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The laser tag place was space themed and as they climbed the stairs there were big pictures telling a story. It started with a cartoony rocket taking off, then showed some astronauts doing a spacewalk, then passing a planet with rings on it. Olivia was enjoying the story, it was like a picture book. There were red lights flashing on the rocket and then it was shown falling on to a planet. The final picture showed the rocket half buried in the ground with some three-eyed aliens standing around inquisitively.
Through a pair of double doors at the top of the stairs there was a fairly large room but this was a lot busier than the lobby below. Olivia immediately felt nervous, she had never been a fan of crowds. As they walked forwards towards the next desk Olivia felt her diaper warming, she hadn’t had much warning at all but it felt like it was only a small accident, not something she should worry about.
Olivia, Landon and Dan were given a little speech about the rules. It seemed the rounds were each fifteen minutes long with breaks in between for other groups to go in. There would be two teams of six people, one playing the humans who would have red equipment and another playing the aliens with green equipment. There was no physical touching allowed, if the laser gun wasn’t working they were supposed to go to one of the referees.
From there the three of them were taken to the next area along. There were lockers for their things and then the harnesses and equipment hanging up next to each one. Olivia had nothing to put away so she waited for her “parents” to put their jackets in the lockers. She wasn’t sure how to put the harness on and as she picked it up and turned it around in her hands she started to feel overwhelmed. There were a lot of people around, a lot of noise from conversations and music playing over the speakers, there were bright colours everywhere as well as the glowing colours on the equipment. She started breathing hard, she could feel her knees weakening and her head started to spin.
“Livy?” Dan’s voice broke through everything that threatened to overwhelm her.
Olivia felt Dan’s hands on her shoulders and he gently guided her to sit down on the little bench underneath where her harness had sat. Dan knelt down in front of her, Olivia could see that he looked concerned.
“Livy? Are you OK?” Dan asked softly. It felt like the noise and the lights faded a little and Olivia was already feeling a little better.
“It’s just… a lot.” Olivia said.
“I know, baby.” Dan said with a smile, “You’re being very brave. We’ll take everything one step at a time, OK? You have me and Landon and we’re going to stay by your side. Alright?”
Olivia nodded her head. She felt calmer though still a little on edge. Dan moved forwards and gave her a cuddle before stepping back and continuing to get himself ready. Olivia took a deep breath, she still didn’t know how to put her harness on but she could wait for one of the others to finish and help her. Olivia was still struggling with her harness when Dan came back over.
“Do you need your diaper changed?” Dan asked when he saw Olivia’s hesitation. At least he kept his voice relatively quiet.
“No!” Olivia quickly responded. Her head swivelled this way and that as she tried to make sure no one heard Dan.
“OK, sweetie. Sha-…” It looked like Dan was about to help Olivia with the harness when Landon called for him. He turned back to Olivia and gave her a paternal kiss on the forehead before walking away.
Olivia watched Dan walking away and felt conflicted. She wished she had been more upfront about the help she needed. She tried to step into one of the holes only to realise it was the wrong one when she pulled it up. She looked up to see most of the other people were already in their harnesses and felt a panic flooding through her.
“Can I help you?” A voice came from behind Olivia and she jumped a little. Olivia turned around to see a young male employee that couldn’t have been any older than she was. He had a nametag that said his name was “Jake.”
“I, erm…” Olivia muttered as she looked down at the ground.
“Need help with the harness?” Jake asked, “Not a problem. Hold your arms out.”
Olivia opened her mouth to reply but before she could say a word Jake had already taken the harness from her. He seemed a little busy, it looked like he was the only employee helping people so he didn’t seem to notice that Olivia looked petrified. The harness was a full body affair with areas that mark hits on the chest, tummy and back. The straps went across the chest as well as a pair that went between the legs, presumably it was to make sure everything stayed where it should be.
As Jake stood behind Olivia and started to put the harness on Olivia’s chest she found herself trembling. She could feel the buckles tightening as she looked across to Landon and Dan who were just a few feet away. She could see Dan helping Landon with her equipment and she wished he was the one helping her instead.
“Comfortable?” Jake asked.
“Huh? Oh, yeah…” Olivia replied.
“Excellent.” Jake spoke so quickly he practically cut Olivia off, “I’ll just do the crotch straps and you’ll be ready to go.”
Olivia wasn’t really listening. She was still staring at Dan and Landon so she didn’t really register what was about to happen. As Jake knelt down behind her and reach between her legs to grab the straps Olivia had a sudden realisation but it was already too late to do anything about it. She could only feel horror washing over her as the straps were pulled back between her legs… and Jake’s hand brushed against her diaper.
Olivia was waiting for Jake to burst out laughing. She was waiting for him to shout out that there was a baby here, that this girl was in a diaper and everyone should make fun of her for it. There seemed to be a pause for a split-second before the straps were pulled a bit more and then buckled into the section on her back. Surely Jake had noticed what she was wearing, there was no way he had missed it.
“All done.” Jake said as he stood up and walked around to Olivia’s front again, “Have fun!”
Olivia was still trembling as Jake walked across the room to help someone else with a laser gun that seemed to be malfunctioning. She was confused, either Jake was a consummate professional and wasn’t letting on that he knew anything was unusual or he was completely oblivious to his surroundings.
A few minutes later it seemed like everyone was ready. Olivia was stood as close to Dan and Landon as she could as there was a last run through of the rules. Finally it was time to go into the arena. The big door against the wall opened and there was a loud sound effect as well as dry ice creating a smoky atmosphere. It made things seem even more intimidating.
Olivia walked in with the others and found herself impressed by the play area. They really were going all out on the space theme and they had designed the whole area like a planet surface with rocks, trees and debris all over the place. The piece de resistance was in the centre of the arena where they had a model of the crashed space rocket. The lights were dim which caused their colourful equipment to stand out even more. The two teams moved to opposite sides of the giant play area.
“3… 2… 1… Go!” A voice over the speaker system said.
Olivia looked around in the dark and saw people hurrying off in every direction. She saw Landon and Dan moving to the right so she hurried to keep up. She felt nervous and excited as she hid behind a large sheet of metal that was supposed to some of the debris from the rocket. Landon and Dan were behind a low all to her side. Quite suddenly some people entered the small clearing on the other side.
“Fire!” Landon yelled.
Olivia was the last of the three to peak out but she pressed the trigger on her laser gun and soon both of the people on the other side had been hit. They would need to go back to their home base to reset.
“Two points! Nice!” Dan called out happily.
Olivia smiled. She knew her shots had been wild but having experienced her first encounter she felt less nervous about things. She was surprised to find herself having fun. Several minutes later and after a few more engagements she felt confident enough to go her own way. She was shot a lot more than she shot anyone else but running through the winding corridors and hiding behind stuff was a lot of fun.
That’s how the first couple of games went. The team Olivia was on wasn’t doing very well but they were having a lot of fun exploring the area and getting into firefights. The owners had gone all out with secrets and Easter eggs to find. Her diaper even served to be useful, she watched others struggling out of their harnesses to go to the bathroom as she stood around wetting herself. In between games she enjoyed snacks and sodas that had infinite refills. It wasn’t until their fourth and final turn in the arena that things went wrong.
At the start of the game Olivia had run off with Landon and Dan as usual. However, after a couple of minutes she felt a rapid growing of pressure in her bowels. The round had only just started but it wouldn’t have mattered even if they were walking out to the lobby. Her control was so minimal that she knew at the first feeling of pressure that she was going to have a poopy accident. There was no chance she was making it to the potty.
“Dan!” Olivia hissed as she ducked down behind the rock with her hand on her belly.
Olivia looked to the spot the other two usually took up and saw that they weren’t there. She didn’t know how long they had left but she was all alone. Suddenly she felt scared again. Like a small child panic started washing over her when the grown-ups had disappeared. The pressure was building, she needed to get somewhere quiet where she could get to a bathroom.
Olivia stood up feeling very on edge. All of a sudden the dark play area felt less like an exciting game and more like a scary place where monsters could jump out at her. The irrational part of her brain, the part Livy held sway over, was telling her there were ghosts and ghouls around every corner. Olivia snivelled as she made her way through a section of the arena that was like a maze of corridors.
“Dan?” Olivia called out fretfully, “Landon?”
There was no answer still. She heard footsteps around her but couldn’t pinpoint where anyone was. She felt like she was hyperventilating. Her mind was rushing through scary thoughts one after the other like a film reel. Her tummy was cramping up and she was going to lose control in a matter of seconds.
“Ah!” Olivia screamed.
As Olivia rounded the corner she almost immediately bumped into some people from the other team coming the other way. The fright made her lose what little control she had left. As the others reacted to the sudden appearance of Olivia and started firing at her Olivia raised her hands and squatted down.
“Ha ha! Got… you…” One of the men started cheering before he stuttered to confused silence.
Olivia was already sobbing. Her slim control was ended and she immediately felt her bowels pushing without any conscious thought on her part. Her pants pushed out as she started to fill the seat of her diaper with hot stinky mush. The poop was semi-solid which only seemed to make it pour out of her faster. She could feel it filling the back of the disposable and then spread between her legs towards the front.
As Olivia grunted and finished her accident her sobs became louder. Like a child having an accident she desperately wanted Mommy or Daddy to come and save her. The smell of her accident was already wafting around her like a particularly pungent cloud. She was vaguely aware of the three players from the other team still standing in front of her seemingly in shock at what they were witnessing.
“Are… are you OK?” The one in front asked.
If you enjoyed this part you can check out what happens next RIGHT NOW at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/livys-new-family-89239113