Bandsy Grows Young

Back to the first chapter of Bandsy Grows Young
Posted on February 27th, 2025 10:50 PM

Ravel woke with a smile giggling as she wiggled in her bed. She loved the feeling of her onesie, and the feeling of the diaper in her onesie. When she finally became fully awake, she stood up with a stretch while effortlessly wetting her diaper with a sense of security that she couldn’t get with pull-ups, even the premium ones from Stuffies. That was one hell of a great sleep.

As she was starting to move around Ravel got a whiff of the onesie, it was time to change clothes. Ravel had been wearing onesie since yesterday, through two diaper changes. But she would have to change soon, more than just her onesie. She had a stream today. A stream that was sponsored by Magic Mushrooms pull-ups. With only one day and ¼ of her pack gone, Ravel wasn’t ready to go back to pull-ups. She wanted to get that bonus though; she needed it to buy more onesies and diapers. She’d need to show herself wearing the pull-up on stream to get that bonus, which meant she couldn’t stealthily wear a diaper.

Ravel took a moment to appreciate the situation. In such a short time she had lost all concern about showing herself in a pull-up on stream. She’d most likely be showing herself in a wet pull-up before the stream was over. Her only concern was that she had to be out of diapers. With this thought in her head her reasoning why she didn’t just tell people she wore diapers seemed even more inconsequential. If she had let the cat out of the bag she could be wearing diapers on her stream, and she really wanted to be wearing diapers.

Ravel paused and recentered herself. What she was experiencing was probably just the rush from trying a new thing. There wasn’t any question that she liked diapers, but probably not to the extent she was liking them right now. That being said, there was a sense of disappointment in the air. Ravel poked at the only once wet diaper. She knew from experience the thing could hold significantly more, but she needed to get out of it to start getting ready for her stream. It felt wasteful to change out of it when it wasn't well used. She looked back to her bed and to her magic wand still on her night stand. There was more than one way to not waste a diaper, and this other way might help her take her mind off things. Ravel bit her lip. She grabbed the pacifier and the wand and flopped eagerly onto the bed.


T. Mallory: Ok everyone we have an objective to keep in mind this time. I’ve got a suspicion our girl is already wearing diapers, but we need some more proof of that before we can start pressing it.

T. Henrey: I’m the main mod this time so I doubt I’ll be able to add in with a sock puppet.

S. Miles: I can spare some time but I also need to be engaging.

B. Turner: I can handle most of the sock puppets.

T. Mallory: And I can contribute some as well. Try and steer the conversation into diapers. Lots of comments about how diapers are cuter or that she wouldn’t have to change if she were in a diaper. If she does leave to change make sure she doesn’t forget it.

T. Henry: I would also suggest sending in some things that are deliberately over the line. Bandsy will probably listen to @S. Miles and myself if we tell her this is just usual banter, but it will help us sell it if there are some things we are banning.

T. Mallory: That’s a great idea, thank you @T. Henry.

T. Mallory: Ok let’s break for now. @T. Henry @S. Miles, you two need to be in her mod chat in a few minutes I imagine

S. Miles: yes ma’am

B. Turner: Even if you can’t respond keep an eye on this chat for guidance.


Ravel looked at herself in her mirror, the same mirror that she admired her onesie in yesterday. This outfit was as admirable if not as cute. Ravel had to admit she was having fun finding outfits to match the pull-up she was reading for. This outfit consisted of a white crop top with a rainbow butterfly on it, and a dark purple and black mini skirt. The skirt was placed so that from both the bottom and top, thanks to her exposed midriff, the pull-up threatened peeks. It was useful when it came time to show it off and Ravel also knew that diaper peeks were exactly the look the abdl crowd wanted. It was exactly the look she wanted as well. With a nod of confidence Ravel turned to her phone. Her mod chat pinging with activity as the two mods checked in.

TurkeyHen: Ready to go boss. What’s the rules of engagement?

Ravel typed on her phone as she made her way to her computer.

Bandsy: Well, I’m doing an ad read for pull-ups on this one, so I’m expecting more baby comments. I don’t want to ruin the fun for anyone so I say let most of it go, just take out anything that’s creepy.

TurkeyHen: Understood.

MilesPrower: I’m here for backup if you need.

Bandsy: We shouldn’t but I appreciate it.

Ravel sat down in her chair and started her pre stream count down. Ten minutes until she was live, which gave her enough time to get her cameras tested and to get herself ready. With her mind focused she almost didn’t notice the lack of thickness that came from a lack of diapers. Almost.

The stream's intro music started playing and after a few seconds the stream camera opened to Bandsy waving with a smile surrounded by her Stuffies branded border.

“Welcome welcome everyone come on in come on in. Get yourselves comfortable. Today we’re going to be playing some more Moon Ocean. Also, as you can see, this stream is being sponsored by our good friends at Stuffies! So, you guys can go a little wilder with the teasing today, and you can look forward to me showing off the pull-ups again. Don’t go too overboard though.” Bandsy stopped for a moment to read chat and noticed a few messages parroting “Yes mommy” as a joke. It was funny enough that Bandsy chuckled.

“Honestly I prefer you call me mommy than baby,” Ravel smirked. “Oh, we’ve already got our first donation in. MediumRareKuriboh says: ‘Diaper check?’ Already? You guys are so predictable, but also convenient. I’ll give you one hell of a diaper check.” Ravel hopped up abruptly as her camera switched to the wider shot that showed her whole body. “How’s this for your diaper check?” Bandsy said lifting her mini skirt and sticking her tongue out. “Like I said this stream is sponsored by Stuffies and specifically their Magical Mushrooms print.” Ravel tapped a button on a little remote and the camera zoomed in on the pull-up to show the fairy and mushroom print. “This is a magical print perfect for littles the like to hunt around in the forest or who fancy themselves a little fairy. It’s got mushrooms and fairies on it. The fairies actually fade when wet too, which is why I gotta show em off now because the fairies probably won’t be here the next time I show em off. They also have diapers in this print for you forest fairies that need more protection, and the diaper print even has a little fairy village print on the landing zone.” Ravel tapped another button and a stock photo of the diaper showed up in the top corner of the stream. “Isn’t that cute? Of course, all this cuteness comes in addition to the reliability of Stuffies. So, give Magical Mushrooms a try and thanks to Stuffies for sponsoring the stream.” With the ad read done Ravel sat back in her chair and the camera switched to her face only view.

“Another donation coming in from NatAMommy.” Bandsy settled back into her chair a bit before she read it. “They say ‘The diapers are so much cuter imo.’ Well yeah, they do have that extra little print on the landing zone and that is pretty cute. ‘If it’s so cute you should try it,’” Bandsy read the person’s follow up chat. “Well, I’m not a diaper girl I'm a pull-up girl. If I was a diaper girl I definitely would.” Bandsy started booting up her game but more messages kept coming in.

“You guys need to calm down I’m not wearing diapers right now,” Bandsy said trying to move the conversation along. The chat noted the noncommittal nature of the message. “Well yeah, I’m not gonna say I’m never gonna wear diapers. I said the same thing about pull-ups and look how that went. No nevers, but I’m not wearing them right now.” This did even more to fuel the chat speculation but Bandsy had booted up the game and so had a convenient way to move the conversation along that most of the chat went along with. Despite a few hold outs wanting to keep the diaper conversation going talk instead moved to the game for a while.

Bandsy continued the game for a while before it was time for the next read, and moved from her chair to the standing position as she did before. While she was standing the pull-up drooped a little underneath the skirt by a barely noticeable amount.

“Ok everyone once again this stream is sponsored by Stuffie’s and their Magical Mushrooms pull-up.” Ravel lifted her skirt and the reason it was drooping now was plain. She had wet it during her stream. “It’s got a cute mushroom and fairy print, or mine did earlier. I might still have some fairies on the back.” Bandsy turned around to show her butt that still was full of fairies. “Yeah, see there, the fairies do fade when wet.” Bandsy spun back around to the side that had no fairies. "And you can also see that, in addition to being cute, these pull-ups hold up to use. This print is also available in diapers as well. Give Magic Mushroom pull-ups and diapers a try. Big thanks to Stuffies for sponsoring this stream.”

Bandsy changed the camera back and sat back down.

“A donation from CollaredGreens. ‘I’d like to see how the fade when wet shapes look and the diaper.’ Well, you’ll have to get them yourself and try it out.” Bandsy said coyly. “’So, you haven’t tried the thing you’re selling?’” Bandsy read a chat message. “Firstly, I’m selling the pull-ups, which I have tried. You just saw that I'm wet. Secondly, I’m sure that all their diapers are the same and they hold up really well. You won’t be disappointed. How do I know?” Bandsy blushed ever so slightly but aside from that effortlessly moved on. “Just because I’m not a diaper baby doesn’t mean I don’t talk to diaper babies, and they rave about Stuffies. Another donation from BabyPeachies: ‘Being the only big kid in a crowd of babies must be very hard. I’m sure you’d feel better if you joined in.’ You’re right Peachies it is hard, but I will carry this big girl burden.” Bandsy said dramatically holding her hand to her chest. “’But being a diaper baby is fun.’” Bandsy read another chat. “I’m sure it is sweetie. Here’s another donation from NatAMommy again. ‘Think of how much more streaming you could get done in a diaper. How much time you’d be saving form not having to change a pull-up so often.’ Well, I don’t plan on streaming long enough to leak in a pull-up so I don’t think that’s a big concern, and if you think about it changing a diaper takes like twice as long as changing a pull-up. If I change a pull-up twice as often as a diaper, I’m still breaking even time wise.” Bandsy smiled at her solid reasoning, but blushed as the obvious question of how she knew how long a diaper change took flooded the chat. She chose to ignore those messages and focus on another. “Oh, did I convince you to put your little in pull-ups? Well maybe don’t do that. I’m sure you’d have a fussy baby on your hands. Best keep em in diapers.”

Bandsy thought about herself as she went back to her game. Today she was that fussy baby. Despite all her posturing at being a big girl and selling pull-ups over diapers, she’d much rather be back in her diapers right now. This moment of thought caused a brief almost unnoticeable moment of silence where Bandsy read the chat until a message caught her eye.

“Did they convince me to try diapers? Well, I mean,” Bandsy paused to think for a moment. “I’m not gonna say no, I guess. I mean there’s something to them if so many people rave about them you know. Maybe I will try them, maybe I already have and haven’t told you.” Bandsy smiled and watched her chat explode at the insinuation.

“Yeah, I can do things on my own I don’t have to tell you guys everything,” Bandsy giggled. “Whether I wear diapers or not you guys won’t know until I tell you. Probably in a Stuffies ad,” Bandsy laughed at herself. “I learned from that whole not wearing pull-ups thing to not try and box myself in ya know. I’m not gonna shut down the idea. Anyway, don’t we have a game to play.”

Bandsy went back to playing her game and the more intrusive chatters seemed to have quieted. The truth is they got what they wanted.

B. Turner: I’d say that’s proof if I’ve ever heard it.

T. Mallory: agreed. I’ll bring it up to her next time we talk. I think I can convince her to take a read for a diaper.

B. Turner: As always, we’re here to help.

S. Miles: And I’m sure we can help push her that direction.

T. Mallory: Appreciated. I’m happy at how well thinks are going. I think we’re back on track and ahead of schedule again.

“And that’s the stream everyone,” Bandsy stretched after completing another hour of gaming. “I am tired and I do need a change. Thanks everyone for coming. Thanks to Stuffies for sponsoring. Go buy some Magic Mushrooms.” With that final line the stream transitioned to its outro music. Ravel caught a few of the final messages from chat. Lots of “You wouldn’t need to change if you were in a diaper.” Or “Maybe you need diapers if you wet that much.” As much as ravel felt like opposing them, she knew that she wanted to go back into a diaper more than they knew. Ravel switched over to her mod chat, there was already a message waiting for her.

TurkeyHen: Good job on the stream, it was cute ^^.

Bandsy: Thanks. They got really into it like I thought they would.

TurkeyHen: It’s all just typical banter, don’t think too much about it. I kept out the bad stuff.

Bandsy: I’d be interested to see what the bad stuff was.

TurkeyHen: I wouldn’t recommend it.

Despite the encouragement to do otherwise Ravel did look at the log of banned messages. The theme was common. Lots of people asking to change her, saying she would look better in diapers, or other more sexually charged comments. In comparison to these banned messages the conversation in the chat really was just banter.

Bandsy: Well good job tonight I’ll get money to you as soon as Stuffies gets money to me.

TurkeyHen: lol take your time.

On cue Ravel got a message from Theo.

Theo: good stream as always, I’ve got the money going to you.

Bandsy: Appreciate it.

Theo: And if you want, I can get you another ad read right away. It’s for the Magic Mushroom diaper. I didn’t think to offer it to you before, but in your stream you seemed interested.

Bandsy: No pull-up reads?

Theo: Not right now, give it a few days.

Bandsy: You know what, I’ll think about it. Let me see where I’m at money wise and I may take you up on that.

Theo: I can go ahead and send you the pack of diapers in case you decide you want to take it.

Bandsy: Thanks. I’ll let you know.

Ravel scooted back and left out of her chair eagerly making her way to the waiting pack of already open diapers. She didn’t expect to end this day by getting some more sent to her for her possible ad read. Whether she did the read or not those diapers were going to be used. Despite having more diapers secured, Ravel was a little bummed. She had no reason to go to the mall anymore, and that meant no excuse to get another onesie. Though the cashier did mention a website. If Ravel was getting diapers shipped why not a onesie too. It was something to entertain after she was properly dressed.

AUTHORS NOTE: Here's the next chapter everyone. Bandsys back on her pull-up stream and she's definitely not as opposed to diapers as she was before. How interesting. Check out my ream

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pages to read the next chapter right now. Hope you all enjoy.


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