Baby Luvs

Back to the first chapter of Baby Luvs
Posted on April 21st, 2023 03:13 AM

Chapter Thirty-Three:

The whispering and muttering increased, the chittering and typing intensified, and pictures were snapped. Pictures not from the camera crew, not from me, not from Abe, or Melissa, or anyone I knew. Pictures on smart phones from the other guests of the party. Abe looked like he'd won the lottery. Betsy covered her mouth with her handkerchief and smiled warmly.

"Oh Baby Luvs, you're too little to make it through opening your gifts, aren't you? Oh my, if only your fans could smell you now, you're so little, such a baby." She leaned down and lifted the girl a little in her high chair.

"Let's make some more space in here for our Little Stinky Princess. There there, baby, get it all out."

Betsy physically held me up under my arms as I finished filling my diaper, and before I knew any better, she dropped me back into the seat. The mess squished into my skin and I felt tears in my eyes. Everyone took pictures. Camera flashes. Foreign smiles. And Melissa, at the other side of the table, shaking her head in disappointment. I rubbed my eyes and kicked my feet.

"Wan' change," I muttered, but Betsy had other ideas in mind.

Betsy slid out the tray table to the final notch, giving me a lot of room to work with. I thought she was taking me out of the high chair, but she wasn’t. She reached down and unzipped the back of my dress and - before I could think to stop her - she pulled the whole thing off over my head. Immediately, I covered my bare chest in a panic and for the first time in seven days, I broke character on camera.


Betsy didn’t hesitate. "Shh, don't make a fuss now, we just don't want to get any of your icky mess all over your pretty dress, now do we?"

There was a lot of hubbub, a lot of talking, and a few men approached Abe and whispered to him. Betsy put the little girl down into the chair, pinning her arms beneath the tray, topless and heavily diapered, squishing in her own mess. Then Abe called her over to the edge of the party. The moment I had an opening, I ran up to Leona and cuddled my arms around her as quick as I could. But I couldn't help but wonder what Abe wanted. It looked like he and Betsy were arguing...

The moment Betsy was gone, Jackie was by my side. I sat there, struggling in the high chair, wearing nothing but two messy cloth diapers and ruffled covers. I pulled at the tray as hard as I could, trying to free my arms, but nothing I did made any difference. My small breasts were on full display. Of course, anyone who saw my website would know what my boobs looked like, but this was different. This was in public, in a park, in front of strangers. I was starting to panic...

"Jackie... I'm not--" But the cameras were on me. It was being live-streamed. I'd already broken character. If someone read into that... I shook my head and put on the face of Baby Luvs. "I dun wan' people seein' me wifout my dwess..."

"Oh I know, Luvlee, I know. How about I just cuddle you until... until Mommy gets back?" Calling Betsy ‘Mommy’ burned my tongue. And my girlfriend smelled like she'd been drugged with laxative milk and allowed to be an adult the day before so her digestive system had been nice and full. So when I wrapped my arms around her to cover her chest, and whispered in her ear, it was hard to do - hard to breathe, hard to talk. But she was worth it. "I love you, Leona." I whispered. I thought she could do with hearing it.

Betsy came back a few minutes later and took Jackie's place. I felt sick. I felt broken. All these men watching me... last day, I thought. But it was starting to lose the impact. I felt so hopeless...

"Time to eat your cake, Baby Luvs," Betsy said in a tone a little too harsh. She was still angry from her talk with Abe. She took the plate of cake and set it down on my tray table. I thought she would let my arms free, but she did no such thing. Without hesitance, she picked up a huge piece of cake with her hand and pushed it into my mouth, mushing it over my lips while it dropped onto my bare chest.

"Oh no, it looks like baby made a mess, a mess all over herself like the one in her pants."

Her dialog was jilted and stiff, like she was just saying something off a script instead of her own usually sweet and honey approach, and I couldn't help but wonder what she and Abe had argued about. Had he thought she was being too cruel? Because she was. I mean, even if I kind of thought the idea of my girlfriend messing her— oh no, not following that thought, not a chance!

"Uh-oh, look at the mess you're making, all over your little baby boobs."

She pushed another handful of cake into my mouth and I did my best to swallow it, but it smeared all over my nose and my cheeks. She dropped a huge handful on my breasts and tried to clean it off, but Betsy only made it worse. I struggled to free my arms as the men took more photos with their phones, but I couldn’t break free from the high chair. Betsy kept up the process until I was covered in cake, until I was sick to my stomach with regret. I looked up at Jackie with empty, hopeless eyes.

"Thank you all so much for coming to Baby Luvs' First Birthday!" Abe Scott was talking as he approached Betsy and Leona, rubbed his hands together happily. "You're all so lucky to be here, so lucky! This is the one and only first birthday of Baby Luvs, and you're all a part of this momentous occasion!"

I only checked on a hunch, but the red broadcasting light on the AV techs booth seemed to be out right now. That made sense; Abe wasn’t going to let himself be filmed. So what was he doing?

"As discussed, gentlemen, who is willing to take Baby Luvs back to your hotel room and get this very messy little munchkin all cleaned up? Do I hear $5,000?"

A man on a phone raised his hand. And from there, the price started to climb. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. It was all happening so fast, it took me a moment to realize what it was. He was AUCTIONING HER?!

"Sir," Melissa started, whispering to her boss. "I don't think you can do this. You could get in legal--"

"Do you think I pay you for your opinion?"

Melissa looked so taken aback. "But--"

"Another word and you're fired. I'm making so much money on this, I could buy any assistant I need."

A man at the far end of the table rose his hand. The price was at eleven thousand dollars. I stared blankly at him as a sly grin crossed his face. Eager. Hungry. But nothing I did could stop them... I was a helpless little girl.

I couldn't stay and listen to this. I could see my girlfriend’s hope fading. I could see anonymous men - most of them proxies - bidding on her like she was a product. This was his Grand Finale? This was the big secret? No. Nope. No no no. I marched out in front of the cameras, in front of Abe, and I freed my girlfriend from the latches on the high chair. I threw the tray down on the ground and I picked her up out of it, holding her awkwardly against my hip the way that Betsy made look so easy. Only, she was covered in cake and she smelled like a potty. My hand was right under her butt and... well, there was a lot of feelings to unpack here. The point was... "This auction is cancelled, Abe Scott, you're not selling her. You don't have the right."

Abe gave Jackie a hard look. Violent, even.

"You work for me, Jenny. Put her down or you're fired."

"Then I'm fired."

Abe stared blankly at her, like he had never been told no before, and approached her with all the grace of a steamroller. Was he going to scream at her? Or was he going to hit her? I'd never know. Betsy stepped between them, and Betsy wasn't someone to fuck with. She was bigger, taller, and stronger than Abe. The hesitance was written all over his face.

"This isn't in the contract, Abe." Betsy spoke, coldly. "You're not a big player in the sex trade, and you might not know this, but this isn't okay."

"Nurse Betsy when I want the opinion of a three bit whore, I'll be sure to pay for you to wear your therapist character. Right now, you work for me. Oh wait, no you don't. You're out, your contract is complete. Donzo. Dusted. Now step aside."

Abe’s voice scared me. He acted like he had absolute power, like he had everything. But he didn’t. He didn’t have Leona.

"Abe, you're going to lose her. You're going to lose Baby Luvs! I hope you make a lot off this production, enough for a lifetime, because I'm taking her and you're never going to see her again. Ever!"

Maybe something Jackie said scared him. Or maybe Abe saw that two of the people watching this were filming on their phones. Either way, he stopped. He paused, took in his surroundings, and adjusted his suit coat.

"I'll see you in my office tomorrow morning," he said flatly to Jackie, and walked away from the party toward the parking lot.

I watched with confusion, then looked up at Jackie. "He's... leaving...?"

"Let's get you home," I whispered in Leona’s ear. Which meant my home. I was going to be the one who got to clean up Baby Luvs. I was the one who got to take Leona home.

Tomorrow wouldn't be easy, because Abe Scott loved money almost as much as Jacqueline Mills loved Leona Whittaker, and apparently I loved her a lot. I'd never dated a girl before, and I'd never taken one home with a diaper full of stinky mess and cake all over her. I'd never been excited to give someone a bath and to keep her safe. What I felt for Leona wasn't what I could feel for anybody else. But I was pretty sure I was in love with her romantically, and I loved her maternally. Tomorrow morning, if Abe Scott wanted war? He'd see exactly why hell hath no fury like me.

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