Baby Luvs

Back to the first chapter of Baby Luvs
Posted on April 21st, 2023 03:12 AM

Chapter Twenty-Eight:

We didn't let go of each others hands all the way back to the hotel. We joked and giggled like schoolgirls. We were on our first date and both of us no doubt thought 'first of many' because it was so easy to just lose ourselves in the moment. And even as we got closer to the hotel room, knowing we'd be tugged out of our fantasy roughly and harshly by the looming spectacle of work (although I'd taken plenty of pictures and short videos of the two of us on our date), when we opened the door... well, I think we both thought the same thing.

"Is this the wrong room...?"

The furniture was gone. The crib, the changing table, the playpen. The bassinet, the stroller, the rocking chair. The twin sized bed was replaced with the queen from Day One. It... it looked like a normal room. A normal hotel room. I didn't understand... but Jackie found a note on the small table in the center of the room with a package of clothes wrapped in twine.

"Setting up for tomorrow. Make sure Luvs is dressed at nine in the morning. See you then. Betsy."

"I don't know how they expect me to get any hotel footage if they take away all your furniture..." That was my first thought. Not of the fact that I could literally throw this girl I was infatuated with down on the bed, an actual bed, a queen sized bed, and have my way with her. This whole job had gotten into my head!

"Hey, I'm fine with it." I sat down on the edge of the bed and the wet diaper squished under my bottom. I winced. Ew. I forgot...

"I wonder if they left me any clothes or something..." But other than the dress I was wearing, it looked like there wasn't anything for me to wear. I didn't even see any spare diapers! I puffed out my cheeks in irritation.

She was concerned about the wrong things right now, like getting changed. That was never going to happen. We were alone. They couldn't expect footage of this. I crawled up on her like the goosebumps that crawled up my arms, and I pushed her down onto her back, straddling her, so I could pick up where we left off when it came to kisses.

I didn't expect that. I didn't think she would take such initiative. Jackie wasn't really an initiative kind of girl. She was a background character. She stayed out of the way and did what she was told. But when her counterpart was a pseudo-toddler, maybe that made things easier for her. She pinned me down on my back and assaulted me with kiss after kiss. It took her no time at all to make me fuzzy with warm feelings again. Gosh, I hadn't had this in... in at least a year. I was needy.

I hadn't had this, ever. I was worried I wouldn't know what I was doing, I was worried I wouldn't impress her, I was worried about a lot of things. But kissing her was something I could do. Kissing didn't worry me, kissing didn't stress me out. And I guess as my hand found its way to her thigh, as my knee found its way between them and touched her diaper, I was less and less worried about that too. I could do this.

Her touch was soft and tender. Her lips were passionate and firm. She lifted my dress up and her fingers brushed the crinkling plastic of the diaper. I blushed. I'd lost my virginity when I was fifteen. I wasn't ashamed or nervous about sex. I didn't care if someone saw me in my underwear. But now, as Jackie pushed the dress out of the way and exposed my wet diaper, I felt like a high school girl after prom. I felt small and innocent. I felt like a virgin.

Leona Whittaker was beautiful. I'd known that since the very first day I saw her, on set in nothing but a diaper, t-shirt and bonnet. But laying in the bedsheets of a queen sized bed, she looked do small, so vulnerable, and so... so precious. There wasn't any other way to put it. Precious was the perfect term, like the word had been coined exclusively for her. Leona Whittaker was Precious. She shivered when my fingers found her sodden diaper. She arched her back when I kissed her neck the same time I pressed in against the padding with my digits. She whimpered this beautiful whimper when I found out she could feel it when I rubbed through the plastic.

I was in a soggy diaper. I should not have been turned on. But damnit, I really was. My cheeks were warm and my body tensed at her touch. The dress was pulled off over my head and I was wearing only a light pink bra to match the diaper. I reached up to take her own shirt off, but she sat on my stomach and did it herself. Even in the bedroom, she wouldn't let me have any control. I felt myself sinking into the sheets. This was... so... strange...

She had never seen me naked. I wasn't the prettiest girl in the world; I had my charms, I had my perks, but I wasn't a gorgeous goddess like Betsy or a diminutive darling like Leona, I was... average. Ginger hair and freckles, B cups and not much tush to speak of - in high school, they told me I had the body of a ten year old boy. So I wasn't gorgeous, but with the way Leona looked at me... I felt it. I felt pretty. And desired. I felt like she saw me in this light that nobody else did, even when I unclasped my utilitarian, plain-jane, white bra, and let her see my chest. I didn't need to, really. I could've kept my underwear on, but I… I liked how she looked at me.

She sat me up to unhook my bra. She struggled with it and I giggled.

"Haven't done this before?" I asked. She looked at me with a serious glare - determination, with a hint of embarrassment. It took her a full minute to unlatch it, and by then, I couldn't help but laugh. But a sharp slap to my thigh brought me out it.

"You should be thanking me for helping undress you, Leona Marie." Her look was so small. So meek and adorable. And I didn't have to push her back down; when I rubbed her diaper, her back arched and she descended immediately to the mattress herself. So fucking cute.

"Thank you," I muttered shyly. Her bare breasts touched mine. Her skin was warm. Her teeth bit my neck. The crinkling of the diaper was ever-present as she rubbed between my legs. Two fingers, forcing my thighs apart. The sensations trickled through me in bursts. Sharp like a waterfall, and slow like a river. I was breathing heavily.

At first I thought I'd undress her entirely. I’d take off her diaper and do... whatever lesbians did. I mean, she was wet, I'd need to clean her up first, maybe shower... then it hit me. She was feeling good when I touched her diaper. She could feel it. So I was just going to kiss her and caress her diaper without taking it off. When I was ten, I used to get off by humping my pillow against the corner of a table. This didn't seem any more far fetched.

Her kisses on my neck, her fingers on my nipples, her hand between my legs... everything left me craving more. I was eager and willing to give myself over to her. I would reach up and touch her hips. I'd try to maneuver my way between her legs. She just wouldn't let me. I whimpered and kicked my feet as pleasure built up in my chest. I was so out of breath...

"Okay," I muttered. "Okay... let's... let's do this now... please... I can't wait any longer..."

"We are doing it," I whispered softly to her, cupping her diaper in my hand, pressing with the palm, rubbing forward and back, as my other hand pulled at handfuls of her hair, released, grasped, released, making sure that she had no choice but to keep her lips on mine. I was in control, but it wasn't coarse control like Betsy. This was control that was soft and directed, control from someone who was so into her. "My little diaper girl, you made your diaper wet like a baby, I wonder if you can make it wet like a big girl now for Mommy, huh?" My voice was barely a whisper as I talked to her, but I was feigning confidence well enough.

My cheeks went crimson and I lifted my arms to shove her away. But I didn't. I hesitated. I... I didn't want to shove her away. I wanted her to keep going. I blushed and looked up at the ceiling, too shy to make eye contact, as another moan escaped my lips. Oh gosh...

"B-but... y-you... you gotta take this off... so I can... so I can..."

Geeze, when did I get so timid?!

"See, I don't think that's true." Still a whisper, right into her ear, as my fingers found more efficient paths across the plastic of her pretty pink diaper. "I think, actually, that you're so good at being a baby girl." I shifted directions between her legs, tried something new with my fingertips on her plastic padding. "I think you love your diapers so much." I sped up. "I think you love knowing how much you turn me on by wearing them." And slowed down. "And being a baby girl, the baby girl you are deep down inside..." And sped back up again. "I think you're going to cum in your diaper for Mommy, my breathy little one.."

I didn't think I could. Honestly, the diaper was too thick between my legs. The cold damp padding was uncomfortable. But Jackie has so much vigilance, so much energy, that I could feel the pressure of her fingers through it all the same. It wasn't anything like playing with myself. It was a wholly new experience, having my soaked diaper pushed against my cunny. It was a whole new sensation as the pleasure overwhelmed me and I succumbed to her words. As I made my diaper wetter. As I did just what she said. I came in my diaper at Mommy's command. I gave myself to her. And I had no regrets.

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