9.) Home
She took me by the hand into the women's restroom. My head was filled with music and the smell of her perfume. Or maybe that was how she always smelled. Maybe I had a weird ability to smell her stronger than anything else in the world. I looked at myself in the mirror, at the huge wet spot on the front of my dress, and blushed furiously. It was all the passion I needed to stand up to her again, but fighting her in this state always felt impossible. "Look what you made me do!"
"Look what you did for me." I pushed the words back on her. "There's no way you can top this, there's nothing more you could do to impress me. I should leave now, I should leave you here for the night, now that I know you've done all you can.” I wasn't going to leave. We both knew that. I was daring her to do more, though, but more importantly, I was giving her permission to.
My cheeks turned pink. My stomach had been bubbling all night. I could go into that bathroom stall right now and use the toilet! I could strip myself of this diaper, breaking her "no changing" rule, and go on with my life. But as humiliating, as pathetic, as awful as it was... I didn't want to anymore. I just wanted her... "I want to go somewhere else," I said again. We had been dancing for hours. Finally, I had some leverage.
There were ways I got around, ways I went from A to B, ways vampires stayed hidden from the outside world. We had talents. I wrapped my arms around her and we effervesced, the lights swirling around us. The next moment we were atop a hill on the outskirts of the college town, looking down at all the lights of the city below and the pinpricks of the stars above. Thralls didn't usually get to travel by celerity, but this was a special occasion.
I looked down at the town from the top of the hill, in a grassy field, and I... I had no idea how I'd gotten here. Was it vampire magic? Did she bite me and I lost track of time like I so often did? But it didn't feel like that. I didn't have the hazy afterglow of being bitten. I was in the club, then I wasn't. Still, the wetness on the front of my dress was as apparent as ever, but no one was around to see. "What... how did you do that?" But before she answered, she helped me lie down in the grass. She had a bag on her shoulder - I swear that wasn't there before...
"You've given me so much delight, my little Pipsqueak, surrendered so much maturity to me. You've been such a good girl." I pulled her dress up as I spoke. I untaped her diaper - soaked through from use the entire day - and ran my nails over the goosebumps on her legs. "I'm so proud of you. I know you're ready to give me more, and I want you to be completely aware of yourself when you do."
I shoved the dress down between my legs with frustration and tried to sit back up. "We're in public you idiot! You can't just change me here!" I tried to push her hands away, but Bailey had always been stronger than me. I could blame her vampire traits, but most people were stronger than me anyway.
"Do you see anybody else around? Because if you'd like to, I can arrange it. I thought you’d prefer more solitude, but I can arrange for your grand offer to me to be a more public affair." She was so easy to hold down, so easily molded, shaped, made mine. "Maybe you need people to see... people to watch, to witness what a little girl you've become to please your owner, your mistress, your Mommy."
"No! I..." I hesitated, looking around the empty hill with burning cheeks. Satellites could see me, probably, getting my diaper changed in this field. My cheeks burned. "I'm sorry," I muttered and laid back on the ground. I knew what she wanted. I knew she wanted me to mess myself. Weirdly enough, I felt... ready. I wanted it too. But I'd never give her the satisfaction so easily.
"Oh no no, your sorry isn't needed. I'll get you changed, and then I'll bring some friends and family up here. Meg. That cutie from your lecture. Your parents, your brother. You want everybody to see how proudly you surrender, you're absolutely right." By the time I was done teasing her, I'd pulled her up into the fresh diaper, taped it in place, and rubbed the thick pink plastic. I was planning to have my teeth in her when she did it - it was going to be the most delicious humiliation I'd ever tasted.
I sat up and gave her a stern look, trying to convey any modicum of adulthood, only to express myself like a pouting child. "If I give you this," I told her quietly, with little confidence in my voice, "then I want something in return." I had thought about it for days. I had wondered what equivalent I could ask of her. My eternal immaturity for something of hers. And I knew what I wanted.
"If you give me this," I parroted to her, subtly reminding her that she didn't have a choice, but also opening up the dialog to continue. Both of us knew that anything I gave her would be a mercy, a choice of my own, and what she did or didn't do was irrelevant because I owned her. But our game was so pleasantly fun.
The fresh diaper felt so comfortable under my bottom. I forgot how much I loved to be dry. Then, I forgot again how much I loved to be wet. Endlessly, I was constantly reminded how much I loved being owned by Mommy. "I want you to take me home, where you live." Bailey had never so much as mentioned where she lived, let alone eluded to its location, and judging by the way her expression fell, I could tell it was incredibly private. I looked up at her with my signature pout. "I'm yours, Mommy. But you're mine too. My only."
If I took her back to where I lived, things would change - where I lived was a place only for vampires and not for thralls. If I took her back there, she'd need to become a vampire, she'd need to be embraced. She'd then lose everything divine about my ownership of her. Any feelings she had for me would from then on need to be voluntarily. I wondered if she knew that. I wondered if she was worth it. If she was worth giving up. She was so stupidly pretty, so needy, so longing to serve. Oh the irony of her request. "There'll be strings attached if I do."
"I don't care," I said simply. "When you first bit me, I hated you. I hated that you took away my agency and my identity. And now... now I'm... I'm just totally enamored with this. With you. With belonging somewhere so surely, so certainly, that I'm willing to humiliate myself every single day. And it's probably stupid vampire magic, right? But I don't even care, because I'm so much happier now. Happier with you. And... and I don't want to be just another thrall to you. I don't want to be like all those others. I want to be special. So take me home."
Was she worth giving up my hold over her? She was just an impetuous little thrall who asked too much. She was a know-it-all, a bratty little toy who defied the rules. I could have a thousand other thralls all more succulent and much easier than she'd be. But the way she looked at me, the way she talked, the way she was so damn sure of herself wanting to give herself away... this was what siring was for, wasn't it? This kiss would be different. I nodded my head and I put my lips to her neck. This would be unlike everything she'd had from me before - I'd drain her slowly, I'd draw it out while she surrendered, I'd leave her so close to dry... and then I'd feed her my blood in return. I'd nourish her. I'd change her. Not a smitten thrall, not a lovesick fool, not a puppet, not a follower.
Every other time she had bitten me, it was hot. It was energizing. My nerves caught fire and I whimpered and felt pleasure like I had never felt before. But this wasn't like that at all. This was cold. Freezing. My skin felt like ice. I felt my teeth chatter. There was no pleasure - only pain. Awful, horrible pain. I dug my nails into her arms as she bit down harder. My head started to pound. My body ached. I felt energy seeping out of me. I felt a mysterious discomfort. Miserable. Sick. And finally, I realized... I felt death. Death was coming for me. I would die here, in her arms. I would die here... finally, her lips left my neck and I looked up at her through blurry vision. I was moment away from unconsciousness. A sleep I wouldn't wake up from. She bit down on her hand, between her thumb and her index finger, and put it to my lips. I looked at her quizzically, in my deathly delirium.
"Trust me." I told her, running my free hand through her hair. I held her in my arms and I held my bleeding hand to her lips. She had to suck. She had to want it. She could leave now, she could fade away and die like humans always did. She could defy me, she could deny me her ultimate surrender. Or she could do precisely what I had hopes she'd do.
She put her hand to my mouth and I sucked on it, the way I had learned to suck on her nipples, to suck on my pretty pink pacifier. The warm blood slid down my throat, sour like rotten milk, then sweet like melted ice cream. My tongue cherished the flavor. My fingers reached up and took her hand in mine to find better purchase. I drank. I drank and I felt warm again. I felt alive. No, I felt... radically alive. I felt remarkably alive. When Bailey took her hand away from me, I was irritated. I wanted to hit her. Attack her. Force her down and bite her again. But I hesitated. I took a breath and shook my head. "What... did you do..."
"I gave you what you wanted." She looked perplexed, she looked confused, like what I'd said made no sense at all. We hadn't moved anywhere, we weren't at my home. She didn't realize what I'd done to her, yet. That she could get up and leave. That she was free now, and service to me could now only be volunteered and not expected. Her teeth rode above her lip as she obliviously smiled. Oh she looked so cute with fangs…
I felt different. The world had a unique hue. The colors were sensual. I could feel the light breeze on my skin. I could hear cars from miles down the hill. But most uniquely of all, I felt... in control. I felt the weight of my bladder as I kept it from emptying into the diaper. I felt the weakness of Bailey's words. The compulsions to obey her were gone. Everything was gone. I was returned to normal, and at the same time, I was so different. I shook my head and tried to figure it out. She said there was no going back... "I'm free of you, aren't I?" She nodded her head. "I'm... a vampire?" She nodded again. "And you don't own me anymore?" At that, she looked sad. But she nodded once more.
I didn't know that I'd made the right choice - her defiance as a thrall was so paramount that I couldn't even imagine what she'd become once embraced. Humans were so weak, so small, so limited. Vampires saw things, heard things, felt things, possessed things, we were infinite and we were forever. Maybe she wouldn't even need me anymore. "From here on in, your surrender is voluntary. You're special, just the way you wanted to be. Come home with me, or leave.... if you must."
Voluntary. I looked at Bailey - even the compulsion to call her Mommy had left me - with awe. She had given me up. She took away everything she gave me. Part of me was mad at her. I wasn't supposed to have a choice! But another part of me was enamored. A choice... something no thrall ever has. I bit my lip and looked down at the city below. We were equals now. I never had to play her games again. I never had to wear a diaper. I could leave her. I could leave... "Move over," I muttered, climbing up on her lap and wrapping my legs around her stomach.
"They look good on you..." I mused, tapping the tips of her fangs with my finter, then booping her nose for good measure as she sat in my lap and embraced me with her legs. Her face was above mine, her diapered behind was in place atop me, and her too-perfect-for-human skin caught the starlight and made it look so much more beautiful than the sky ever could.
"I look good on you," I countered with a fanged smile. "I love you, Bailey. You've done so much for me. Even if I'm not under your weird vampire magic, I still love you. And even if I don't depend on you, I still love you. And... and even though I'm more powerful than anyone in the world, I want to give all that power to you. I don't want it..." She knew what was coming. She had planned it. But did she ever expect it to feel like this? I didn't.
I smirked and nodded. She'd fallen so hard for me as a thrall; her resistance had been the reason why. As her conscious self had tugged on the leash of servitude, her subconscious sank deeper and deeper under my control. As she rebelled and taunted, her heart became more and more wrapped up in everything about me. Embracing her like this was reckless, it was sinful. She wasn't made to beg for me, she hadn't been made to earn it; I could well have turned a monster on the world with no recourse. And yet... her first action as a vampire, her first gesture, her first display of power... was to sit her diapered ass on my lap, and continue her submission of her own free will. "Show me my love for you isn't ill-placed, Pipsqueak."
I curled my arms around her neck and touched my forehead to hers. Pushing was so easy, on her lap, in her arms. It came so naturally, like my body begged for it. But it was nothing like before - nothing like the accidents I hardly felt. No, this was voluntary. This was a choice. Because of that, it was so much more humiliating. I grunted and felt the mess fill the seat of my diaper, squish against the thick padding, mush into my bottom, and stink up the hillside as I sat my full diaper down on Bailey's lap. I could have stopped it. I could have said no. But I'd given up my power. I'd consciously, voluntarily, given myself to Bailey. To Mommy. Her stinky little vampire girl.
She breathed deeply, taking in the air she'd tainted with her smell, trembling in the kind of arousal that true submission came along with, feeling sexuality the way that vampires did. Her body twitched in delight that made human orgasms seem like pleasant itches in comparison. And when she finally opened her eyes, we were in a bed - in my bed - with red velvet sheets and the dimmest of light, bending and splintering into rainbows, defying physics and reality. Vampires existed on a different light spectrum than humans, which was why we could only be seen when the sun was down and why we didn’t appear in reflections. But our spectrum was so much more beautiful, as Pippy was just beginning to understand. There was a lot she had to learn now; about who she was, what that meant, and what the future held.
But for the moment, all Pippy had to concern herself with was enjoying the submissive bliss of her messy diaper as long as possible before I changed her. Right now, all she need worry about was pleasure and love. "Welcome home, little one."