Meta Moore

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Posted on December 10th, 2022 07:49 PM

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Saturday, December 10th


"Okay..." I had read through it a few times. I normally wouldn't put so much attention into a first draft, but I knew Blossom would want to read it right away. But when I looked over, Blossom was asleep on the couch. I looked at the clock.


"Shoot..." I looked at the sleeping girl, then back at my laptop screen. Well, another editing pass couldn't hurt, right?

It was 1:45am when I finally closed my laptop. Blossom had her iPad clutched to her chest like a teddy bear. For such a tall girl, she didn't make a single peep when she slept. I probably snored. Actually, I think Lin commented on it once. Speaking of Lin...

I checked my phone. A text from my mom, making sure I got to the beach house okay. I sent one back. She slept with her phone on vibrate, so it wouldn't wake her up anyway. Then I stood up for the first time in hours.

I didn't forget I was wearing a diaper this time. I had been actively reminding myself every few minutes, wiggling on the sofa or pressing my thighs together. It helped a lot with the scene, and I was actually a little flustered. I was glad Blossom fell asleep, because she might have noticed the color on my cheeks. What was the rule about touching yourself at your friend's beach house? Was it okay after she changed you into a diaper?

I tip-toed away from the couch, leaving Blossom to rest, and walked down the hall toward the bathroom. I didn't step foot inside, though I really did have to go. I leaned against the wall across from the bathroom door, spreading my legs just a little bit, and tried to relax.

Wetting myself was a lot easier than it used to be, and I had gotten really good at doing so standing up. What I couldn't do was wet myself in front of Blossom, even if she was asleep. I needed an ounce of privacy.

When I was done, the diaper was swollen, pushing my thighs apart. It was warm and damp in the best way. I traced the waistband of my pajama pants with my fingertips, between my legs, pressing against the warm plastic. The sound that escaped my closed lips was as humiliating as soaking my diaper in my new friend's hallway.

I took a deep breath and stood up off the wall. I felt hot. My face, my thighs, my stomach. The scenes I just wrote tumbled around in my head like stuffed animals in the dryer, like somersaults on the lawn in the middle of summer. Why was I such a fucking pervert? Oh my god.

When I found my way out to the living room again, Blossom was still asleep. The polite thing to do was wake her up, to show her Academy Works, but my heart was racing. She was too damn smart. She'd take one look at me...

Deep breaths, Amanda. You aren't a slave to your libido. Right?


Fuck it. I opened my laptop again and copy-pasted Chapter Twelve. I opened a new page, pasted it in there, and changed the power saver settings to Always On. I moved my charger from one end of the couch to the other and set the laptop down on the table in front of Blossom. Then, before tip-toeing away, I hit Enter a few times to write a sentence at the start of the document.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you. I hope this makes up for it."

As quietly as the crinkling would allow, I waddled my way to the stairs. With each step, I reflected on the awkward weight of the diaper. How wet it was. How I'd had another accident, just like I promised Blossom I wouldn't. She'd catch me in the morning and I'd never see big girl panties again. But maybe Blossom had the right idea. There was no denying it any longer: I was just a helpless little bedwetter, and I needed my diapers.

I forgot to grab a sugar cookie on the way to my bedroom. I had sweeter things on my mind.


[Academy A: Chapter 12]

(If you are following Academy Works, please read Ch.12 [linked above] and return here to continue the story. If Ch.13 has been released, it is recommended that you DO NOT read it at this time.)

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