Our three main characters head to a restaurant for a nice meal. Livy is hoping to show the other two that she can be just as grown up as them but Landon has other ideas whilst Dan seems to expect nothing. Meanwhile, Livy's body starts to betray her as it always does when she starts feeling anxious...
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The restaurant had its own parking lot which Dan pulled into. Their spot was in the middle row of cars and Olivia stepped out into the cool evening air. The sun was going down leaving the sky streaked with various colours, it was really quite beautiful.
“Come on, Livy.” Landon said.
“Huh?” Olivia was still surprised every time Landon casually used her little name.
To Olivia’s surprise Landon took her hand. Before she could even fully register what was happening Dan had taken her other hand. The trio then walked towards the restaurant with Olivia in the middle holding the two grown-ups’ hands. She shook her head, she was a grown-up as well!
“Table for three.” Dan said as they approached the young woman standing at the door.
“Right this way.” The woman said as she led them into the dining area.
It was quite a busy evening in the restaurant. It seemed like at least two-thirds of the tables had people sitting at them. Olivia was blushing under the muted lighting as she continued to hold both Landon’s and Dan’s hands. She shouldn’t have let them walk her into the building like this, it felt far too late to stop them now.
“Here is your table.” The woman said as she indicated a table right next to her, “And your menus.”
“Thank you.” Landon said with a smile.
Olivia sat down. Yet again she felt as if she was in an awkward position. Landon and Dan sat opposite each other whilst Olivia was to the side with no one across the table from her. She picked up the menu to distract herself.
“Are you alright, Livy?” Dan asked, “You’re looking a little red.”
“I’m fine.” Olivia replied automatically. It seemed a lot easier to say that than try to explain everything that was on her mind. She didn’t even want to think about Dan calling her by her little name casually like that.
That seemed to be exactly what was happening. As time went on it seemed “Livy” was overtaking “Olivia.” She had spent forever fighting her little side but now it felt like it was being actively baited to come out. Olivia shifted awkwardly in her seat.
“Do you need the bathroom perhaps?” Landon asked.
“No!” Olivia responded quickly and loudly.
Olivia was getting inside her head again. She was antsy and didn’t know what to do or say, it felt like coming out and trying to be a part of things was a mistake. She didn’t feel like she belonged in this restaurant, she didn’t think she belonged at this table. She tried to resist the little side that was threatening to pop out but it was getting harder and harder. Livy was only supposed to be around in private!
“Can I take your drinks order?” The waitress was back with a little notepad and pen.
“Yes, I think we’ll have your house red please.” Dan said to Landon’s positive nodding.
Everyone then turned to Olivia who squirmed in her seat as she looked at the drinks. Despite looking at the menu for several minutes she had barely actually read anything thanks to all the distractions. It was hard enough getting her mind to concentrate at the best of times.
“Erm, just a coke please.” Olivia said after a few seconds.
“Very good.” The waitress replied.
“So… The Peterson Case.” Dan said once the waitress left the table, “I feel like we’re making some good progress at last. I just think we…”
Olivia tuned out. It was almost an automatic reaction when complicated work stuff started getting discussed. Instead of listening to a conversation she knew she could play no part in she looked around the restaurant at other tables. It seemed to be mostly people on dates sitting across from each other and smiling. Olivia scanned the room until her eyes fell on one table in particular.
On this other table there was a man and a woman sitting opposite each other. They were sipping wine and talking. The young woman laughed at something the man said, it seemed that whoever they were to each other the dinner was going well. That wasn’t what brought Olivia’s attention though. What made Olivia blush with embarrassment was the highchair next to them with a young child messily eating their food. The parallels between that table and her own were too much for her, she had to look away. That baby was exactly what she felt like.
Olivia’s wandering attention was brought back to her own table when she heard Dan laugh. She hadn’t been paying the slightest bit of attention but it seemed like Landon had told a very funny joke considering how much Dan was giggling.
The drinks arrived shortly afterwards. Two wine glasses were placed in front of Dan and Landon. The waitress gave the bottle to Dan to inspect before he nodded and she poured the drinks and left the bottle. She then walked around the table to Olivia and placed a tall glass of soda with ice bobbing in it in front of her.
“Can I take food orders?” The waitress asked.
Dan and Landon were ready to order. They didn’t hesitate and then, just like with the drinks, all eyes turned to an unprepared Olivia. She fumbled as she looked down at the menu.
“I… Erm, well…” Olivia stuttered as she desperately looked for something she recognised.
“She’ll have the carbonara.” Dan said when Olivia failed to speak up.
Olivia felt even more embarrassed. The child in the highchair on the other side of the room might as well be her. As she sat and blushed she felt a sudden need for the bathroom. She thought about getting up to go to the bathroom but she already knew she wouldn’t make it. Just a few seconds later warmth bloomed across her pull-up. Fortunately it wasn’t a large accident and the disposable underwear did its job.
After a small accident like this Olivia would usually get herself changed for obvious reasons. That wasn’t as easy here though. She could’ve excused herself to go to the bathroom and change but that would be embarrassing in itself. If she wasn’t running to the bathroom she could imagine that Dan and Landon would know precisely what had happened.
“We’ll probably be talking about boring work stuff for a little while.” Landon said to Olivia, “Why don’t you occupy yourself with this until the food is here.”
Olivia looked down as Landon slid something across the table. It was a piece of paper but when Olivia saw what it was she felt her stomach drop with embarrassment. It was a children’s activity sheet, a large piece of paper with colouring, connect-the-dots and other things appropriate to keep an impatient toddler occupied. There was a small cup of crayons as well which Dan slipped over.
With the expectant gazes of Landon and Dan on her Olivia picked up a crayon and started colouring the picture. She felt silly but at the same time she could see that the two “adults” were waiting for her to occupy herself before they talked. Sure enough as she put the crayon to paper Dan and Landon started discussing work again.
There was a part of Olivia that thought this was nice. She felt like the child of a couple out on a date. Despite her embarrassment she found herself concentrating on the childish activities and ignoring everything around her. Her feet were soon swinging back and forth under her chair. Olivia may have been embarrassed but Livy was having a great time.
“Your food.” The waitress returned to the table with the food and Olivia realised she had been engrossed in the activity sheet for quite a while.
“Lovely.” Dan said with a smile as his food was placed in front of him.
“That’s very nice.” The waitress said as she looked over to the colouring Olivia had done.
“Th-Thanks…” Olivia said quietly. She pushed the sheet away as her face blushed a deep red.
The evening just got more and more embarrassing for Olivia. Now the waitress had seen her working on the picture like a toddler hoping to make something good enough to be put up on the fridge. The food looked delicious though, as it was placed in front of her Olivia licked her lips. She felt a rumble deep in her tummy.
“Enjoy!” The waitress said, “If you need anything myself or one of my colleagues will be happy to help.”
“Thank you.” Dan said.
Landon picked up her glass and held it out for a toast. Dan lifted his in a similar manner and Olivia felt compelled to do it as well despite it really highlighting the difference between herself and the other two. Her glass of soda contrasted unfavourably with the two fancy wine glasses.
“To a good meal and better company.” Landon said.
As everyone clinked their glasses together Olivia noticed Dan and Landon really only looked at each other. She felt very much like the third wheel. Before she could bring anything up though Dan and Landon started tucking into their dinners and talking about work again. The food was very nice and Olivia was happy to let the others talk as she got to enjoy the delicious meal in front of her. It was a welcome distraction from her general embarrassment.
Olivia tried to make herself as small and unseen as possible. With the half-finished activity sheet next to her, the soda and a wet pull-up she felt like a four-year-old. When she did dare to look up at the other tables she saw kids in similar positions as her with their parents. Asking to come along was a mistake, she could’ve been at home surrounded by her blanket right then.
Thanks to not talking like Dan and Landon were Olivia finished most of her meal first. It had been very nice but now she had even less to distract her from her feelings of inadequacy. Five minutes after putting her knife and fork down she felt something that chilled her to the bone. Her tummy rumbled and immediately she felt the pressure of needing the bathroom growing.
With startled eyes Olivia looked over to the bathrooms. As if planned by her worst nightmare she saw a woman walking into the bathroom, the door closed behind her and a little disk on the door went from white to red. The door was locked.
“Oh no…” Olivia muttered under her breath, “No, no, no…”
Olivia could feel sweat on her forehead. Her breathing became shallower and her hands trembled. The pressure inside her body was building quickly and she knew she was in trouble. The bathrooms were occupied and there was nowhere for her to go. The urge had come on so suddenly and now it was mounting faster than Olivia could cope with, she couldn’t think.
“Everything alright, Livy?” Landon asked as she looked over at Olivia.
Olivia quickly shook her head. Everything was definitely not alright. The need to poop was reaching the point where her body was struggling to contain it. She wouldn’t have been able to reach the bathroom now even if it was free. This need was growing even quicker than her recent problems had.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” Dan asked. He frowned in concern.
How was Olivia supposed to explain her problem? In this restaurant full of people how could she possibly talk about how she was about to fill her pants. Even the little kids in the highchairs knew better than to do that.
“Do you need the bathroom?” Landon asked.
Olivia didn’t know how Landon knew but maybe she was being more obvious than she thought. She was half hunched over but perhaps it was just the look in her face, Landon had seen her “need to go potty” face a lot recently much to Olivia’s shame.
“I… I…” Olivia stuttered. She felt her sphincter opening a little and she couldn’t close it. There was nothing she could do!
There was no way for Olivia to tell her husband or Landon what was going on but at the same time it was going to happen regardless. She was supposed to be an adult, this wasn’t supposed to happen to big girls. The cramping grew and Olivia couldn’t hold back any more.
Closing her eyes Olivia placed her hands on the edges of the chair either side of her. She braced herself and lifted her body up a little, it was all the encouragement her body needed. With a space beneath her Olivia’s body took over and pushed.
It was a very strange feeling. Olivia didn’t often mess her diapers even when she was in little space. To be doing this in the middle of a busy restaurant was mortifying. Several soft pieces of poop dropped into her pull-up immediately. Olivia could feel the sticky substance smearing against the padding and her skin. She shivered but knew things had only just started. She held her breath as she felt more coming.
“Livy… are you…” Dan said slowly.
In the background the only sounds were of diners quietly chatting and the clink of cutlery. There was some soft classical music floating quietly through the air. It felt like a different world to what was happening with Olivia.
Olivia pushed down and felt a small grunt pass under her breath. There was a second of suspension and then her pull-up seemed to balloon out. She gasped in horror as she felt the rear of the diaper expand and pull the front tight against her. The poop seemed to pour out of her and smeared between her legs and up towards her back. Olivia became terrified that the pull-up wouldn’t be able to hold it all.
“Ugh…” Olivia let out a little whine as she pushed down one final time and finished her soiling. The smell was already starting to seep out, she cursed herself and knew she should’ve worn a diaper. Now she had been exposed as the baby she was.
“I can’t believe this.” Dan’s voice broke the silence at the table.
Olivia opened a watery eye and saw that although Dan sounded irritated he was looking at her with concern. Her arms wobbled and she knew she couldn’t stay in this raised position forever, she lowered herself down and cringed as she sunk into the pull-up. The mess spread even more and to her shame she felt some of the poop squeezing out and on to her skirt. This was going to become a much more obvious problem very soon.
“Seriously? My colleagues dine here. Clients dine here!” Dan was looking around anxiously.
“I’m… I’m sorry…” Olivia said. She started to cry. It wasn’t the reserved cry of an adult either, it quickly threatened to become the loud tantrum of a child demanding attention.
“Don’t worry. I can deal with this.” Landon said as she placed her cutlery on her plate and started to get up.
If you enjoyed this part you can check out what happens next RIGHT NOW at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/livys-new-family-87104926