" Blossom asked skeptically. "I've known you for a long time and I've never heard you refer to it that way..."

"It's... nothing..." I slumped back down on the bed. "Just change me."

"Not until you explain," Blossom said flatly. "Everything."

I sighed. "Sometimes my words get mixed up... I say the wrong one, or I say something a little more... childish. And I get these warm feelings in my chest when someone says something nice to me. And..."

"And?" Blossom prompted.

"I'm really sorry," I said, looking away shyly. "But after my first diaper, after I wore one the first time, I just... started thinking about them so much."

"But you just..." Blossom paused and looked down at the diaper around her hips.

"I know, and I'm sorry! But the thought of seeing you in one... it was overwhelming. I was so convinced I was doing the right thing for you! I swear, that's how it felt!"

It was a fantastic story beat, honestly! And Blossom was actually really into the idea. But for the purposes of this scene, she had to remain somewhat confused for a moment. And then there would be fireworks. This was going to be so fun.

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