Bandsy Grows Young

Back to the first chapter of Bandsy Grows Young
Posted on July 26th, 2024 09:43 PM

Ravel’s head was resting on her palm, her headset slightly askew from the position. She was busy at her computer, clicking away, moving files around, and messing with the setting on her streamer page.

“Ok run that and let’s see how it looks,” Theo was instructing from the other side of the chaos voice call. The two had been talking for a while now, Theo had been walking Ravel through the process of setting something up for her stream. With a press of a button on her keyboard, Ravel launched a demo version of her stream. Her usual layout with the chat window on the left took up her screen. “Ok that looks good now hit f ten.” Ravel did just that and suddenly her chat window changed. The usual text window shortened a little bit to make room for a small window at the top. A window that read “Sponsored by Stuffies” in some baloony looking letters, with a starry sky background behind it. To the right of the word Stuffies was a little stuffed animal in a basic white cloth diaper. “And there you go,” The said confidently.

“What’s the bear?” ravel asked looking at the little cartoon character.

“Oh, it’s our mascot,” Theo explained giddily. “It’s a stuffed animal, cuz stuffies.”

“Cute,” Ravel hit f ten again and the box went away, returning her chat window to normal. “That’s pretty neat,” Ravel said with a yawn.

“Yeah. Sorry it’s such a pain to set up,” Theo apologized.

“Not your fault,” Ravel stretched. “So, you want this up while I’m reading the ad.”

“We’d appreciate at least ten minutes before and after the read as well,” Theo added.

“I can do that,” Ravel said with an unseen nod.

“Perfect,” Theo said happily. “I’ll send you the script for this one, but it’s more of the same and you don’t have to be exact.”

“You got it,” Ravel said happily. “And I can reuse this for anything.”

“Yeah, anything that matches those dimensions,” Theo added. “Though you can adjust the window size. Our marketing guys say that’s the perfect dimensions though.”

“That’s good to know if I get any other sponsors,” Ravel said hopefully.

“Hopefully you’ll be getting some too, I’d be happy to see you succeed. Just don’t forget the little diaper company that got you started when you blow up,” Theo said with a snicker.

“You sound like my friends,” Ravel snickered back.

“Well, I’m sure they have your best interest at heart,” Theo started. “But I will say that I think all of our major partners have heard that advice and they had to ignore to get to where they are.”

“That include Smol Sally?” Ravel questioned pointedly.

“I’m guessing you saw the stream then?” Theo chuckled nervously.

“Yeah, well parts of it,” Ravel admitted. “I turned it off after she … you know.”

“I didn’t think you were the type to get squicked out,” Theo questioned.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Ravel said defensively. “Just isn’t really my thing. Is doing that part of the sponsor deal?”

“The short answer is yes,” Theo admitted. “If you’re worried about that being part of your next deal then don’t. We only added that as part of her deal because she had already done that kinda stuff. I mean she has a Cosmic Fans.”

“I notice that a lot of the diaper streamers do,” Ravel commented.

“It’s just another source of income,” Theo pointed out. “Can’t get away with everything on Tristan Tv.”

“Smol Sally sure got away with a lot,” Ravel noted. “I’m pretty sure wetting yourself on stream is t.o.s., to say nothing of messing. How’d she get away with that?”

“We paid Tristan Tv,” Theo said laughing. “Come on Bandsy, you had to know that was a thing.”

“I did, but it’s nice to hear it from the horse’s mouth.” Ravel laughed along with Theo.

“We do have to know ahead of time, just in case you were planning a surprise in your next stream,” Theo joked.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” Ravel was quick to deny the idea.

“Speaking of, do you need another sample pack to show off?” Theo questioned innocently, but the question had more substance behind it. The open package was visible in Ravel’s demo stream, and she noted that more than one was missing. There were a lot of possible explanations to why this might be, but one was the most likely. Ravel’s slight stammered response all but confirmed what that reason was.

“No no,” Ravel said a little too loud. “I’ve still got plenty from the first pack you sent.”

“Really?” Theo continued prying. “Forgive me for being a little nosy, but I did notice the package was a little slim.”

“Well, I was a little curious,” Ravel’s voice pitched a little. “I mean I have to open the pack anyway. I thought I might as well look at one.”

“Just look at one?” Theo’s eyebrow raise was high enough that Ravel could hear it.

“Just look at one,” Ravel confirmed flatly. Theo had a comment that she kept to herself: that there were enough pull-ups missing from that package than would be needed to just look at them.

“If you were doing more than looking at them, then of course we’d pay you more for the ad read,” Theo reminded.

“I know,” Ravel said seriously.

“Ok, I’ll drop it,” Theo said apologetically. “I hope you know I’m just messing around a little.”

“Yeah yeah your fine,” Ravel did have to make an effort to put on a light hearted tone again.

“Ok just want to make sure,” Theo said officially. “I’ll let you go now. Look forward to the next stream. Oh, and thanks for tuning into Smol Sally’s stream.”

“No problem. Talk to you soon,” Ravel ended the call, and then immediately let out a tense breathe.

Ravel cursed herself a little, feeling the pull-up underneath her pajama bottoms now more than ever. She honestly had forgotten she was wearing one until Theo called her, and then it went back to the back of her mind again until she brought up the pack of pull-ups. When Ravel looked back at the package, it was obvious that several pull-ups were missing from it. Obvious enough that Theo noticed, and had questions. Questions that Ravel’s half-hearted excuses would fail to account for if she kept “looking” at them. She’d have to be more careful about this kind of thing if she wanted it to stay secret.

Of course, the best solution was obvious: just stop wearing them. When Ravel thought about stopping though, it made her a little sad and anxious. She didn’t want to stop. She liked them. The sizeable dent in the amount of pull-ups left in her package, and the fact she had worn one every evening for the past five days made that pretty clear. She hadn’t quite processed what that meant for her yet. She didn’t know if that meant she wanted to wet them, if she wanted to wear diapers, or if she wanted to try her hand at being a diaper girl. It was something to figure out later, now she knew that she liked the little toe dipping into the lifestyle she was doing, and she didn’t want to stop.

Because she didn’t want to stop, Ravel knew she never would be able to stop even if she tried. Why would she try? It was harmless, and it felt good. The only reason to stop was to save face online, which wasn’t much of a reason given Ravel would likely come out richer for it. A mix of her not wanting to and there being no real reason to meant Ravel wouldn’t stop. So that meant she would have to deal with it. She would just have to buy her own pack. Ravel smiled at that easy solution and went on to think about her next sponsored stream.


Theo opened that chat with her advisors as soon as she was off the call with Bandsy.

T. Mallory: sending over a call with Bandsy. I believe she may be wearing the pull-ups we sent her already.

There was a long pause as the recording of the phone call was sent over and the analysts looked over the recording.

B. Turner: She was definitely caught off guard when you asked her about it.

T. Henrey: I can’t recommend you pressing like that without consulting us first.

T. Mallory: I don’t always have time to run things by you. I have to keep the conversation natural.

S. Miles: This time I think you made the right call.

T. Henry: I agree, and I think your assessment is right. She was defensive when you brought up wearing pull-ups, and if you think the amount missing from her package is suspicious then I’ll defer to your judgment about that.

B. Turner: This is something you can capitalize on, obviously. She seems reluctant to admit that she’s wearing pull-ups in her down time, but if the reality is obvious to you, then she knows, at some level, it’s obvious to everyone. She’s primed to have it exposed by a random stream viewer.

T. Mallory: I do have some dummy accounts ready for all of us. I can send the details.

S. Miles: Thank you. We will have to come up with a few different scenarios to orchestrate this, and we’ll need your input, Miss Mallory, to help here.

T. Mallory: Whatever you need. How should I handle the aftermath.

T. Henry: It’s likely she’ll confide in these friends she’s mentioned before you, and that is ideal. We still want to be keeping her distant until she agrees to do more on her streams.

B. Turner: If she does reach out to you though you should be supportive. Remind her that she will earn more with a personal recommendation.

S. Miles: It may be worthwhile to get her to talk about what she likes about the pull-ups, get her already writing her recommendation to you. She may not want to talk about it though. Don’t push.

T. Mallory: I am concerned about her friend group, that they may keep her from really committing herself as a Stuffies partner.

T. Henry: A problem to tackle later, you’re not familiar enough to her right now to broach that topic.

B. Turner: Agreed, let her friends console her for now. You can be that shoulder later.

Theo rolled her chair back, disengaging from the conversation with the experts for a moment. She couldn’t help but smile. She had stumbled upon a major breakthrough, one that would speed up this process even more. Theo relished a job well done for a moment, and lost herself day dreaming about the kind of the streams the soon to be Baby Bandsy would be taking part in. That thought awoken an idea in her. Maybe she should already start planting some seeds for collab streams in the collection of diaper streamers they already had. Cry Baby Cereal had already mentioned having her on. Theo got to work thinking about how to set that up, it appeared the time for it would come sooner rather than later.


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