The egg timer went off a while later and I took out the rest of the pretzels. Then I started cleaning the kitchen. I hated doing the cleaning, but I felt bad making Blossom clean up after me. It took me a good hour to put everything back where it was supposed to go and start the dishwasher, and by the end of it, I was actually exhausted. My clothes were still a mess, and altogether I looked like someone who hadn't slept in a day and a half.
Blossom had been sitting on the sofa reading something on her Kindle while Amy cleaned up. She'd offered to do it for her, and been rebuffed. She'd offered to help, and been rebuffed. So Blossom had no choice but to wait.
"Are you ready to sleep?" Blossom asked when Amy was done cleaning.
"I'm not tired," I lied. It was obviously a lie, and I wasn't sure why I said it like that. Like a pouty girl in a bad mood. Was I trying to cause trouble? Was that selfish? I shook my head. I didn't have her consent to act like a brat, so I needed to back off. I was just sleepy, and maybe a little cranky for real.
"Sorry," I amended. "Yeah, I'm ready."
"There's a good girl."
Blossom had been mulling it over in her head for the past hour - so much so that she'd had to read certain lines in her book several times before they stuck with her - but she asked all the same:
"Do you want me to help you get dressed for your nap?"
"No, I got it." I faked a smile and made my way to the stairs. I didn't know why, but huffing and pouting made everything seem so much more normal, like letting her diaper me was okay. Probably because the only time she had, we were doing a scene. But that wasn't me. I wasn't a brat. I never argued or inconvenienced people, almost to a fault.
"Alright doll, I'll be up in ten minutes to make sure you're diapered and comfortably in bed." Blossom felt just like a parent sitting on the sofa, sending her lil' girl off to bed.
I went upstairs and sat on the edge of the bed. I felt heavy with guilt, weighed down by my insides. I wanted to make this whole thing as painless as possible for Blossom; I already made her life difficult enough. But at the same time, I felt like diapering myself and crawling into bed on my own wasn't really any different than doing it at home. Ever since I started playing with Blossom, it felt like my world - or at least my ABDL one - was really opening up. Moments like this... it felt like two steps back.
But Blossom wasn't a tool for me to use. I needed to just get over it.
I diapered myself in one of the ill-fitted pink diapers and put my dirty clothes into my backpack. I wore a t-shirt and jeans as pajamas. They weren't very comfortable, but the way I looked in the mirror... a diaper and jeans? It wasn't exactly obvious, but it sure was noticeable.
Oh, but I forgot to get blueberries for another batch of scones! I'd have to drive down to the supermarket before Blossom came home from her errands. Oh, but my panties were still in the washing machine after another accident last night. I would have to go commando. But there was already a hole in my jeans, right between my thighs, from the way my legs chafed together. No, I couldn't do that.
A diaper was really my only option. I only had these big, think pink ones on hand, and I wasn't sure my jeans would button over the top of them. Luckily, they just barely fit.
Oh, look at the time!
I didn't realize how loudly the diaper crinkled until I was already at the supermarket. The padding between my thighs made me waddle just a little, and I squeezed my legs together to try walking normally. Of course, the squeezing of my legs reminded me with each step how fluffy and thick the diaper was, how my jeans contoured around the padding, how puffy my butt looked. And I had to go to the bathroom too!
What if someone saw me? What if I ran into Blossom here - what if one of her errands was at the supermarket. She would take one look at me and know. She'd don that mischievous smile. I'd forget that I was rushing to the bathroom, and wet myself right there in the supermarket, as Blossom knowingly watched.
There was a knock on the door. I stepped away from the mirror and blushed.
"Um... come in."
I was just climbing into bed in my jeans and a t-shirt when Blossom opened the door.
"We really need to get you some actual pajamas, cupcake. Maybe a cute nightie, with a cupcake on it? Make it easier for me to check your diaper?"
That statement was bold, but Blossom was rather pleased with herself all the same. She sat down on the edge of the bed and tucked her legs up underneath her, cross-legged like a child sitting on the floor. She took out her Kindle and flicked to a new story.
"You lay down, close your eyes. I'm going to read you a bedtime story. It's about three kids and a magical tree, and you'll love it."
"Alright?" My mom used to read me stories when I was really young, but these days my bedtime stories were ageplay smut. I got the feeling that, given the premise, this one was not about that. I crawled under the covers. I didn't take off my glasses yet, in case I had to look at pictures or something.
"Chapter One: How They Found the Magic Wood,"
Blossom began, looking at the Kindle in her hands to read and then over at Amy with a warm smile. She wasn't sure how this was going to go, but she was determined to give it her best shot.
"There were once three children, called Jo, Bessie, and Fanny. All their lives they had lived in a town, but now their father had a job in the country, so they were all to move as soon as ever they could."
She did her best not to focus too much on the words, or too much on Amy; instead trying to read it like a teleprompter so she could flick her eyes back and forth between the story and the cute diapered girl in the bed.
"'What fun to be in the country!' said Jo." Blossom did her best haughty-little-boy voice for that, and continued. "I shall learn all about animals and birds!"
For the next line, from one of the little girls in the story, and then the one after that from the other, she changed her voice to try and sound like two distinct young girls.
"'And I shall pick as many flowers as I want to,' said Bessie. 'And I shall have a garden of my own,' said Fanny. When the day came for the move all the children were excited. A small van came to their door and two men helped their father and mother to pile everything into it. When it was full the van drove away, and the children put on their coats and hats to go with their father and mother to catch a train at the station."
I was determined to stay awake for the whole book, but it was a lot longer than I thought. The kids moved to the countryside and explored the woods nearby. They found some brownies - the fae creature, not the food - who were holding a meeting until a gnome tried to steal their stuff. The kids intervened and the brownies thanked them. The gnome ran up a huge tree called the Faraway Tree and the kids decided to go after him.
It was about at the start of chapter three when I was losing my concentration. She read a few more pages, but I wasn't entirely sure what was happening. Then Blossom closed the book and leaned forward, kissing me on the forehead.
"What happened next?" I whispered, unsure exactly where we were at in the story. My head felt foggy and my eyes felt heavy.
"You'll just have to wait and see; maybe you'll have dreams of the Enchanted Wood and the Faraway Tree? And next time you go down for a nap, I'll read you even more. Now you be good for me, alright? Sweet dreams, cupcake~"
I didn't think I would fall asleep, but it was no longer than it took for Blossom to close the door that she was opening it again. The colors in the room looked wrong and fuzzy. My head was full of smoke and my brain failed to turn on.
"Well good afternoon, sleepy head."
Blossom wasn't surprised that her opening the bedroom door to check on Amy had resulted in her stirring and waking up ~ she'd been asleep half the day, after being awake half the night. It made perfect sense that she'd be about ready to wake up.
"How'd you sleep, cupcake?"
"Uh..." I managed to reach for my glasses and put them on my face. Everything felt slow and awkward, like swimming through honey. Sometimes a few hours of sleep felt worse than not sleeping at all. I hoped it would pass.
"We gotta go in a sec," Blossom said, adding some urgency to the situation. "If you want to get dinner, that is. Everywhere closes early on Sunday."
"Right..." I muttered. I was diapered. I remembered that, because my jeans were tighter than they were supposed to be and my legs moved awkwardly. I could barely hear the crinkling through the fog, like my ears were actively noise-canceling. I closed my eyes tight and reopened them. It didn't help.
"Do you want me to wait downstairs while you get dressed? I left it until about the last minute to come check on you 'cause you definitely needed your sleep~"
Unspoken was the fact that Blossom also knew that Amy was pretty low maintenance and could probably be ready to leave in ten minutes, versus the hour or more it would take Blossom.
"Yeah, I'm up..."
Blossom nodded and left, closing the door behind her.