A Fantasy Wedding: Chapter 20

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Posted on January 31st, 2023 04:56 AM

Chapter 20

Cassidy and Callie were lazily laying on their bed as the sun shined in through their window.

Cassidy’s head was resting in Callie’s lap. She was still in the pink onesie from the night before complete with the same diaper, now a little wet as she had wet it during the night. Callie was playing with Cassidy’s hair causing her to hum in happiness.

“You think they’re awake yet?” Cassidy said quietly.

“It was a bachelorette party kitten, not known for being tame.”

“I guess it’s good collarings take place in the afternoon then.”

“That’s probably the reason why,” Callie gently patted Cassidy on her soggy diaper causing a blush.

“Did you wet the bed?”

“Does it count as wetting the bed if I didn’t get the sheets wet?” Cassidy asked with a smirk.

“You know what I mean,” Callie gave a serious answer back.

“Well yeah. It’s gotten worse the longer it’s gone on. Now it’s kind of hard to even keep from messing myself so staying dry through the night is a pipe dream.”

“You don’t seem very alarmed by that.”

“I mean I am it’s just,” Cassidy paused. “I’ve grown an appreciation for it you know.”


“Yeah. You know it’s not ideal but I guess I don’t mind it.”

“That makes sense, and it is pretty cute.”

“Stop,” Cassidy said blushing.

“What? It is,” Callie tickled Cassidy’s tummy. “And you are such a cute little baby.”

“Callie,” Cassidy whined in a mix of embarrassed, flustered, and fluttery subbiness.

“Oh you really do like it,” Callie said quietly.

“Yeah is that ok?” Cassidy was concerned.

“It’s growing on me,” Callie squished Cassidy’s sodden diaper as she kept talking. “Keeping you stuck in diapers at home, taking you out on your baby leash whenever we go out, locking you in a crib when you get fussy.”

“Oh gosh stop,” Callie squeed in embarrassment, but the smile on her face betrayed that she was very interested in all of these ideas.

“I’m a little excited for today,” Callie said thoughtfully. “I haven’t seen you in your cute little flower girl dress, I’ve only seen the memories of it. Do you think they’ll let you keep it?”

“I doubt it” Cassidy was still embarrassed, but a little less so. “I’m sure you can get something close to it though.”

“We’ll definitely have to add that to the list.”

“There’s a list?” Cassidy was mildly concerned. Callie giggled.

“Oh yes little girl,” Callie donned a devilish grin.

“I’m a little scared.”

“You should be,” the two shared a quick giggle, and Callie casually check Cassidy’s diaper again. “Do you need a change?” Callie was embarrassed.

“No not yet you usually have to wait until it gets round here,” Cassidy poked at a part of her diaper that was squarely on her bottom and currently still dry, though the line of wetness was rapidly approaching. “Or that’s where Ally changes me. Maybe. I don’t pay that much attention.”

“I’ll have to ask her when she wakes up I guess,” Callie made her way down into the living room with Cassidy following.

“You seem to be jumping in feet first,” Cassidy commented.

“I have some catching up to do,” Callie made her way to the kitchen and rummaged through the icebox for some food.

“Guess I’m just stuck in my soggy diaper until Ally wakes up then,” Cassidy said cheekily.

“Now who’s jumping in feet first,” Callie fired back laughing.

Predictably the two had to wait a while before Allyson and Brita would finally rouse from their slumber.

“Callie,” Allyson said happily as she descended from her room, embracing her sister in a big hug. “So glad you could make it.”

“Same here,” Callie smiled.

“Yes glad you could make it,” Brita said groggily descending from her own room.

“Did you get those crystals to your fiancé?” Cassidy said to the point.

“Yeah he got em,” Brita answered. “You seem eager.”

“Yeah well we had some complications last night.”

“Complications?” Allyson’s face shown concern.

“Yeah Marta hired a babysitter for me and she was a piece of work.”

“Why?” Allyson sighed in frustration. “Like she hasn’t done enough to you already.”

“Well we get back at her soon?” Brita reminded. “We’ve got a bunch of really nice bracelets as gifts and we’ve managed to enchant the one we’re going to give Marta. It’s part of the ceremony that everyone have them on, some symbol of family unity or something. Whatever the reason she’s going to have it on by end of it, so it’s just up to you to pick when you want to set off the fireworks. After you play your part of course.”

“Of course,” Cassidy said obviously. “But after that.”

“It’s up to you,” Brita confirmed. Cassidy’s face donned an evil grin as the thought filled her mind.

“Now we do have to get ready to be at the chapel soon.”

“Oh now that you’re awake Ally, where are Cassidy’s diapers?” Callie asked ruining Cassidy’s scheming thoughts to cause her to blush.

“Oh I’ve got them in my room, as well as some outfits for her.”

“Great. Let’s go get you ready for the day little kitten.” Cassidy pouted as Callie grabbed her hand and followed Allyson over to the couch, where she laid Cassidy down in the usual spot for diaper changes.

“Really she’s just like changing an actual child,” Allyson said untaping the diaper Cassidy had on. “Did you put this one on her?”

“Yeah did I do it right?”

“Pretty close,” Allyson commented. “But you’re a little loose, don’t be afraid to get it snug,” Allyson had removed the used diaper and gotten one of the ones Cassidy was used to wearing out of her diaper bag. “Here try putting this one on.”

“Guys I’m right here you know,” Cassidy said with a pout.

“Oh shush I’m just trying to make sure your diaper is on right,” Callie scolded.

“Well I could tell you how to do that if you asked.”

“Does she have a pacifier she likes?” Allyson asked her sister.

“Hey don’t just ignore me!” Cassidy continued to pout while Allyson wordlessly fished the soother out of a pocket in the diaper bag. Callie swiftly popped the pacifier into her girlfriend’s mouth with an “mmmph” from Cassidy. Before she could spit it out in protest Callie placed her finger on the front of the pacifier.

“You’ll keep that paci in if you know what’s good for you kitten,” Callie stated in a sultry tone. Cassidy’s eyes and body melted in a wave of subby fear.

“Wow you got her so calm,” Allyson said amazed.

“I’ve got the touch,” Allyson beamed. “Now what do we do now.”

“Here give her some rash cream and baby powder.” Cassidy was in a subby haze as her girlfriend aided by Allyson coated her bottom in rash cream and baby powder. “And remember nice and snug.” Suddenly Cassidy found her new diaper being tapped snuggly on. “Yeah just like that.”

“Comfortable?” Callie directed her question toward Cassidy who nodded an enthusiastic yes. “All right new outfit on next.” Allie helped Cassidy stand up.

“I’m thinking this for today,” Allyson said holding an outfit up. It was a simple white blouse with a black skirt. "Something easy since she’s going to be changing into her flower girl outfit when we get there.”

“That’s a good point,” Callie admitted. “Though I wish we could get something cuter.”

“She’ll be plenty cute for the wedding,” Allyson reminded with a smile.

“Arms up kitten, and keep your paci in.” Cassidy quickly obeyed and found the blouse pulled over her head. “And step.” Cassidy again obeyed and found the skirt pulled up to her waist. “Ok do a turn,” Callie watched in though as Cassidy did a slow spin and looked to her girlfriend for approval. With a smirk Callie pulled the skirt up a little higher. “There now we can see that cute little diaper tush better.” Cassidy playfully fumed behind the pacifier.

“Here’s her leash,” Allyson said handing Callie the pink chest harness.

“Oooo my favorite part,” Callie took the harness and Allyson walked off to help Brita get ready. As Callie was putting the harness on Cassidy she removed the pacifier from Cassidy's mouth.

“How we feeling?”

“Good I’m just …” Cassidy paused as Callie spun her around to tighten the harness. “You’re kinda flooring me right now.”

“Sorry kitten,” Callie giggled. “I didn’t mean to be so powerful. Here one sec.” Callie lovingly shimmied Cassidy’s skirt back down to a more modest position.

“I love you,” Cassidy said quietly.

“I love you too baby,” Callie planted a quick kiss on Cassidy’s lips. “Now come on we got a wedding to rock, and I bet you’re gonna steal the show.”


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