Monday, December 19th
>>All of the therapists I found do not take your insurance 😭
>>I called two other ones today and neither are taking clients
>>I told you!!
>>My incompetence is not laziness in this one instance
>>I will persevere! ❤️ 💛
>>The US health system is awful just so you know 😫
>>I am sure you know
>>But it is important to me that you extra know 😠
>>I have a lead on one
>>She is by the beach house so you would have to see her on Fridays-only
>>And I do not know what her schedule is like
>>Ahh therapy before going to your place for a weekend
>>Where I have no privacy
>>Without feeling guilty for isolating
>>What could possibly go wrong??
I switched apps on my phone. I was looking up DIY gift ideas. "Make me something." What an entitled little brat.
>>It does sound like the setup for a story
>>The girl goes to her therapist but does not remember she is a hypnotherapist
>>And of course somehow the friend she has a crush on finds out her hypnotic triggers
>>Chaos and Smut ensue!
>>RP idea??
>>Unless 👀
Everyone and their grandma apparently made mason jar candles. Or they learn how to crochet, like that only takes an afternoon. Painted kitchen utensils; that was more of a Blossom to Amanda gift than the other way around.
>>Be careful what you wish for, when I know your therapists phone number 😉
>>I think I know what I am getting you for Christmas, too!
>>I sure do hope it's something from the store
>>That you can purchase with money
>>And is reasonably intimate for our very new friendship
>>You know I would haaaaate to stress you out with this whole gift giving thing
Why was everyone on the internet so good at making things? I couldn't do anything but bake and write! Baking wasn't a really great gift, was it? I baked her stuff all the time, and she couldn't cherish it or whatever. I wanted to make something she could show her grandchildren. "Lookie here! The who-sa-ma-whats-it my friend made me for Christmas one year! Ahh, what a zany semester we had together... shame about that jet-ski accident."
Maybe I could write her something. Was that too egocentric? Yes, my words are gifts in and of themselves! Bow before my talent to press buttons on my computer! Then again, wasn't that most jobs these days?
>>It is something I can purchase with money in fact!
>>I lack the talent to make you something so I can only rely on the gift of the coin
>>But!! 😮
>>I think you will like it!
>>Hey wait are you stressing out?
>>But I'm just being a perfectionist
>>I'll figure it out no worries
>>Gotta earn my keep and all that
>>You do not have to earn anything, cupcake 😮
>>If it becomes too stressful please tell me, I do not want to cause you stress 😦
>>I got to go do sorority girl things
>>Be good!!
>>Oh ok
>>Good luck
I sighed and flipped apps again. I had to go through two more DIY lists before I found something that was maybe in my wheelhouse. Friendship bracelets, the kind you make with embroidery thread. The last time I made one was in middle school. Blossom always said, had we known each other back then, maybe we would have been friends. And I was the only person she really opened up to about that side of her, right? Sure, it was out of pity, but it was something that connected us other than diapers and Academy Works. It was something that meant we were more than just author and fan.
Was that meaningful enough?