Meta Moore

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Posted on December 13th, 2022 04:35 AM

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Monday, December 12th


"Do you think Aunt Patty has job openings?" I asked my mom, skimming through game reviews on my phone. I was trying to find a two-player game to play with Lin on her Nintendo Switch. Maybe with Christmas money I could get one for myself and try that new Xeno game. The third one came out recently, but I hadn't played either of the other two.

"Probably," Mom said, skimming something on her own phone. "People quit left and right these days."

"Because she doesn't pay them enough," I sighed.

"Send her a text," Mom offered. "She has a soft spot for you."

And here I was trying to get out of doing any work...

Messages. Aunt Patty.

>>Have any job openings??

She replied fast. Patty was an efficient woman. She also ran a small transcribing organization out of her house. If I worked for her, I could do it from home. It was also weirdly profitable; she had low rates, good software, and a lot of podcasting clients.

>>YES! Seasonal?

>>Idk, maybe longer??

>>How's your typing?

>>Stupid question.

>>20 hours, 10 bucks?


>>Oh don't start. Minimum wage is 7.25.

>>NH has one of the lowest poverty rates in the country

>>And one of the lowest unemployment rates

>>So you need a good employee more than I need money

>>Are you really saying I'm not worth $15??

>>You always told me I was worth the world, Aunt Patty 😭

>>You're your mother's daughter...

>>I take that as a compliment

>>You should.

>>Fine, 15. But you work here. No slacking on the job!

Ugh... I was trying to avoid that.

>>Like I would??

>>Okayyyy fine

>>How does Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays sound?



>>Thank you!! See you Wednesday.

>>Love you kid

"I start work Wednesday," I told my mom.

"I hope you fought for a good wage," Mom said, not looking up from her phone.

"Of course."

"Good girl."

Ah, the best two words in the English language. Even as a writer, I'd never do any better than that.

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