Chapter Two:
I checked the calendar on my phone. It was Sunday - usually the site was closed on Sundays, but today was busier than ever. And at eight in the morning, no less. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and sipped my cup of coffee. Probably the last cup I'd have for a week, I reminded myself. How would I live without coffee? Maybe I could take fifteen minute breaks. Abe was yelling at someone to do something and I was trying to enjoy the last few minutes of peace I'd have this week. But that new girl with the camera was determined to mess it up.
"Mr. Scott seems pretty intense this morning," I observed, as though Leona actually cared what I had to say. Was I star-struck, was that what this was? I'd felt similar before in my high school youth, faced with the prospect of talking to Maynard Keenan, reduced to a stammering mess of a girl with all the eloquence of a phonebook. But Leona Whittaker was no rock star - she was just a girl; snobbish, disinterested, ordinary, filled with flaws like everybody else.
"What's with the new girl?" Oh so that got her attention... or at least got her to look at me. "There was a new girl, in the parking lot? Taller, brown hair? Had a big fancy roller case behind her, you didn't see her?"
I shook my head. More new people. I hated new people. But turnover on this set was a dime a dozen. People quit all the time, and we got new people to take their places. But this project was huge. Of course we'd need more people. Speaking of new people...
"So what's your story? Abe says you're a good shot."
"Mine?" Yeah, yours, dummy, she's not talking to anybody else - grow up, Jackie! Wow, ironic. "I did photography of antique furniture, for insurance records," how boring, "well, sometimes for catalogues, too, but it's mostly been furniture. It's not like model photography like my sister does, but with the amount of botox in those girls’ faces you'd swear my chairs had more emotion than them." I laughed, and she didn't. Big surprise.
"Oh, uh..." I fished into my satchel and handed her an enlargement of one of the shots I took yesterday - a particularly adorable and endearing pose of her with the cutest little smile wrapped around a lollipop. "I loved how this one came out; the candy's the same color as your cheeks, and it makes your green eyes shine like jewels, see?"
A picture of me. I'd seen so many pictures like this, plastered on my website, decorating Abe's office. But it always felt like another girl. A twin sister or something, dressed as a baby, wearing a diaper. But there was something about how this picture turned out... maybe it was my eyes.
"You're really good. No joke."
"Yeah? I mean, yeah, Mr. Scott seems to think so, too." I welled up with pride of the best kind and I slipped the photo back into my satchel. "How about you, Leona? How did you come to be the one and only Baby Luvs? You seem really into it on camera, but disinterested the moment you're off the clock - so this is just a paycheck, right? How'd you get into it, how did you meet Mr. Scott?" Babble babble, Jackie, like we're suddenly friends now.
"It's just one of those things. I needed money, and modeling isn't really the prized career that TV shows make it out to be. I thought I could do something a little more... specific. And I do fit a certain archetype, don't you think?" I motioned down to my short stature and small breasts. "When Abe suggested it, I thought it was the stupidest thing in the world. But I went on a few pay sites and... well, it seemed like an easy gig. So far, it has been." Today would test that, though.
"I guess so."
"Baby, Baby, come in here, and you too Jackson."
"It's Jackie..."
"And I'm sure you're very proud of that, but I'm not your Papa and I'm not here to praise you. Come on, come on, both of you."
The two of us followed him into his office, and sitting on his desk - like literally on his desk! - was the woman I'd seen in the parking lot earlier on. She was gorgeous, and her eyes were green in the exact opposite way to Leona; they were dark and mischievous, like a witches brew.
"Baby Luvs, this is Betsy, Nurse Betsy, yeah? Yeah, I like that, s'got a nice ring to it! Marketable. Melissa, baby, take a note on that one. Melissa? Oh who cares.”
The woman sitting on the desk smirked, like the angry little man was the funniest thing in the world to her, and smoothed down her dress over her sheer black stockings. "Baby Luvs, it's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much.”
"Um... nice to meet you too. Why do I need a nurse?" The second sentence was directed at Abe, and he rolled his eyes.
"Someone's gotta take care of you, Baby. You're playing the part full time! Remember?"
Oh, right... I looked up again at the woman, so much taller as she sat on the desk. She had a certainty to her that I had never seen in anyone but Abe. But she was so much more refined.
"Oh, Betsy, Elizabeth, Nurse, those names don't concern me all that much, Baby Luvs. You'll only call me Mommy, and even then only when I allow you to take your little binky from your lips." Like a cat uncoiling, Betsy slinked down from the desk and approached Leona, each step certain, each move deliberate. She extended her hand, and Leona flinched, and that only served to widen her smile. With an amused little sound, she reached her hand out and cupped Leona by the chin, turning her head one way and then the other.
"Mmm, what a genuine sweetiepie. We're going to have so much fun together this week, aren't we little one?"
I was mesmerized by the scene unfolding before me, and for the first time I thought maybe Abe didn't even have words to say.
"I... uh..." She stepped away from me and walked out the door. For the second time on this set, my heart was racing. The only other time I was so nervous was on my first day as an ABDL model. But the way she moved and spoke and touched... I bit my lip and looked down at my feet.
"She's good," I mumbled. "Really good..." This movie was going to be a lot better than I thought.
"She's the best, Baby Luvs, the best there is, and she's going to make us both a lot of money." He fumbled in his coat pocket for his lighter and brought life to the cigar between his lips with a big proud smile. "Baby Luvs and Betsy, a dynamic duo, like Tango and Cash, only this time its Cash and more Cash, Baby Luvs, it's very exciting."
I finally managed to speak. "Mr. Scot-"
"It's Abe, woman. I learned your name you can learn mine."
Ugh. He was so annoying sometimes! "Abe, I understand there's going to be some film crew, you said? At the risk of making myself unemployed, what do you need me for? I only really do stills."
"Jackie, baby, that's the point, Jackie, that's the forest behind the trees, you get it? Yeah you do."
Somehow I felt like I knew even less now than when I'd asked, and thankfully some of my confusion seemed to show.
"You just take pictures, pictures of Baby and Betsy - capture the moments like a baby girl’s scrapbook. It's gonna be great, Jackie, it's going to be great."
I guess it was all falling into place, wasn't it? I had a babysitter, a photographer, and a film crew. And of course, enough diapers to make it through the week. Abe had made a few deals with diaper companies to advertise their products too. I dressed myself in my favorite shirt - a pink top with 'Lil Girl' written in glitter - and my thickest, whitest diaper. Abe said it would be perfect for my first wetting. Gosh, that still made me nervous.
I took pictures. Not pictures in the studio, not pictures with pre-planned poses, with perfectly presented posture and primping. Just pictures, spontaneous shots the likes of which I'd never usually have wasted film on. Click: a picture of Baby Luvs clicking through her racks of tops and tees. Click: a moment of her checking to make sure the length came close enough to the diaper, but didn't cover it. Click: a snapshot of her looking up to see the trio of the film crew filtering into the building. Click: the worry on her face. "You look like you're waiting in line to see Santa at the mall, but you're kinda terrified. You okay, Leona?"
I nodded quietly and looked down at my frilly socks. I was slipping into my persona a little bit, trying to get in the mood. "Uh huh... juss scared 'cuz so many people are gunna see me have an accident..." A blush filled my cheeks. Some people could cry on cue - I could blush. I just remembered that one time in middle school when I spilled chocolate milk all over my dress. Everyone teased me for wetting myself. How ironic...
"Well, Leona, it's just like when the President gives a speech; the entire world can see him, but he's just in a little room looking at a camera. And no matter what he says, the camera can't hurt him. So you're kind of like the President, alright? And you're going to be having an accident, but only the camera is going to see it, and the camera can't hurt you." It alarmed me a little, at first, to hear her in such a guarded and vulnerable tone, but I guess it probably had to do with her stage presence. Whatever worked, right?
"Baby Luvs, President of Accidentland." She looked at me, cracked a smile, and I shot a picture.
I sort of liked this new chick. Jackie. She caught on fast, and she definitely made things interesting. So I poked the top of her camera affectionately and walked out onto the set. That woman - Betsy - was already waiting for me, and the camera crew was set up. A week as a helpless baby girl... a week in diapers full time. How hard could it be, right?