A Fantasy Wedding: Chapter 22

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Posted on January 31st, 2023 04:56 AM

Chapter 22

The thunder bird screeching in the skies above gave everyone the motivation they needed to make their way into the building next to the temple, where the reception was being held. Cassidy and Callie also made their way inside with the rest of the crowd. Cassidy was a little annoyed that her brief reprieve from constant coos was over and she received several as Callie led her into the building.

They did manage to make their way inside and several other guests were filing to their assigned tables. Cassidy looked over to the largest table against the wall of the building, this was clearly the focal point of the dinner and so she was expecting to see Brita and her now husband Mark sitting over there, but they weren’t. Instead the center of the table was taken up by the elders of both families, still in their ceremonial garb from the collaring. On either side of them were family heads from their families, Cassidy noted the Marta was among the family heads on the Callgahorn side of the table. Cassidy looked to Callie for an explanation of what was happening.

“It’s tradition, after the collaring, for the family the collared partner is going to to present their own eligible members to potentially be collared. We’ve given something to them so it’s expected that they give something to us in return.” Cassidy took all this in and looked over to the table. Already it seemed that one head of the family was presenting some young members of the family to the Callgahorn elder, and the Callgahorn elder was in turn calling over a head of their family, which would bring their own eligible bachelor in tow for introductions to be made. “Later all the match made partners have this big dance.”

“Where’s Brita at?” Cassidy asked. Callie gestured to a small table tucked away in the corner where Birta and Mark were sitting. They had a few visitors offering congratulations, but it was clear that the table with the elders, and the introductions being made there was the focus of the reception.

“This seems wrong,” Callie commented. “Isn’t this supposed to be Brita’s day?”

“That’s how humans do it dear,” Callie spoke informatively. “This is how Biscotti do it, and the Naga do something similar, so I’ve been told.” Cassidy’s face sank a little. If she thought that the ceremony itself was transactional in nature, this dinner party blew that out of the water. Members of one family were being offered up to the other like they were products, at least that’s how it seemed to Cassidy. “Why don’t we go sit,” Callie said noting Cassidy’s shift in mood.

The two made their way over to a table with Allyson who was sitting alone.

“Just you Ally?” Callie said as she approached.

“The other bridesmaids are over with the elders making introductions.”

“Even Jayna?” Cassidy asked with concern given Jayna’s age. Allyson just shrugged.

“Cassidy isn’t quite used to how we do things in Biscotti,” Callie explained.

“Oh we’ve got a chair for the little one here,” Allyson said gesturing to a chair next to here. It was fairly common for beastkin chairs to only be slightly modified for children. Due to how big they could get, highchairs weren’t always needed. This was the case with this chair next to Allyson. It was for the most part the same chair as all of the other ones except for tiny leashes on either side of the chair that would attach to the kids chest harness and keep them from running off. Additionally it came with a tray that would sit over the arms of the chair and be tightened on with straps.

Cassidy grimaced as Callie and Allyson strapped her into the chair, securing the tray over her. Callie lovingly patted her on the head.

“So I’m guessing they do things differently on the mainland?” Allyson asked. Cassidy moved to answer but stopped as a server came buy with some small plates. It would be strange for small children to pontificate on the cultural significance of bonding ceremonies so Cassidy kept her mouth shut, but thankfully Callie stepped up.

“It’s a lot more focused on the bride and groom. Little Cas here thinks all this the change in focus is a little strange,” Callie answered. As she did the server put down some plates with fancy meats and cheeses in front of Callie and Allyson and a small plate with chicken nuggets in front of Cassidy.

“Aww she’s a little inquisitive,” the server cooed at Cassidy as she sat the plates down and moved on to the next table. Cassidy thought about frowning at being given the clearly childish food option, but honestly she preferred chicken nuggets to the overly fancy finger food Callie and Allyson got.

“I suppose this may seem strange then,” Allyson said in thought.

“Those match maker dances are awkward as all hell, that’s all I know,” Callie said giggling.

“Oh yes. I remember the year you got picked to dance with …”

“That guy from Fillanore, yes,” Callie finished the thought quickly. “Poor guy tried his best, but never really had a shot. Not my type,” Callie stared lovingly at Cassidy who was in the middle of stuffing her face with a chicken nugget. Allyson giggled as the servers brought some drinks by.

“And a special cup for our special flower girl,” a server cooed dropping off a sippy cup for Callie. Callie grimaced only because she knew there wasn’t any alcohol in this and she could actually use some. Though a squish from her diaper reminded her that it would probably go right through her, not that she would have to worry about this particular diaper leaking any time soon.

“Better pay attention sweetie,” Callie cut in while Cassidy began to suckle away at her sippy cup. “You’ve still got the bomb to set off.”

“I did see that Marta had her bracelet on,” Allyson added. “Pretty sure everyone is. They are pretty nice.

“Oh yeah,” Cassidy turned as best she could secured to the chair as she was. “I can’t see her though.”

“She’s over getting some of her nieces and nephews over to the elder’s table,” Allyson answered.

“Here,” Callie got up and scooted Cassidy’s chair to the other side of the table so she could see better. “Maybe we should wait though.”

“Wait?” Cassidy asked incredulously. “Wait for what.”

“The right moment,” Callie explained. “If you do it now she’s just gonna sneak off. Gotta nail her when she can’t get away for the full effect.” Cassidy’s excitement waned a little but she nodded in acknowledgment.

“You two are cute when you’re plotting,” Allyson giggled.

The dinner went on for a while, with servers bring small plates constantly to everyone in the room filled with different small dishes. In Cassidy’s and other children’s case they were given simpler foods. Both Callie and Cassidy were looking for the right time to spring their trap on Marta, though the moment never seemed to be just quite right.

For a brief moment it seemed Marta left the room entirely leaving Callie and Cassidy a little deflated. The food had finally caught up to Cassidy and she felt a familiar gurgle in her tummy. She knew the result was inevitable, and wasn’t too concerned about the massive padding around her waist allowing any smell to escape. So she pushed against the chair restraints to allow herself enough room to do a different kind of pushing.

“Oh sweetie do you need to go change,” Callie said quickly noticing the telltale movements.

“No it’s fine,” Cassidy said with a small grunt pushing the mess out into the already sodden padding. “This monster can hold until the reception is over and it doesn’t bother me that much,” Cassidy said sitting down in the mess without skipping a beat.

“Have an accident little one?” Marta’s voice coming from behind would have scared the shit out of Cassidy, if she wasn’t already empty. “Well everyone certainly admires your dedication to the role.” She had very clearly been observing when Cassidy had filled her diaper and heard the resulting conversation no doubt.

“Not that I have a whole lotta choice,” Cassidy said containing her actual thoughts.

“Someone even called her a baby sitter last night,” Callie added. “Wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”

“I’m sure I don’t,” Marta said quickly. “Anyway I must be off, I just wanted to see you and tell you how much we all appreciate the work you're doing," Marta said the word appreciate in a very distinct tone that had an obvious double meaning. "The big dance is starting soon and I have to supervise. Enjoy the rest of the reception little baby.” Marta scurried away laughing leaving Cassidy both embarrassed and angry.

"Wow that was bold," Callie commented, hiding her own anger.

"Well she's about to regret it," Cassidy said squinting. True to Marta's word though the big dance between the match made partners was beginning to start. Several awkward couples were making their way to the dance floor. And Cassidy noticed Marta had started conversing with several of the elders from the other family.

Filled with the emotion from earlier, Cassidy finally saw her opportunity. She channeled the simple activation spell, which she didn’t even need a focus to do. She aimed it in the general direction or Mart and thankfully she was the only one that had any kind of enchanted gear on her. The calm serenade of the awkward dance was interrupted by a shrill shriek from Marta, and some shouting complaints from the group of elders she was talking to as she suddenly emptied her bladder and bowels. Her adult underwear doing nothing to contain the flood. Suddenly Cassidy was a little thankful for the monster of a diaper she had on. Eventually this alarm spread to everyone in the room and they all turned their attention to Marta who had more than ruined her dress and her reputation. Marta struggled to run out of the building with both the unfamiliar mess and the growing crowd of highly offended guests demanding answers.

Cassidy watched this unfold with smug satisfaction, even while she was sitting in her own soggy and messy diaper.

“I think maybe that’s our cue to go,” Allyson said with a knowing giggle.

“Agreed,” Callie said quickly. The group then swiftly freed Cassidy from her chair and left the building unseen as everyone was still gawking over the mess that Marta had made.

“That enchantment you made was intense,” Callie said as the group was making tracks away from the scene of the crime.

“Nothing less than the best from me,” Cassidy struggled to walk with her much thickened padding.

“Well she had it coming. Shows her what happens when someone messes with my little kitten,” Callie said fiercely.

“I’m pretty sure that’ll be the end of any relations between our two families,” Allyson added. “Not that I’m complaining that much, and I’m sure Brita doesn’t really mind either considering she’s getting kicked out.” The group had made their way to the road in front of the temple. The darkened clouds had finally begun to release some rain. Allyson quickly whistled for a ride, seeing that they were due to be rained on.

“You want to get changed before we leave?” Callie looked at Cassidy still waddling along.

“It’s really not that bad,” Cassidy dismissed playfully. “I’d rather be messy than rained on.”

“Marta seemed to find it rather uncomfortable,” Allyson joked.

“She’s just being a baby about it,” Cassidy fired back as midnight ran over with a small cart on his back. He chirped an anxious hurried greeting.

“We know Midnight, we know,” Allyson hurried onto the small cart, with Cassidy and Callie following. “Let’s get out of here before Cassidy isn’t the only one who’s soaked.”

“Hey!” Callie started to complain but she was cut off as Midnight began to speed off back to the Callgahorn house with a triumphant musical chirp.


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