Life in the Dollhouse

Back to the first chapter of Life in the Dollhouse
Posted on February 26th, 2024 01:43 PM

Chapter Twenty-Five

Blissful quiet. Stillness. A cold Coke in her hand, listening to the crack of the ice cubes, and her feet up on the table. She breathed in the aroma, a small smile curling the corner of her lips as she felt her phone buzz in her back pocket. A smooth motion freed it from her jeans - she knew who was on the other end. The small smile spread as she swiped the screen and tapped in her PIN.

My Perfect Girl: Are you sure you don't need me to come back and take care of you?

It had been a year and a half but the butterflies never went away. The blushes and thrill came just as strongly now as the first day that Angie had asked her out.

Faith: I'm sure. I've got to make sure Lila is happy but not too Little before her date.

My Perfect Girl: Or I could just come back and diaper you both and bottle-feed you until you're too giggly to do anything.

Faith: Mommyyyy!

She couldn't deny that she wanted it. She wanted it more than anything. Submitting to Ange let all of her anxieties wash away, all the stress of freelancing, of taking care of herself, of Kinsley, of Lila, of Bree. It would be so easy to just let Angie come and take her adult clothes - her armor - to wrap one of the many diapers that hid under her bed around her waist. She felt her heart race as she imagined Angie over her, that sweet smile, that gentle tone.

Nobody saw the same Angie, the same Mommy, that Faith did.

Sitting up, dropping her feet to the floor, Faith steeled herself.

Faith: If you come over, you will end up in a collar, sweet Angela.

How dominant was Angela feeling that day? They had an ebb and flow to their energies, and Angela had spent a lot of dominant energy this past week. Not just on Faith herself, but on Bree, on Lila, even Kinsley to a small extent. Angie's presence was magical that way. Faith smirked as the dots danced at the bottom of her screen. Angela was quick and this reply was taking her a while.

Faith: It's been a while since I had you tied to the bed.

Faith: Or maybe I'll walk you through the house on a leash?

That was the thing about Angela's switching - her submissive side wanted nothing more than to hide, but craved being pulled unwillingly out into the open regardless of how fearful she felt about it. Part of her wanted that thrill and Faith knew it.

Faith: Let's remember that you need time on the bottom too, my dearest.

My Perfect Girl: I have work...

My Perfect Girl: I have two commissions to finish.

Relief and disappointment, the pleasure of victory and the longing desire for her partner's submission.

Faith: Finish your work, precious girl. Make me proud. We'll play soon. Imagine your soft collar around your neck as you work - you're mine whether it's there or not.

That would give Angela something to chew on for the time being. As much as Faith wished that she could play with Angie, with the deepest love she had ever felt in her life, she had responsibilities today.

Later today.

Faith closed her eyes as she put her feet back on the table, taking a long sip of her Coke and enjoying the peace of the afternoon. A rare thing. Lila's nap would be done soon.

The scream of the highway didn't seem all that different from the scream of the "singer" after an hour and a half. Kinsley seemed to have an endless supply of music that all sounded impossibly similar: someone hitting the drums as hard as possible, growling guitars, and vocals that couldn't be classified as singing, shouting of blood and death into the microphone.

An hour and a half traveled at highway speed. She couldn't seem to focus her thoughts. The questions about who Jo might be, what was going on, what the plan was... they all faded beneath the crashing cymbals and the sear of too-bright daylight.

Bree felt exceedingly anxious.

Not just from the music, not from the driving - despite the fury of the stereo, Kinsley was a very safe driver - but from the world itself. The sunlight, the trees, the drivers and passengers in other cars. She felt exposed. The smiling, happy sun stared at her from the front of her dress and she wanted more than anything to be back in the safety of the Dollhouse.

Until she caught herself with the thought.

The world had an unreal quality to it, the music, the colors, the omnipresent sound of rubber on the road, the hum and the irregular bumps of the South Carolina highway. She looked over at Kinsley, across the small space of the Honda, which seemed infinitely wide now. A hand went to her chest as she realized how hard it felt to breathe.

Anything could happen out here.

Visions of car accidents and robberies. Cops coming and taking her, violating her body. The car breaking down there in the middle of nowhere between Columbia and Fayetteville. A truck jumping the median and coming straight for them. One of the millions of trees falling across the highway. A bird crashing into the windshield.

Bree didn't realize she was crying until Kinsley wiped the tear from her cheek.

The music was gone. The car was slowed.

"It's okay, pretty pet." Bree sank down in her seat, leaning toward Kinsley, her head spinning, aching as fingers swept her hair ever-so-gently. "Take a nap, just rest, okay?"

"Yes. And two spicy potato soft tacos. Yes, and a water please."

Bree's neck hurt as she sat up slowly. She didn't get far before Kinsley reached over and unbuckled her, pulling her close, resting Bree's head against her shoulder.

"Where are we?"

"Shhh. Shhh, pretty pet. Yours is not to worry. How do you feel?"

Bree blinked, looking at the old brick of the Taco Bell before turning her attention inward. Her head hurt, her chest hurt, and she felt a little sick. She said as much to Kinsley, adding, "I don't know what happened, that's never happened to me before. What happened? Where- "

Protests ended with a pacifier slipped between her lips. "Shh. No questions, okay? I'll take care of you. Everything will be okay. Just close your eyes, relax, and breathe." The last thing Bree saw before obeying was Kinsley doing something on her phone... the soft music began playing, that chiming music box melody. "Just breathe, pretty pet. Who's a good girl? You're a good girl. You're safe."

It worked. Bree felt the tightness in her chest going, felt her breathing become easy through the magic of Kinsley's fingers.

"Here you go ma'- uh... "

Panic flooded her as Bree realized what was giving the worker pause. The dress. The pacifier. Her tattoos. The diaper bag. Shame threatened to drown her as she tried to pull away from Kinsley, who held her fast in place. "Thanks. I hope you have a good day, sugar."

The car was pulling away without Bree ever laying eyes on the worker, without being able to see their face.

"Oh god." The pacifier fell from her lips as she sat up, Kinsley parking the car. "They saw me... they saw the pacifier, the dress."

"So?" Bree looked down at the warm, wrapped burrito thrust into her hands. "Who cares. We're nowhere near home, you're never going to see that person again, and your paci helped you calm down. Didn't it?" Sabrina stared at her hands, at the food, as she processed Kinsley's words. She did feel more relaxed. She felt comforted. "Eat. Drink some water. Go slowly. Yours is not to worry, pretty pet. I'll take care of you. I'll comfort you. I'll keep you safe."

Wordlessly, Bree nodded, following instructions. They ate in silence, Bree relaxing as Kinsley stroked her hair after they were done. All too quickly they were on the road again.

To whoever Jo was.

After three outfit changes, Lila was ready. She had settled on a black-and-gray skirtall with a pale blue puffed-sleeve top.

Faith half-jokingly had to make sure she didn't have a diaper on underneath.

"How do I look?" Lila stood with her arms out, palms straight up as she turned slowly, showing off her outfit and the knee-high, mismatched striped socks. The final piece was a blue bow pinning a lock of hair back. "I like it."

"You're very, very cute, Lilabean. Is this what Mallory is into?" Faith brushed at a wrinkle in Lila's skirt before helping get her shoes on and tied.

Lila blinked, looking at Faith strangely. Faith knew that look. "Why does that matter?"

"It doesn't, sugar." Battle avoided. It just wasn't worth it. "Do you know what movie you're going to see?"

"Frozen! The new one!" Faith had to dodge a suddenly kicking foot as she worked to get Lila's other shoe done. "I can't waaiiiiiit!"

Frozen. The first one was Lila's favorite, she knew every inflection of every syllable. They had watched it together countless times. "Sugar, did you pick the movie, or did she?" It had been a while since Lila had a girlfriend, Faith wasn't convinced she remembered how dating was supposed to work.

"I did, of course. I asked her out, so we're doing what I want."

Nope. But anyone who didn't understand Lila's passion, didn't understand the brilliance in the way she looked at the world... well, they didn't deserve to have Lila in their lives. Lila stood, smiling to herself in the mirror before giving a twirl and picking up a stuffed hedgehog for a big hug. Faith's heart swelled and she hugged the woman she saw as a sister and so much more tightly, taking a deep breath before letting go.

"So." Faith grabbed her phone and her clutch before heading toward the side door, Lila headed to the front door.

"Why did they take the good car!?" The force of the door shutting matched Lila's mood. Abrupt.

"Because they had to go help Jo in Raleigh, hun." Faith smiled gently, guiding Lila toward the side door, toward the back garage, toward the old car. "Don't worry, we'll get you to your date on time. You're going to see the movie and then go back to her place, right? You have your phone?"

"Uh huh!" Lila held up her phone, showing off the We Bare Bears on the case. "I'll call you when we're done with the sexing, and then you and me can play games!"

A pang of fear blossomed in Faith's heart. She couldn't stop Lila, but she was afraid that her friend would get hurt. Not everyone understood Lila, not everyone could handle her perspective, her energy, her joy. But she knew that Lila had an uncanny knack for finding those who could. A bittersweet smile crossed her lips as Faith allowed herself to remember the circumstances of her own first visit to the Dollhouse.

How Lila had saved her life.

Anyone who wasn't willing to give Lila a chance, to see how amazing and special the girl was...

"Ugh, I hate the old car. You're buying me candy after my date, right?"

"Of course, Lilabug." Faith climbed behind the wheel, firing up the angry engine. "Anything you want."


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