Bandsy Grows Young

Back to the first chapter of Bandsy Grows Young
Posted on July 18th, 2024 10:15 PM

“All right everyone that’s it for tonight,” Ravel said with a tired sigh, looking into the camera on her computer. “Thanks for coming out, see you guys soon,” with a little wave, ravel closed her stream.

With the stream over Ravel leaned back into her chair and gave a happy, but tired, exhale. It was another stream well done. Ravel thought her streams had been going very well lately. With the looming stress of sponsorship not looming over her, she was back into her normal element even if echoes of that stress were still there. The opened package of sample pull-ups was still waiting by Ravel’s closet door. They were a constant reminder of that time, though one that was noticeably less pressing than it had been two weeks ago when the sponsorship first came through.

Ravel found herself staring at the package as she had several times since she had gotten them. Maybe it was these stares and idle thoughts that kept her from moving the package of pull-ups somewhere out of sight and out of mind, though it was just as likely laziness. Nagging thoughts had been creeping up in her more and more over the past two weeks: she wanted to wear one.

She couldn’t even really explain why. Maybe it was because they had been the source of stress, or maybe she was curious about what others still saw in them. Part of her wanted to think that it was her wanting to have integrity and know for sure that the sponsors she took on were making quality products, but she knew deep down that wasn’t the reason. Because accompanying all these thoughts was another: the thought that it didn’t really matter if she tried them on. No one would know. She could satisfy her curiosity and stop the nagging thoughts without any consequences.

These thoughts had been increasing every night, to the point she was at now. With some inner resentment she got up from her chair and picked up one of the pull-ups she had gotten out earlier but never worn. This had been the third time she had picked this particular pull-up up with determination. Usually, she sat it back down on top of the package without anything happening. This time, though, would be different. Maybe it was the realization that this was the third time she had picked this pull-up that drove Ravel over the edge.

With a sigh that breathed out a lot of embarrassment, Ravel began to move with purpose. Quickly slipping off her pajama bottoms and panties, before her mind could catch up with what she was doing and stop her. It worked. Before she really had time to grasp what she was doing, Ravel had slipped the pull-up onto her body.

Ravel held in a breath as she settled into what she had just done. This was the first time she had worn a pull-up since college, since she had written off the whole adult diaper thing as a fad swearing never to wear them again after it had died down. Here she was though, with the disposable undergarment snuggly around her waist. After the brief shock, Ravel quickly got over it. As with a lot of things in life, the reality of her stepping into a pull-up again was much more mundane then her mind was making it out to be.

As Ravel came down from the shock, she finally took stock of things. She moved her body around, getting a feel for the pull-up. She didn’t hate it. She never really hated it, to be fair. Even the cheap pull-ups she wore in college weren’t unpleasant. These however, were unique. Unlike the ones she wore in college, which she just tolerated to fit in with the fad at the time, these were comfortable, and she could see herself wearing them for more than just validation. They were snug against her body and the soft and plentiful padding gave her bottom a nice cushion.

Suddenly a sense of light-hearted dread washed over her. She liked these. They felt great, probably better than her panties did. She liked them enough that, when she thought about taking the off to go back to regular underwear, she had an immediate negative reaction. She wanted to stay in these a while. Ravel thought to herself that she probably shouldn’t be surprised at this. Stuffies was the biggest adult diaper company around, and their products were good enough that they survived through the fad phase to remain a staple in a niche subculture. It would be weird if they weren’t comfortable, but that wasn’t quite enough to describe the sensation Ravel felt. It was like an awakening. A sudden realization that perhaps she had been going her whole life wearing the less comfortable underwear.

Ravel sat back down in her chair, cursing herself because she knew immediately that this was going to be a thing for her now. She thought to how her chat would react if they saw her now, enjoying a pull-up after denying so steadfastly that she wore them. She had gotten herself into even more of a predicament with her stubbornness, though she had to admit that this little arc probably would be great for views, if it ever got out. Ravel took solace in the fact that, for now at least, it wouldn’t get out.

Now that she was wearing a pull-up, Ravel’s mind drifted to her sponsor that got her these in the first place. After her last conversation with Theo, where Theo was overly friendly, Ravel would have expected more communication, but Theo had been radio silent since their last conversation. Ravel opened Chaos while her mind was on it, and sent a quick message.

Bandsy: Hey, just wondering what the word is. Haven’t heard from you, just wanted to make sure we were still cool.

The reply was not immediate, though Ravel didn’t expect it to be. No doubt Theo was busy with her more dedicated sponsors, the ones that would wear, and use, actual diapers. Ravel suddenly had a new interest in this idea. Considering how comfortable the pull-ups were, Ravel wondered how actual diapers would feel. That’s what Stuffies' focus was, so it would stand to reason that they might be even more comfortable than the pull-ups. It was also a bridge Ravel wasn’t ready to cross quite yet. Even if she did enjoy the pull-up she was wearing, a diaper was a totally different thing. Diapers made a statement that pull-ups didn’t. They said that the person wearing them was more committed to the act, and it came with the implication that the person needed diapers because they used them. She had never gotten up the nerve when she was in college to make the jump, but Ravel couldn’t deny that the thought was starting to nag at her now. She had that same kind of nagging thought about the pull-ups, and that had eventually led her to the point she was at now, enjoying the pull-up around her waist. The ending seemed inevitable to her, but she would fight it regardless.

Ravel was distracted by a chime from Chaos, Theo had responded.

Theo: Sorry about that.

Theo: Everything is still good with us, we’re still on for another read next week. I’ll reach out closer to time.

Theo: I’m a bit busy setting up a sponsored stream for Smol Sally. You should tune it if you’re not busy.

Ravel frowned a bit at the quick dismissal. It was such a 180 from her attitude last time they spoke. At the time Ravel found it a bit uncomfortable, but now she was a bit put off by the sudden distance. It was what she wanted though, so she couldn’t really complain.

Bandsy: Maybe I will. I don’t have anything going on.

Theo: I hope you can. Talk to you soon.

Ravel sensed that the conversation was over, and left it feeling oddly neglected. It was this feeling that spurned her to load up the said stream. She had to stop herself when she found that it hadn’t started yet. She had gotten so caught up in the moment that she didn’t think straight for a bit. She stood up to take a walk, and was reminded of the pull-up she was wearing as it hugged her in a distinct way as she stood up. Ravel blushed a bit at the reminder, and felt a flutter in her tummy that she didn’t entirely dislike.

As she moved around her room Ravel caught a glance of herself in the mirror of her bathroom, in just her baggy t-shirt and pull-up. She was surprised at how sexy she looked. She didn’t think that she would be able to get over that the thing around her waist was a diaper, and that was still true to an extent. It still was only one layer removed from a diaper. She was still in her underwear, though, and that was sexy. Adding the pull-up didn’t take away from that. If it did it was replaced with a hint of a forbidden taboo that was enticing in its own unique way. Ravel thought that she maybe even preferred how she looked in them. It definitely did a lot to improve her assets. The extra padding made her look thicker in the right places. Ravel dismissed these last thoughts pretty quickly. She was probably just caught up in the moment. She wouldn’t find them as attractive when the novelty wore off. One truth was undoubtable though, she didn’t hate the way she looked in them.

Ravel moved to the small mini fridge in her room to get a drink, smiling a bit at the part ridiculous, part embarrassing, part enticing image of her just hanging around in her apartment with her pull-ups on display. She grabbed an energy drink out of the fridge, closing it with her hip in a slightly more sassy than normal way.

As she did, the stream from Smol Sally finally switched on. The silent screen was replaced with a jaunty cute jingle, that then faded out into real life audio with a girl waving happily on the screen. She was an average Asian woman, well average for her genre. She was a diaper streamer, and that necessitated a certain outfit. This one was a pastel yellow onesie decorated with cartoon bees, somewhat clashing with her neon pink hair.

“Hello everybaby and welcome to a very special stream,” Smol Sally spoke in a jovial tone. “As some of you may know I’ve been given the very special opportunity to debut a brand new Stuffies diaper. So, we’re gonna get right to it because I know you guys are excited to see the new print. And if my Cosmic Fan numbers are anything to go by, a lot of you like seeing me in my diapers too.” With a wry wink the diaper girl unsnapped her onesie to reveal a matching diaper.

It was matching in theme anyway. It was a spring theme decorated with bees. The bottom of the diaper, around where her thighs started was a bit of green grass, sprouting from that were several colorful flowers, and the landing zone was filled with cute bees flying around the flowers. Smol Sally turned around to reveal the design continued on the back. With some more room on the but, the design was a little more detailed and had a small sun in the corner in addition to the bees. Even as an outside observer, Ravel had to admit that the design was absolutely adorable.

“It’s the baby bees,” Smol Sally sang happily. “Isn’t it just so stinkin cute. Oh, and I’ve been holding it in just to show you,” Smol Sally adjust the camera to zoom into the diaper. With a bit of a pause and shuffling, it became clear that Smol Sally was wetting the diaper live on stream. A pretty shocking act, even for diaper streamers, but it did serve a purpose. As she filled the diaper the colorful petals of the flowers disappeared. “It’s got fade when wet designs, and you know how crazy I am for that.” Smol Sally zoomed the camera back out and seamlessly went into advertisement mode. “This adorable spring design is available in Stuffies' max baby diaper core, which many of you know is made to handle even the heaviest of accidents from the biggest of babies, wet or otherwise, as you’ll probably see as the stream goes on. Available for preorder now on the Stuffies site. Get em now cuz these are gonna fly off the shelves.” Smol Sally snapped the onesie back up as she continued.

“To celebrate our bee themed diapers, I’m going to show you guys how to make a bee themed drink for your babas,” Smol Sally moved over to a neatly decorated kitchen counter, with supplies ready to go and one bottle already made. She picked up the adult sized baby bottle and showed it to the camera. The drink inside was a sight to look at. It was in layers of alternating light brown and dark brown, topped off with a yellow-colored whip cream.

“Doesn’t that look adorable,” Smol Sally squeed. “As you can see, we’re going to be alternating some mixtures for our bee stripes, and we’re topping it off with some food-colored whipped cream for our bee head. Now I gotta admit that while you’re playing, this striping is going to go away, but it is cute now and the flavors mix really well.” Smol Sally took a drink from the nipple of the bottle expertly. True to her word, the ornate pattern almost immediately faded away into a single dark brown color. “As with most of my baba drinks, I am going to add some special ingredients to help babies fill their diaper, after all I gotta show you guys how well these baby bees hold up when you put em to the test. As always though there’s a disclaimer. Always be careful with diuretics and laxatives, it only takes a little and if you put too much you can hurt yourself. Be safe, and if you’re concerned don’t be ashamed to skip adding them in your own baba. Always be safe, it’s not fun if you hurt yourself.” Smol Sally smiled with her explanation concluded. “Ok let’s get started.”

Ravel watched on with interest. She had to admit that a diaper streamer cooking channel wasn’t something she expected. The whole thing was exceptionally cute, but also not exactly what Ravel looked for in her streams, so she tuned it out for the most part. What stood out in her mind, was the image of Smol Sally, wetting her diaper on stream like it was no big deal. Ravel looked down at her own pull-up and couldn’t help but imagine herself in that role. The image seemed almost dystopic to her, so antithetical to the persona she tried to make for herself. At the same time though, Smol Sally was enjoying so much more success than Ravel would ever dare hope to get with her streams. The chat was scrolling by with amazing speed, the set up was so professional and clean looking, and the donations, as well as the sponsorship and the active cosmic fans, spoke to a lucrative stream of income. Smol Sally was living her best streamer life, and as Ravel imagined herself in Smol Sally's shoes, or rather onesie and soggy diaper, she also imagined herself living off her streams like she always wanted.

The question asked itself in Ravel’s mind: would it be worth it? Could she fill a diaper like Smol Sally if it meant that she could live off her live streams. Ravel’s musings were distracted by a moment in the stream. Smol Sally was talking as she was carefully pouring in another of the black layers in her adult baby bottle drink when she abruptly stopped.

“Ooo, see guys these things work fast,” Smol Sally blushed as she grabbed her stomach. “Let’s put the baby in these baby bees.” Smol Sally, grabbed a large pacifier and stuck it into her mouth. She then quickly unsnapped her onesie again, and pressed the diaper into her butt so that it curved inward. Something Ravel thought was strange, but the reason why she had done this was made quickly apparent. The camera zoomed in on the cutely decorated diaper but. With only a little grunt, Ravel watched as live on stream the inward curve of Smol Sally’s diaper was pushed out with the mess that was pushed out of Smol Sally and into her diaper. She had pooped her diaper on stream.

“There all done,” Smol Sally said removing her pacifier. “And you know a big baby like me isn’t going to stop the stream just cuz my baby bees are a little extra baby.” With her ass still in the center of the camera Sally pressed the diaper, and by consequence the mess she had just made in it, against herself, before snapping her onesie shut. “Be sure to thank Stuffies for that little preview you guys just got, and be sure to check out the cosmic fans if you want more where that came from,” Smol Sally winked. “But back to making the baba. Be sure to keep being careful, even if you really need a diaper change, we don't want to mix the layers just yet.”

In this moment, Ravel picturing herself as Smol Sally had backfired on her. In some way she had just watched herself mess a diaper live on stream. She abruptly shut off the stream. Suddenly she wanted out of the pull-up she had found comfortable before. She did just that, with the same speed that she had put it on. She found herself feeling disappointed, and almost naked back in the unpadded underwear, but thinking of herself messing a diaper again confirmed her choice. She had no doubt that after she got over this weird second-hand feeling, she would be back in a pull-up, but for now she was done. Ravel found a MeTube video to try and bleach the image of her messing a diaper from her mind.


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