Meta Moore

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Posted on December 18th, 2022 04:39 AM

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Saturday, December 17th


I wasn't great at cooking, but it felt like breakfast food couldn't be done badly. Pancakes with bacon and chocolate chips? It worked. Eggs with spinach and jelly? It worked. English muffins with syrup, sausage, and hash browns? It worked. Blossom got back from the post office about the time I finished plating up French toast.

I don't know why, but the whole moment felt so real and so unreal. It felt like something you would watch on TV. Blossom walks in, hangs up her coat, and kisses me on the cheek. "Oh, French toast," she would say with that lively excitement in her voice. "Did you get the package," I'd ask. "Two onesies, perfect for two little diaper girls," she would say.

It didn't happen exactly like that, but it wasn't too far off.

"It's still snowing," Blossom said through bites of french toast. "The beach is covered in it."

"I've never been to a snowy beach," I lamented. Maybe I would go for a walk. I brought a hat and scarf with me.

"It's kind of surreal because your eyes look at it and your brain doesn't wanna admit that it's possible, so your first impression is to think 'oh hey the sand is gorgeous and white today' as if it's one of those postcards of a beach in the Pacific or something, you know the ones? But then you touch it and it's cold and only then does your brain wanna admit that it's snow."

I nodded.

"You gonna write today?" Blossom asked.

"I dunno..." I knew the next chapter was just a continuation of the previous two, but the previous two were... well, kind of hot. Wendy was stuck in that baby bouncer, her bottom full with an enema, and ready to fill her diapers. It was the kind of thing I would never want to do in real life, but the thought of it in a story... I just really needed to be in the right mindset to finish up that scene.

"You gotta," Blossom whined a little when it seemed like Amy might not be. "She's gonna fill her diaperrrr and those kind of scenes are so-"

She caught herself from gushing about it being hot, or how often she'd masturbated to that kind of stuff, and thought about how to best word it instead.

"They're my favorite~"

Nailed it.

"Yeah..." I smiled a little. "I know what you mean. But I feel like I really need the right mood to write it." Then I quietly admitted: "And I'm kind of curious about those onesies..."

Blossom puffed out her cheeks, but then nodded in agreement.

"Then we should get ourselves dressed up all cute, right?"

"I mean, if you want to... I'd hate for you to be embarrassed, waddling around in a diaper. So I guess I can wear one, just to make you feel better." It was a weak excuse, but we both knew I wanted to dress up anyway. It didn't have to be perfect.

"Oh, would you? That's so sweet of you, Amy! I..." Blossom looked left and right, and then put the back of her hand next to her mouth like she was telling a secret. "I'm pretty shy about the fact I wear diapers, think about what might happen if someone found out."

"Oh yes," I smiled, my mind running away with that idea. But I didn't have time to fantasize. "Well, your secret is safe with me. And I want you to feel comfortable around me, you know?"

"You promise not to make fun of me?" Blossom put on a little pout, the kind that nobody actually did in real life, but she managed to pull it off with aplomb.

I was surprised how well Blossom took to this off-the-cuff roleplay idea. It really wasn't supposed to be more than a joke! But I guess she had more experience than me, and I was a better storyteller.

"I promise," I assured her. "And if I dress up too, then how can I make fun of you, right?"

Blossom wasn't sure just how far Amy wanted to take this, so ultimately she left it up to the girl to decide.

"I suppose that makes sense. I really appreciate you getting dressed up with me, too! I know it's not your thing, but maybe you'll like it once you understand it~"

"Um..." Hm. Who was my character? Supportive friend? So a supportive friend would agree, even if she knew it was nonsense. "Maybe you're right," I said.

I should have dropped the roleplay there. I should have just let everything fall away and go back to being Amanda. But Amanda sucked. This new supportive friend was awesome, the kind of friend I would have loved to have in my life. So I said:

"Show me what I'm supposed to do."

Nodding her head with a beaming smile, Blossom took the package from the post office in her hand and then took Amy's hand with her other.

"Well, we should go to the bedroom then, 'cause that's where I keep my... you-know-what'ses."

"Right," I said, following Blossom toward the stairs with her hand in mine. It felt weird, like a kid at recess pulled along by her friend. But at the same time, it felt so normal for whoever I was now. This new girl. I bet Blossom did this a lot with her.

Once she was in the bedroom, Blossom put the package down on the nightstand; she was going to draw out the process of opening the onesies to keep the experience feeling special. There was a handy thing about this setup, too; she could diaper Amy without Amy feeling like she had to diaper her in return. Because the friend character had obviously never worn diapers before, after all.

"Okayyyy, you lay down on the bed and I'll get you a diaper. It's pretty hard to do on yourself, so you definitely need me to do it for you."

"Uh..." I didn't think this through. I tried to stay in character. "Well, I can do it... how hard can it be, right?"

"Pretty hard actually," Blossom said casually. "Do you know which side is the back?"

Obviously the side with the tapes. But would some random girl know that? Someone who hadn't read a ton of ABDL stories? On a baby diaper it made sense, but did that translate to adult ones? And would the tapes even be the thing a normal person would consider? The pause went on for a little too long, so I admitted:

"Well, no... but I could figure it out..."

"I want your first experience to be a good one! And we've gotten dressed in front of each other before, so this isn't a big deal."

That's it, Blossom; own the scene. Control the narrative. She knelt down by the trunk as she continued to talk.

"And this way you'll be in a diaper when I'm putting mine on and I'll feel so much better and less insecure, sooo..."

As she stood up, she clutched one of Amy's diapers close to her chest, and flashed a pretty smile.

"Pleeeeaaaaaase can I diaper you?"

"But... I'll..." Be naked? That wasn't a problem for my character though. Blossom just said we had gotten dressed in front of each other before. I bit my lip. Damnit... I was so boxed in by my own persona. I tried another angle, one that I thought was very realistic:

"Putting me in a diaper though? I don't want you to think differently of me..."

"If anything, I'll just think you're super extra sweet because you're doing all of this just for me, and that makes you the best friend in the whole world! Now lay down on the bed, please."

"But..." I was really out of ideas. Blossom cornered me. I could break character, or I could listen to what she was saying. I really didn't want to be Amanda again... and who knows, maybe this new girl wouldn't be so awkward.

"Unless it's too weird?" Blossom asked, a little sadness in her voice.

I knew I'd been beat.

"No, it's... that's fine..." I moved to the bed and took a seat, my face hot with embarrassment.

"I knew you'd come through!"

Blossom set the diaper down on the bed next to Amy, and then went back to the trunk to get some powder as well. When she got back to the bed, she was running the steps of diapering someone through in her head; replaying the memory of diapering Amy in particular. She had this one in the bag!

True to my character, I looked awkwardly at the diaper. Regret. I was feeling regret. Not just as Amanda, but the character was definitely anxious. This was embarrassing! She said this as a kindness, but she didn't think it through. She couldn't back out now. I couldn't back out now.

"Lay down for me."

"Kay..." I laid back so I was looking at the ceiling. This was for Blossom. Not me. A diaper wasn't that embarrassing. If it was, then Blossom would be ashamed. I didn't want her to be ashamed. So I steeled my resolve.

She's seen me naked a hundred times, I reminded myself.

Blossom unbuttoned Amy's jeans and slid them down over her legs; not in a sexy way, but in a smooth and practical manner. She dropped them on the bed and lowered her friend's panties as well, sliding them with equal levels of commonplaceness down over her thighs, and knees, and then depositing them on the bed.

She's seen me naked a hundred times. She's seen me naked a hundred times. She's seen me naked a hundred times.

But changed me into a diaper? Never. I had a right to be nervous and embarrassed. Not about this part, in particular, but it was a prelude. So I bit my lip. As long as I could stay in character...

"I really can do this part on my own," I tried, keeping my voice as level as I could.

"Oh it's okay, I don't mind one bit!"

The crinkling of the diaper as she unfolded it and rustled it between her hands to fluff it up seemed a whole lot louder than usual, but maybe that was just the excitement in the air. Her rationale was that the first time she'd diapered Amy had been a monumental moment; but where did one go from there? This time, it would help to normalize it.

Embarrassed. Not scared. Not anxious. Maybe a little anxious, but not Amanda anxious. Normal anxious, like someone who drops their phone and wonders if it broke the screen or not. Deep breath. I was fine.

"Lift your butt for me," Blossom said.

I did. The motion was sort of automatic. I wondered for a moment how a normal girl would have responded. What does "lift your butt" mean to a person who doesn't change themselves into diapers all the time? But it was too late. Blossom was already putting the diaper under my butt. It was a little high up, I could already tell. Was I supposed to help? Ugh, the stupid line between reality and fantasy was too damn blurry!

"Alright, let's get your butt down, and..."

She pulled the front of the diaper up between Amy's legs experimentally and realized her mistake pretty quickly, prompting the girl to lift her butt again.

"One more time for me! I'm sorry, I'm not as experienced diapering others as I am diapering myself, I just gotta get it all lined up and centered. Imagine how much harder it would have been for you to do it yourself, right? This is why I'm doing it."

I was so glad she corrected herself. I didn't have to think about my responsibilities in that moment. So I lifted my butt again and tried not to think about the fact that my naked lower half was flashing Blossom. When I set my butt down, it felt a lot better. I moved my hands down just a bit to adjust one of the wings, subtle and trying to stay out of the way.

Blossom tested the front again and decided not to comment on Amy breaking character for a moment to help with the wing. Honestly, it was a nice bit of assistance. She twisted the top on the powder and dumped an excessive amount between Amy's legs, and then pulled the front of the diaper up for the final time, holding it with one hand while she started to work on the tapes.

"You're doing so good! And these fit you so well; you were definitely made for diapers~"

"I... um..." That was quite a comment for one friend to say to another. Was that Blossom breaking character or expanding the scene? Was this all a game for Blossom's character, one that she was winning? But arguing would be invalidating, wouldn't it? So I didn't. Instead I said: "Thank you..."

The tapes - bottom tapes first - adhered in place without incident, and Blossom stepped back after fastening all four to admire her handiwork.


Well, mostly. It was only her second time, but she was proud nonetheless. Every chance she got to do this would be a chance she got to get better at it, so she was always pretty eager for opportunities like this.

"That's yours all done. Now you can watch while I do mine, and then we can get dressed up super cutesy together, okay?"

"Right..." I sat up and I knew immediately that I was slipping. Having Blossom change my diaper the first time broke the scene, and this time felt like it wasn't far off. I tried to reframe my feelings: rather than comfort and security, it was curiosity and uncertainty. It was a hard mental maneuver.

I managed to get to my feet, and the feeling of squeezing my legs together... no, that's not familiar. It's weird. Gosh, this character was beginning to suck.

"It's thicker than I thought," I muttered, paraphrasing the opposite of what Blossom said when wearing her first diaper.

"It's such a nice feeling to squeeze your legs together and feel the thickness," Blossom smiled. She wasn't sure how Amy was going to take her own undressing in front of her. Maybe she should ask her to leave the room, maybe she ought to proceed with a little more care and caution. But it was difficult to know what the objectively right move to make was, because Blossom's mind felt like a fancy car racing down the freeway: noticing the details on the side of the road was a damn near impossibility.

"I... um... I dunno about that." Of course it felt nice! But Blossom's character was into this. She was an ageplayer or something; I hadn't figured that part out. My character, however, was not. I had to question things more. Questioning things gave me a sense of incongruence. It made me dissonant with myself. It made me a better roleplayer. So I took a deep breath and slipped away from Amanda and back into whoever the heck I was now.

Then Blossom slid down her pants, flashing the seat of lacy orange panties. I felt heat fill my cheeks.

"I can wait outside..." I managed.

"You can if you really want, but if you wanna ever be able to diaper yourself, you should stay and watch and learn~"

Blossom tossed down a gauntlet there: stay and become more comfortable with Blossom's body, or accept that Blossom would be diapering Amy for the foreseeable future. It was a pretty effective play, honestly.

Meta talk. This roleplay was a one-off. The character never had to learn how to diaper herself. She would never exist again after this whole thing was over. Why plan for a future that didn't exist?

And at the same time, doing so was out of character. No, I needed a counter...

"Well, I don't think I'll be wearing these a lot..." I argued. "It's just to help you feel better."

"That's true! You're such a good friend~"

And that was a compelling enough argument for Blossom to believe that Amy truly didn't want to see her naked today, so she let the issue drop.

"I'll call you back in once I'm diapered and we can get dressed cutesy, then?"

"Y-yeah... that's a good idea." I left the room a bit too fast and closed the door behind me. I stood in the hall and took a deep breath.

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