Dependent Scenes: FunFun BunBun

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Posted on April 21st, 2023 03:41 AM

Scene: FunFun BunBun

"She can be quite a handful," Susan said to the Attendant. Beside her, a girl stood four and a half feet tall with long brown hair and a purple romper. Her legs were forced apart by a very thick diaper, but she managed to stay standing on her own. Susan had been trying to find a good daycare for her Dependent for the better part of the month, but there were always... complications.

"Polly was a very bad girl in her old life," Susan explained, like Polly wasn't standing right beside her, "and sometimes she can act out. Are you sure you can take care of her here?"

The Attendant smiled reassuringly, and bowed her head with a happy and gracious gesture.

"We accept all sorts here, Ms. Jennason. Here at ‘FunFun BunBun’, we know that all Dependents are truly beautiful, no matter who they were or which mistakes they may have made before. We'll take good care of your Polly, and that's our promise to you."

Despite the Attendant's assurances, Polly had caused havoc within the hour. She kicked over Abigail's blocks. She stole Malina's stuffed animal. And when Bunny Brainwash came on, she was barely interested at all. But though her actions were unordinary, they were still that of a little baby girl. Albeit, a bratty one. Finally, the Attendant picked her up and stuck her in a huge baby walker, so she couldn't get out.

"You sure are problematic, hm?" she said to the oblivious brat. But Polly spit her tongue out at her. "What tales I'm sure you could have told, my little troublemaker. I suppose you're always going to be a little bit of a brat, but there's nothing we can't handle here."

The Attendant took her leave of the troubled girl, and when she came back she had a large disc in her hand, like a frisbee. It had a screen on one side and little buttons along the edge. It was the latest in Bunny Brainwash technology.

She put Polly's uncoordinated hands on either side of the device and a fizzing current began to pulse through the bratty girls fingers as the screen lit up. Without thinking, Polly started to press the buttons in time with some of the lights on the screen. Whatever game she was playing, it seemed like gibberish to the Attendant.

It was only a few hours later - after she ran some errands - that Susan came back for her daughter. She had been expecting a call from the Attendant, but she never got one. Maybe she gave the wrong number? But when she arrived at the daycare, her little Polly was giggling on the floor. When she tried to stand up, she fell down sharply on her padded butt. Susan could already tell her behavior had changed - she was far more regressed.

"I don't know how you did it," Susan said in awe. "She hasn't been watching her Bunny Brainwash episodes. She doesn't carry her stuffed bunny around anymore. But this... it's like when we first got her!" Susan had never been so happy in her life, other than the day she was chosen as Polly's caregiver.

The Attendant smiled and lowered her head, bowing ever so slightly.

"Polly is in need of something more active in her daily Dependent maintenance. The same parts of her mind that caused her to act out in her past life, well… they need to be given attention now that she's in a better place or else she'll just have far too much energy. We'll see you again tomorrow, I trust?"

Polly giggled and fell over into a laying position on the floor so she could kick her legs. Truly, there was no one too brilliant for Bunny Brainwash.

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