Jamie walked hand in hand with his Mommy, strolling together through the park. It was a beautiful day, with perfect weather for their date–sunny and bright, warm with a gentle breeze to keep things from becoming overpowering or sweaty.
A lot had changed since their first date only two days prior, but nothing important. Jamie wore the diapers that Mommy had changed him into, and the pale purple onesie and matching purple skirtall she’d picked out that she could easily lift up to expose his diaper–because a big boy wouldn’t keep his Mommy from checking him, he’d make it as easy for her as possible. He kept her hand in his so he wouldn’t get lost, and trusted her to know where they were going as well.
All this felt like second nature, he had no trouble with the amount of faith he had to give her. She was his Mommy, and if he couldn’t trust his Mommy, who could he trust?
As he sipped lemonade from a sturdy plastic cup with a built in sippy straw, Jamie beamed. He’d found the best woman in the world, and she somehow was okay with him, even half-cursed and at risk of turning into a Little.
Walking down the park path, they passed another couple–an older man with salt and pepper hair, leading along his own Little, a woman of similar age with enormous smile lines around her eyes and a visibly sagging diaper beneath a short dress. He nodded at Michelle, smiling in an appreciative way.
“You know, I’d been thinking,” Michelle said, coming to a stop near a large, leafy oak tree with canopy branches that cast the section of the park in shade. Stepping to the side, she set down her picnic basket, releasing Jamie’s hand for a moment.
“Mhmm?” Jamie asked, biting his lip as Mommy let go. He bent his knees slightly, watching her remove the large blanket from the basket and unfurl it with a flourish.
“Well–you’ve been spending a lot of time at my apartment,” Michelle explained, setting out cling-wrapped sandwiches and a few bottles with drinks–a sports bottle for her, and a baby bottle for him. “And, it’s much easier if I’m around to help you all the time, isn’t it?”
He nodded, relief and comforting warmth spreading over him. “Mm–um, mhmm, yes,” he said, a slight grunt escaping his lips as he answered.
Mommy giggled, putting a hand to her mouth to stifle the laughter. “Well, I’ve got a guest bedroom that’s not doing anything, and I’d like it very much if you’d move in with me.”
Eyes widening, Jamie ran forward, arms spread wide. Mommy was caught off guard and almost stumbled back as he grabbed her in a tight hug, squeezing with unbridled enthusiasm and excitement. “You promise?”
Returning the embrace, Mommy squeezed him back, her warm smile radiating pleasure. “I take it that’s a yes, cutie pie?”
He nodded a few times, thrilled. He’d get to live with Mommy? All the time? That was amazing, of course he’d say yes!
“We’ll need to start on some paperwork, as well, to help with the transition,” she continued, pulling away. “Is it alright if you let Mommy handle all that? I just want to make sure you don’t have to worry your little head about it.”
He nodded again, making a face–paperwork was dumb, and he was more than happy to let someone else do that.
Smiling further, Mommy pulled away, taking Jamie by the shoulders. “Of course, I’ll need your help decorating your room–can you pick out paint colors for Mommy?”
Jamie bounced in excitement, showing his excitement with his whole body. “Yes please!”
“I know a sleep charm we can hang over your crib, to make sure you always get lots of rest,” Mommy continued, tapping a finger to her lip, “And–oh, I’m silly. Do you want your crib to have wooden bars, or a mesh instead? Bars are a classic, but I want you to like it.”
Jamie giggled. “Bars! Can I paint them?”
She nodded, smiling broadly. “Now, there’s something else I need to do before we eat.”
He tilted his head, but Mommy just turned him around so that she was behind him, then reached low and pulled up the hem of his skirtalls, pressing a hand into the seat of his diaper through the onesie. He moaned involuntarily, feeling it smush under her touch.
“That’s what I thought,” Mommy said knowingly. “Someone’s a little mush tush today, aren’t you?”
Nodding, Jamie shifted from foot to foot, excitement building. He loved when Mommy mentioned his diapers–especially when she touched them, and eagerness made him buzz with pleasure and anticipation.
“Well then,” Mommy said, reaching around his body to squeeze the front of his diaper. He gasped, squirming his body against hers. “There’s a changing room over there, why don’t we go get your bottom changed before we eat?”
Blushing and nodding, Jamie hopped up and down in excitement. “Yes please, Mommy!”
This was the best–diaper changes were as good as grown-up time. Better, even, and lately he’d been getting several changes a day. In secret, he’d even been trying to drink as much as possible, just so there’d be more opportunities to get up on the changing table–but, though Mommy smirked every time he asked for her to refill his sippy cups, he doubted she’d realized what he was doing.
He expected Mommy to pull away just then, but her hand lingered on the front of his diaper, and she shifted her posture, so that her leg pushed into the mucky back. In the same motion, she ran her fingers in little circles on the front, rubbing him through the soggy padding.
Eyes widening, Jamie moaned, leaning forward and shuddering as pleasure overwhelmed him. Mommy’s touch was magic–just a little pressure in the right places, and he’d find himself squirting into his diaper, overcome by satisfaction.
“Good boy,” Mommy praised in his ear, as he sank back into her body. She lowered his skirt, kissing the back of his head. “Now, let’s go get you changed, okay?”
Taking his hand, Michelle led Jamie to the changing station, just another Mommy and her Little out for a day at the park.
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