Livy's New Family

Back to the first chapter of Livy's New Family
Posted on June 29th, 2023 03:55 AM

Olivia is told Landon will be staying the night ad worries that she is losing Dan. Once her husband goes to work Olivia decides that maybe she can prove her worth by helping out with the chores...


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“So… how did she react!?” Little_Princess messaged Landon as soon as the latter came online.

“You should’ve seen her face!” Landon replied and then added several laughing emojis.

“And Dan was OK with it?” Little_Princess asked.

“Yeah, he looked surprised as well but he didn’t do or say anything.” Landon replied, “In fact, I feel confident moving on to the next phase ahead of schedule. When I put that sippy cup down in front of Olivia I expected one or both of them to put up a fuss, to freak out… maybe even kick me out. But they both just sat there. I swear, they are both begging for a real woman in that house.”

“Just be careful.” Little_Princess advised, “Don’t go too fast and get yourself hurt or I’ll come over and spank you!”

“I think you’ll find spankings are MY job.” Landon chuckled as she typed, “So why don’t you come over here, lower that diaper and bend over the bed!”

“Yeth, Mommy…” Little_Princess replied a few seconds later with a veritable wall of blushing emotes.


Olivia looked at Dan as she tried to process what he was saying. She had tried to raise her concerns with him bout Landon but every single time he had dismissed them. Now he seemed to be taking things a step further and Olivia wasn’t sure how comfortable she was with that. She was sat on the floor, her hair in pigtails and a thick diaper taped around her waist. Recently she had been spending more time in diapers than usual, it almost felt like even her regressed side was regressing.

“Olivia? Are you alright?” Dan asked from the couch.

“Huh?” Olivia responded dumbly.

“When I come home from work this evening I’ll be with Landon…” Dan said slowly and patiently, “She’s going to be staying the night in the spare bedroom.”

“Why?” Olivia asked.

It seemed a fair question. Landon didn’t live too far away and it seemed like it would be easy enough for her to travel to and from home. It was a Friday and normally Olivia and Dan would have a date night, even if it meant just cuddling up and watching a film together. It didn’t feel like that would be happening that week.

“She’s going to help with some things on Saturday.” Dan said, “It doesn’t make sense for her to travel back and forth does it?”

“I guess…” Olivia answered slowly.

“Good girl.” Dan said with a smile.

Despite Olivia’s misgivings she found herself flushing with pleasure at Dan’s praise. As Dan left to finish getting ready for work Olivia sighed. She felt annoyed but it was mostly directed at herself for being so easily pacified. She stayed in place in the living room as she listened to her husband getting his things and then, after bidding her a quick farewell, he left for work.

Olivia was left alone and she soon sunk into her regressed Livy state and played with her toys whilst forgetting all her problems. Around an hour or so later she dropped the two little dolls she was holding and sighed. Try as she might she couldn’t stop worrying about the situation.

“I know!” Olivia suddenly said to Hootie next to her, “I’ll tidy up for Daddy!”

Not being able to do much housework was one of Olivia’s biggest insecurities and it seemed like one of the things she could do to help out. She crinkled to her feet as she looked around. What she needed was something small to get the ball rolling and to keep her concentration, the second thing being something she struggled with a lot.

Olivia wandered through to the kitchen and saw the sink full of dishes. Easy, she thought, I’ll do the washing up. With her legs forcing her into a slight waddle she went over to the sink and turned on the faucets. Once the water was running hot she grabbed the soap and started washing. It wasn’t long until she found her mind wanting to drift to other things. All of a sudden she wanted to play with her toys, watch cartoons, have a nap…

“No!” Olivia said forcefully as she screwed up her eyes in concentration, “Finish this first.”

Olivia finished drying the plate she had been holding and placed it to the side. She smiled as she picked up a glass and started scrubbing it with a sponge, she felt proud that she was really doing it. It was such a small thing and it felt almost silly to proud of something so simple but she was sure Dan would appreciate the effort. Her mind drifted to Dan and Landon. She couldn’t help worrying there was more going on there that neither wanted to admit to. She replayed the sippy cup scene in her head and then thought about Landon staying the night. Suddenly there was a loud crash of glass smashing on the floor.

“Ah!” Olivia screamed as she jumped backwards.

In front of Olivia the remnants of a now shattered glass spread out mixed with the soapy water it once contained. Olivia swore and reached over to turn the water off and then sunk down on to her padded butt. She was frustrated at herself for allowing distractions to worm their way into her head. Even something that simple was beyond her.

“I should really clean that up…” Olivia said as she sighed.

Suddenly it felt like more than Olivia could handle. As she looked at the water dripping off the side of the counter on to the glass she relaxed her body and felt a flush of warmth entering her diaper. She reached down with her hands and pushed the padding close to her body, the spreading heat made her sigh and relax more than any medication had ever done.

Once Olivia had finished wetting her diaper she stood up and decided she could leave the mess on the kitchen floor to clean up later. It was too much to try and do now so she waddled her way back into the living room. Maybe there was something else she could do and as she stood in the doorway with her diaper hanging low between her legs she thought she saw an opportunity.

“I could rearrange the living room…” Olivia thought as she tapped her chin with her finger, “Dan’s been wanting to spruce the place up a bit.”

Without a second thought Olivia walked inside and started imagining how the room could otherwise look. After a few seconds she waddled forwards and started moving things. The first step was to take everything off the table and unplug everything, once she had done that Olivia was already panting a little from the physical exertion.

Olivia pulled the couch away from the wall and then tried to work out how to get it to the other side of the room, as she pushed it from behind she accidentally tipped over the table. She stopped and walked around again, this was more complicated than Olivia had thought. She tried to drag the table away from the centre of the room when it got caught on something. She pulled harder and harder until there was a crack and the table come free.

“Oops…” Olivia said as she pulled the table to the doorway only to see that she had snapped one of the wooden legs.

Olivia pouted and sighed sadly. Yet again she had tried to help only to make things worse. She couldn’t face the scene of her failure and almost ran up the stairs to the master bedroom to hide. She felt completely frazzled by her distracted efforts and knew she had only made things worse. She dived under the covers of her bed as she cursed her brain. Before she knew it she was asleep.

“What in the world!?”

Olivia’s eyes sprung open when she heard Dan’s voice from downstairs. She sat up whilst still under the cover and then scrambled to find an edge. The sun had sunk low outside and it took Olivia a moment to remember her attempts at helping with the chores earlier. She jumped out of bed and tip-toed out on to the landing like a child afraid that their wrong-doing had been discovered. Without thinking, she was about to go downstairs whilst still dressed as a baby, it was only when she heard Landon’s voice that she remembered.

Running back to the bedroom Olivia quickly got undressed and looked down at her diaper. She sighed, she wanted nothing more than to stay in diapers because they were so relaxing but she knew she couldn’t, not with Landon here. She pulled on the tapes and let the wet padding drop to the floor. She was about to pull out a pair of her adult panties when she stopped herself.

“I guess I could…” Olivia muttered quietly before going back across to the closet with all her infantile things.

Olivia reached to the back of the closet and pushed the packet of diapers to the side. In the corner, almost forgotten, was a half-full packet of pull-ups. They were much thinner and less absorbent than the full diapers but they still had that padded feeling that Olivia loved, the feeling of padding rubbing against her skin.

“Olivia?” Dan’s voice came from the bottom of the stairs.

In a rush Olivia stepped into the pull-up and lifted it until it was snug around her waist. She then got one of her light dresses that she often wore around the home and pulled it over her head. She paused just long enough to make sure the pull-up was hidden before leaving the bedroom. When Olivia stood at the top of the stairs and looked down she saw Dan with his hands on his hips, he didn’t look too happy.

“What happened here?” Dan asked as Olivia made her way down.

“I… I was trying to help.” Olivia said quietly.

“Help?” Dan put one of his hands up to his forehead, “Sweetie, you’ve created such a mess…”

“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Landon appeared from the kitchen, “I’ll tidy up before putting dinner on.”

“You really shouldn’t have to…” Dan started.

“I’m happy to help out.” Landon replied with a smile.

Yet again Olivia was left feeling completely inadequate next to Landon. No doubt she would be able to clean up everything Olivia had messed up in minutes. Olivia remembered that her former work colleague knew of her little side and she hated that she wasn’t doing anything to disabuse her of that knowledge. She must seem so small and helpless to Landon.

Olivia spent most of the next few hours cringing. Landon cleaned up the glass that was scattered all over the floor and then did the washing up with Dan drying. Then they went through to the living room and put the room back together. Landon was even able to do temporary repairs to the table by taping the leg back together. Every time Olivia tried to help Landon would tell her she didn’t need any help and that she should just relax. It meant Olivia sort of hovered in the background whilst Dan and Landon cleaned up her messes.

Landon cooked dinner that evening and, just like before, she presented Olivia with her drink in a sippy cup. No one said anything and Olivia didn’t want to make a big deal of it so she just quietly drank her juice.

After dinner all three of the people in the house went through to the living room. Dan and Landon started working from the couch whilst Olivia sat on the armchair on the other side of the room. She turned on the television and lowered the volume so it wouldn’t distract the others. Olivia flicked through the channels looking for something to watch until she came to an action movie. She put down the controller and sat back as some particularly violent explosions appeared on the screen.

“Oh, I don’t think that’s appropriate.” Landon said after a few minutes as she looked over and saw someone on the screen getting shot several times.

Olivia watched as Landon stood up and walked across the room. The lawyer picked up the remote and started changing the channel. Olivia looked over at her husband who was staring intently at some paper. He was either unaware of what was going on or he was studiously ignoring it.

“Ah, here we go.” Landon finally said, “This seems much better for you.”

When Olivia looked back at the screen she gasped. She thought maybe Landon would pick some soap opera or boring news program; she definitely didn’t expect to see colourful cartoons dancing across the screen. Her eyes were as wide as they could go, it was the exact channel she watched when she was being little. Did Landon know? Had Dan told her?

“Much more appropriate.” Landon said as she looked down at Olivia with a smile, “Don’t you think… Livy?”


If you enjoyed this part you can check out what happens next RIGHT NOW at:


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