Chapter 24
Cassidy and Callie were wordlessly boarding the airship, in a moment reminiscent of when they left home in Miqo to head over to Biscotti. Though the situation now was decidedly different. Last time Cassidy wasn’t being kept on a leash by her girlfriend. Cassidy was sporting an essential child on the go look. A pink t-shirt and a white skirt, short enough for her cartoonishly decorated diaper with several notable fade when wet cartoons already missing to peek out when she moved any major amount. Even though she had on childish white tights, they were transparent enough for it to be apparent to anyone that, yes, that was a diaper under there. If that wasn’t enough to confirm the pink chest harness locked on her chest with the lead going to her girlfriend sealed the deal. Though to anyone watching, at least here on the Biscotti side of this trip, Cassidy and Callie were not girlfriends, but babysitter and charge. Even on a trip to Miqo Cassidy still looked indistinguishable from a child to the people getting on the airship with them.
“Nervous?” Callie asked, dressed in a much more modest dark t-shirt and jeans.
“Not about this,” Cassidy gestured to her outfit. “I’m used to being out in this. I’m more nervous about getting back home, where it’s a little more obvious,” Cassidy looked around to make sure no one was directly eavesdropping “how old I actually am.”
“I got you covered for that remember,” Callie gestured to the backpack on her back, her one carry on for the trip. “You think the trip home will be as eventful as the trip up?” Callie asked remembering the encounter with the flugewhale the two had on their trip to Biscotti.
“I hope not,” Cassidy shuddered.
“Why?” Callie giggled. “I think seeing a little baby blast a monster out of the sky would be quite the sight.”
“Well I guess you’re not wrong,” As Cassidy commented this they heard a siren sound, a signal that the air ship was about to take off. Workers on the ground were quickly moving ramps out of the way and clearing the area to accommodate the coming launch.
“Come on little one you need to be strapped in for take-off remember,” Callie said with a knowing look.
“You’re having fun with this,” Cassidy remarked as her girlfriend lead her by her leash to the inside cabin where several people were taking seats and buckling seat belts. It wasn't required for most passengers to take their seats during takeoff and landing, though many did because both processes were prone to knocking one off of their feet. The exception to this rule were children who were required to be secured in a special seat. Callie gestured to one row with one such seat by the window. Unlike the regular seats, which had a simple lap belt buckle, this one had a full five point harness, with buckles going around the lap as well as over each shoulder and the crotch. It was pretty large to accommodate how large Beastkin children can get, but it still managed to take up only one seat in the three seat row. To accomplish this, and to keep the occupant safe, the belts actually kept the occupant pretty secure to the seat, not allowing for a lot of movement. Cassidy figured this out as Callie eagerly strapped her into the seat.
“There we go nice and safe,” Callie said happily tightening the buckles on Cassidy’s seat. Cassidy pouted as she struggled to move in the restrictive seat. “Oh calm down sweetie, you’ll be able to have a little walk once we get into the air. Until then you need to stay in your seat.” Cassidy sighed at the explanation. In a quick spark of inspiration Callie fussed with Cassidy’s dress, situating it in such a way that her crotch buckle was holding it up offering an unobstructed view of her soggy diaper.
“Really?” Cassidy complained before she found a pacifier popped into her mouth.
“Well you know I have to keep an eye on your diapers, because you’re a very leaky girl.” Callie pressed against Cassidy’s soggy diaper to emphasize is. Cassidy had to stifle a gasp, though thankfully the pacifier helped with that. “Oh yeah we are not ready for potty training for a while, someone likes their diapers too much.”
“Stahp,” Cassidy complained quietly as her face grew flush. The moment was interrupted by a lurch as the engines on the air ship flared to life causing it to listlessly lift itself off of its landing struts and float into the sky. Cassidy struggled to sit up enough in her seat to look out of the window and watch the ground grow further away from them as the airship ascended to its cruising height.
“Here sweetie have a snack,” Callie popped the pacifier out of Cassidy’s mouth and replaced it with a baby bottle filled with juice. Cassidy gave her partner a glare. The baby seat was already pushing it and now she had a bottle too. Really she thought she was at least old enough for a sippy cup, though even as she thought this she felt her diaper grow warmer, which was the only indication she had left that she was wetting herself. The casual and thoughtless use of her diaper questioning her earlier thought that she was big enough for a sippy cup.
“Needa change,” Cassidy whispered quickly before going back to her bottle. She was less fussy as Callie checked her diaper this time to assess the damage.
“We’ll have to wait until you can get out of your seat,” Callie said sitting in her own seat after finishing the check. “Though maybe you want to stay in it until we get half way home?” Callie offered. Cassidy blushed at the implication. Callie was essentially asking if Cassidy would prefer staying in her soggy diaper rather than getting changed right away, and as she thought about it while suckling from her bottle, she did. Cassidy nodded yes to the question. “Ok little sog monster,” Callie teased playfully.
It was a few more moments before a tone announced that the air ship was at cruising height, and those that chose to sit down and strap in for take-off were now getting up to move about the indoor cabin and outdoor area. Cassidy too wiggled in her seat before being chided by Callie.
“Not yet sweetie. If I let you out now you’re never gonna calm down enough to eat your snack,” Callie produced a small bag of trail mix. Cassidy gave her caretaker a glare. It was pretty obvious that Callie’s excuse was garbage, she just wanted to keep Cassidy confined to her baby seat for a little longer. Cassidy could appreciate this, she enjoyed being stuck in the baby seat almost as much as Callie enjoyed sticking her in there. So she took the baggie of snacks with a knowing glare to Callie, who returned it with a wry smile. Cassidy finished the snacks pretty quickly and returned the empty bag to Callie with a triumphant smile. “Well I guess I can let you out to stretch your legs.”
“You guess?” Cassidy fired back as Callie unstrapped her.
“You can stay in if you want,” Callie more threatened than offered.
“No thank you,” Cassidy said with a smile. Callie responded by helping the girl out and immediately attaching the lead to her chest harness, and gripping it closer to her so she had less room to roam.
“Come on lets head outside and get some air,” Callie lead Cassidy onto the open air deck.
Several people were casually relaxing as the airship drifted high in the clouds, looking over the railing into the long drop to the ocean below. Several birds were cawing in the sky as Cassidy and Callie made their way out onto the deck.
“Wow you are one soggy little kitten,” Callie remarked watching Cassidy walked in front of her with a slight waddle, and with the sodden diaper hanging even lower under her skirt.
“Yeah, maybe I do need a change,” Cassidy lifted her skirt to check herself somewhat oblivious to how this looked to onlookers.
“Well too late. You already said you were going to wait so now you’re going to wait.” Cassidy rolled her eyes and giggled.
“Oh no,” she complained sarcastically. “Stuck in my soggy diaper whatever will I do.” They both laughed a little. “Come on. I wanna look at the water,” Cassidy tugged against her lead toward the railing and Callie followed.
“All right, but be careful,” Callie genuinely worried as Cassidy peered over the edge.
“Ooo I think I can see a fish, maybe it’s a whale or something.” Cassidy said full of wonder.
“I doubt you could see anything from this high up,” Callie remarked, as Cassidy looked over the edge Callie noticed to wet spots on her tights around her diaper’s leg holes. “Hold there,” Callie ordered. Cassidy obeyed as Callie squished the diaper against her. She had wet again and even leaked a little, she didn't even notice until Callie pressing the diaper against her reminded her about it. “We really need to get you fixed up when we get back.” Callie remarked. Cassidy couldn’t help but nod in agreement. “Maybe we should get you changed.”
“No I’m busy lookin,” Cassidy complained. Callie shot her a look. “I’m gonna change pants anyway right. A little leak’s not a big deal. Besides you can’t deny that the soggy tights look is cute.” Callie sighed at Cassidy’s explanation, but Cassidy had already gone back to looking over the edge so she didn’t even see it. Though Callie supposed that Cassidy was right. If she was fine being leaky, and it seemed that she was, it would probably be ok.
As if to put a final point on the situation Cassidy felt a familiar sensation in her tummy, one that meant in a minute or two her leaky diaper would be messy as well. She knew then that she would definitely need a change, which would bring an end to this moment. Though really she could only stall for a few seconds, and the position she was in would make the action pretty cute, so Cassidy committed. She changed her position from looking over the rails to hanging from it in a squatting position and in this position she effortlessly pushed a mess out into the waiting leaky diaper. When she was finished with the incredibly obvious act she looked to Callie, who gave her a look that said she definitely needed a change now and Callie wasn’t hearing arguments.
“Five minutes?” Cassidy asked. Callie rolled her eyes and returned with a smirk, her resolve for changing her charge right then and there fading a bit. Callie approached behind Cassidy and deliberately pressed her diaper against her, mashing the mess into her bottom. This time Cassidy could not stop the flustered gasp.
“Oooo watch out sweetie don’t fall,” Callie expertly played the gasp off as an astonished gasp from slipping slightly. “Five minutes,” Callie whispered with a devilish gleam in her eye. If Cassidy could liquidate into a puddle she would have just then. She had little doubt that the next five minutes would be over in what seemed like one, but oh how fun that five minute long one minute would be.
Cassidy was interrupted from her happy musings in her well-worn diaper by a tug at her leash.
“All right your five minutes is up,” Callie spoke sternly. “You need a change you’re almost making puddles on the floor.
“Fine,” Callie nodded in agreement as she was lead waddling over to the family restroom on the deck of the airship. Thankfully it was empty, which wasn’t unexpected. Callie was one of three “children” on this flight so the bathroom would likely be empty for a while, giving the two plenty of time, which they would need given the state of Cassidy’s diaper. Callie wasted no time folding down the changing table.
“Hop up,” she commanded. Cassidy obeyed hopping onto the changing table which was only slightly too small for her. She took a bit of joy in sitting in her mess one last time and laid down. Of course Callie was quick to run both the chest strap over Callie’s chest as well as secure her wrists in the wrist straps, keeping her pretty still as she got to work. “What am I going to do with you,” Callie sighed removing Cassidy’s shoes and tights.
“Change my diaper?” Cassidy said with a hopeful smirk. Callie gave a smirk and opened the diaper to get to work. “I can clean up if you want,” Cassidy said having a sudden moment of shame.
“If you ask to change yourself one more time you’re walking out of here without any pants,” Callie was serious as she got busy cleaning Cassidy up. Cassidy turned away with a grimace, not wanting to look at her girlfriend cleaning up the mess she took such delight in causing. “Don’t pout so much. Your diaper at the collaring was worse than this and we got through it just fine,” Callie said having finished cleaning Cassidy well enough and tossed the old diaper away.
“I still feel bad about making you do this,” Cassidy whined as the new diaper was slid under her.
“You’re not making me do anything,” Callie applied powder. “I don’t have to do any of this, I know very well you can handle it yourself.” She folded the diaper up and taped it shut. “I’m doing it because I want to, because it makes you happy,” Callie patted the front of the diaper to signal she was don, though she left Cassidy restrained to the changing table as she dug into her backpack getting something out and storing Cassidy’s slightly damp tights. Cassidy giggled as she wiggled against the restraints, of course she would be left in there for as long as possible. Finally however she was let up, and her chest harness was removed. “You ready to go back to being a big girl?”
“I'm ready to pretend to be one at least,” Cassidy joked. Callie smirked and held open some leggings for Cassidy to slide her legs into, and when on they safely covered up her diaper. With a missing chest harness, and something covering her diaper Cassidy was miraculously transformed from a child to an adult.
The two stepped out of the bathroom, with the rest of the passengers none the wiser that there was suddenly there was one less kid running around. They returned to their spot on the rail, to enjoy the rest of the trip with some adult conversation.
They conversed for several hours, talking about the events of the past week, and their plans to dig into Cassidy's new found juvenile interest when they got home. They were interrupted by the tone announcing their approach to the landing area sounded. Without the guise of being a child Cassidy was able to watch from the outside deck as the airship slowly but deliberately lowered itself into its landing struts, settling in with a thunk sound. Cassidy looked at over the horizon, the more human buildings and distinctly human urban city center seeming a little more off after spending time around Biscotti buildings, though she had to admit that she saw them with a bit more appeal thae when she left.
“Home sweet home,” Callie said gathering her backpack. “Come on I want to take a nap in my own bed for once.”
“Amen,” Cassidy agreed and the two made their way to the crowd that was deboarding the airship, feeling the sense of normalcy return to them as they slowly descended the ramp onto Miqo soil.
“Hurry that's the train to the neighborhood,” Callie said sprinting to a train stop. Cassidy followed quickly and the two managed to snag a spot on the public transport as it started pulling away, Callie struggling to keep a hold of their luggage. She handed one of the suitcases to Cassidy for her to hold.
“Oh do you need a change dear,” Callie said, giving only a second for the answer before pressing against Cassidy’s diaper under her leggings.
“Hey,” Cassidy protested. She felt the slightly damp diaper press against her. "You changed me only a few hours ago you knew I didn't need another change yet."
“Oh I figured,” Callie explained. “I just wanted to remind you that even though we’re back home you’re still the baby here.” Cassidy scoffed and rolled her eyes, but after a few moments gave her girlfriend an earnest look.
“Love you.”
“I love you too.”