Dependent Scenes: The Daughter Problem

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Posted on April 21st, 2023 03:42 AM

Scene: The Daughter Problem

It had been a few weeks since I got Linny home from the facility. She was no longer the bossy woman I'd worked for - nope, just another cute little Dependent like all those awful revolutionaries. She would sometimes look up at me with recognition, like maybe a part of her knew her secretary was now her Mommy, but it was soon washed away with the bliss of her little stuffed bunny and wetting her diapers.

Unfortunately, I had another problem. A ring of the door brought it to my attention and I let Megan into my living room with marked irritation. Linny's daughter. She had been snooping around all week, and I was tired of it.

"Come on in," I welcomed Megan, who looked around the room for my diaper girl.

"Is something the matter? Are you looking for something?" Her curiosity and snoopiness was evident and obvious. She puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms.

"No, I..."

"She's up in the third bedroom. Go on, I know that's why you're here."

She did a double take and looked at me like I was crazy. She could have left, she could have reported this as foul play with evidence. She didn't though, cause Megan had to see things for herself. I waited.

I watched Megan go up the stairs and went about my business. I knew what would happen. She would find her Mom in a very stinky diaper, playing with blocks in her playroom where I'd left her. She would throw a fit, like she always did. Then she would come down screaming at me. I slid a few pamphlets into Megan's purse and picked up my phone.

"Yes... yes, she's here. Please come right away."

Now I just had to wait.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing?" She screamed. "Do you have any idea how much this is going to take to fix her? And you're going away for a long-ass time!"

I think she was yelling at me for a good ten minutes. And that was fine, because that was only going to buy time for what was going to happen next. Her purse that she was holding, stuffed full of Rebellion Literature… there was no way she was going to think to check before they got here. And just like that, the doorbell rang.

I opened the door to a set of officers. Three, it seemed. Megan had finally shut up, but it was far too late.

"Hello officers. Thank you for coming. This is her."

The look on her face was priceless. Shock. Confusion. Fury.

"I didn't do anything wrong! You framed my mom! You're the one getting arrested!"

"Ma'am," one of the officers said, "can you please put down your bag and empty your pockets."

"What? Me? I..."

I raised an eyebrow at Megan, who puffed out her cheeks and handed her belongings to the officers.

The larger of the officers took Megan's purse in his hand and upended it on the side table, revealing her usual things - a compact mirror, a lipstick, a stack of photos of my house from outside (that was weird), and then a crumpled up stash of Rebellion Literature. All sorts of things, like 'Breaking the Conditioning' and 'How Dependents are Modern-Day Sex-Slaves’, as well as detailed schematics of an Enforcer vehicle and how to disable it. All easy things to get a hold of. And all damning for Megan.

"Ma'am, you're under arrest for Invasive Thoughts and Misinformation. Under authority granted to me by the state of Arizona, I sentence you to a full length Dependent Conversion Rehabilitation Course, effective immediately. Please take 30 seconds to say goodbye to your loved one."

And you know, for how angry she was, how furious? I think the look on her face when the man referred to ME as her loved one? That was the most delicious part.

"You are NOT getting away with this!" she screamed at me, as the officers took her out of my house.

"Don't worry, Megan," I called after her. "You'll be better soon! And I'll keep you safe when you return."

Linny did need a little sister, after all.

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