Chapter 7

Back to the first chapter of A Little Magic, A Little Push, A Little Baby
Posted on March 29th, 2024 11:57 PM

Jamie toppled as Michelle pushed him onto the bed, legs feeling unsteady–it felt as though the pee that had soaked in and made his diaper sag had imbalanced his whole body, even though the pull-up couldn’t possibly be that full.

Regardless, he fell back and landed on the mattress, and though he expected her to start changing him, he didn’t expect her to be quite so enthusiastic about it. She followed him onto the bed, pulling the straps off his shortalls, straddling his knees as she pulled the garment down off his body, so that only his onesie and pull-up remained.

“Be a good boy and lie still for me,” she instructed, moving to discard the shortalls completely.

Jamie nodded, and felt silly for doing so–he didn’t need to agree, that was like agreeing to breathe. He would simply do whatever Michelle told him to do; she knew what would keep him safe, what the grown-up choices would be, and he’d be better off following her instructions than trying to think for himself.

The snaps on his onesie came free, and Michelle’s hand slid up the front of his fully saturated pull-up, groping the crotch of his diaper. He was burning with desire, but to his surprise, he hadn’t grown hard enough to make the diaper tent out, only bulging it a little. Jamie could absolutely feel Michelle’s fingers stroke over the soggy garment, but he didn’t know if she could feel him back.

Still, it didn’t matter–Michelle pulled her hand back and slid off the bed, though he would have been fine for her to leave it there forever if it meant the dizzying pleasure stayed firmly in his thoughts. Instead, though, she began to change his pull-up, ripping the sides so that it could be removed just like a thoroughly saturated Little diaper.

The baby wipes she produced were warm, pre-heated for his comfort, and she worked delicately to clean all the stale urine from his skin. She didn’t tease or make fun, and instead only said, “See, I’m so proud of you–aren’t you glad you weren’t trying to wear silly grown up underwear? Isn’t this nicer than icky, cold pants and a huge stain to clean up?”

He nodded, though his attention was split by sensation as she sprinkled baby powder between his legs, rubbing it in with her hand. Fingers stroked up his cock, massaging in the perfumed powder, and he felt tiny and blissful, eyes rolling back in his head.

Michelle wadded up his old diaper and discarded it. Jamie didn’t see where, and he didn’t care, that wasn’t his problem to worry about. He expected a new pull-up, or maybe a new diaper, but instead, Michelle leaned over him again.

“I need to do something before I put your diaper on,” she explained, hands on his thighs. “It’s important.”

He nodded. “Mhmm.” He’d do it–but what was it? A hint of skepticism washed over him, dampening his arousal. Jamie hadn’t done this before, but he felt fairly certain that she should have put a fresh diaper on him immediately.

“Roll over, and get on your hands and knees,” Michelle instructed. “Okay? Be good for me, and this will help you keep your grown-up thoughts.”

That explained it–this wasn’t normal, it was to help him stay a grown up. Placated, Jamie did as he was told, eyes down on the bed as he raised his naked bottom into the air.

Looking between his legs, he saw himself, confirming what he’d felt–his cock looked smaller than he remembered. In fact, his whole body seemed different–was he a little more slender at the waist? Had his hips swelled a bit, giving him more overt curves?

He frowned, brow furrowing, trying to decide if the changes to his body were simply a trick of perspective. He normally saw himself in a mirror, not while kneeling, looking down at his half naked body.

Before he could question it further, he felt the bed shift, one side pressing down as Michelle crawled onto the mattress behind him. He felt naked skin against his back, and Michelle’s fingers laced with his shaggy hair, pulling his head back so she could whisper in his ear.

“A good, grown-up boy would let me use him,” she whispered. “However I want. Are you going to be good for me?”

Jamie nodded diligently, but this felt wrong. He wanted–he needed something, but–

Michelle anticipated his need and reached around his face, pressing his pacifier between his lips. He sucked down on the bulb, moaning in relief as he felt it calm him. Then, from behind, he felt pressure against his bottom–not the need to go, but instead a hard force, slick and firm, pushing inside him.

Eyes widening, he looked down again, watching between his legs as Michelle pressed her hips against his thighs, pushing the strap-on into him, filling him up. He couldn’t help himself–he moaned, shuddering as she pulled back and thrust again, a little faster this time, sliding in and out of his bottom with an escalating rhythm.

(Yes,) Jamie thought, as Michelle accelerated, pounding into him, one hand still laced in his hair. (Yes, I–I’m a good boy, I’ll do what M–m–)

“Mmphhh…” he moaned, his own parts quivering, ready to burst from the pleasure as Michelle filled him, using him for herself, driving the strap-on into his G-spot over and over again.

But, again, she knew his body better than he knew it himself, and before he could spurt onto her mattress, overwhelmed by the burning need to cum, she stopped, retreating, pulling out of him.

Such a good boy,” she purred. “There you go…”

“Buh…” he stammered, pacifier dangling between his lips. “I…I wanna…”

“You want to make me feel good now, right?” she finished, planting the words in his mouth and the thought in his brain. “To thank me for using you?”

Helpless to think for himself, Jamie nodded–Michelle was right.

“Then we should get you in your diaper, before you have a little accident,” Michelle cooed, shimmying out of the strap and setting it aside, along with her panties, leaving her as naked below the waist as he was.

Jamie was as hard as he could be when he rolled onto his back–which wasn’t all that impressive, though Michelle didn’t seem to care about his diminishing manhood. She was clearly wet, dripping with arousal that seemed as intense as himself. That reassured him–he had to be mature, he had to be grown up, that’s why she was so interested.

She had a diaper ready, though, and slid it under his hips, folding it…

(Where did she get all this from? Did she already have it in here? Why…dhuuh…)

His questioning thoughts were rendered into putty as she pushed the fresh diaper down over him. This was no pull-up, it was fluffy and snug, playful monkeys and jungle friends decorating the exterior. Feeling the thick, comforting padding press down over him, Jamie began to drool around his pacifier, mind sinking in a soup of pleasure.

Two large tapes secured the diaper down, and Michelle ran her hand up the front one more time, satisfied in her handiwork. “Now,” she instructed, crawling up onto the bed, hooking a finger into the pacifier’s handle once again and pulling it free. “Are you going to be a good boy?”

His nod came automatically. Of course. He was a good boy.

She spread her legs, showing off her waiting sex. “Then show me how you use your mouth, and make me feel good.”

Jamie required no further instruction. Crawling forward on the bed, freshly diapered bottom sashaying in the air as he approached, he dipped his head between her thighs and showed Michelle that he knew exactly how to demonstrate his maturity. She gasped as his tongue ran across her clit, and Jamie worked himself harder.

She reached down, fingers lacing once again through his long, lush hair, and she pulled down–unnecessary, because Jamie had no thoughts of pulling away, but her need filled him with satisfaction more deep than he could remember. He wanted to make her feel good. He needed to make her feel good. She’d cared for him, she’d changed his diaper, she’d used his bottom and helped him, and now he could show her how much he cared for her in return.

This was right.

This was what he was for. Making M…m…

Yes,” Michelle gasped, back arched in ecstasy. “Use your diaper for me–show me how obedient you–”

Her words trailed off as she rode into the beginnings an intense climax, but Jamie didn’t need to be prodded further. As soon as she’d said, ‘for me’, he’d strained to obey, scrunching up his face, grunting, pushing out the last dregs of his potty training to show his obedience.

His bowels emptied, at first because he strained with effort, then because he could no longer stop them–his willful release turned to an uncontrollable wave, the seat of his diaper crinkling as it bulged to contain his fleeting maturity.

As he felt the mush swell against his skin, packing into the diaper without a trace of control or shame, he felt an intense wave of pleasure wash down his body, and he clung to Michelle’s thighs for support. She screamed in satisfaction, and Jamie felt sheer bliss as he shuddered and groaned, forgetting himself, forgetting everything except for the ecstasy of his diaper, the comfort of Michelle’s touch, spurting at the mind-melting pleasure that came to him from his diaper.

Sweaty, endorphins washing into the two of them, they collapsed into each other, exhausted in the way that only joy could bring.


Audiobooks are a lot of work to make, and represent a huge investment of time and money - it's the kind of thing that's only really possible with a lot of community support. The kickstarter for The Baby Bet is starting to lag - I'd really like to see this this audiobook get made, and if you feel the same, please consider tossing in a contribution!


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