The train had been going for a few hours, though Eranor could only pay a small amount of attention to the countryside they found themselves rapidly traveling through. Right now she was sitting on her knees in the middle of the train car, with her hands curled up into balls by her head. She was staring at Rosewood nervously.
"Close," she said plainly. Then came the attack. "Knees further apart," Rosewood hit Eranor's knee with a cane, "Arms too far apart," again she hit Eranor's arms. "You need to squeeze your chest," she hit across Eranor's breasts. "The point of sit pretty is to show off the goods. Really push them up." After the explanation Rosewood grabbed Eranor and adjusted her position to the correct one.
This was how the training had been going for the past few hours or so. It's what Rosewood called reinforcement training, and what Eranor called extremely annoying. Though she wouldn't say as much out loud, not while Rosewood had that cane in her hand. It didn't really hurt all that much, but it was annoying and was an effective form of negative encouragement.
"Now back to neutral position," Rosewood commanded Eranor quickly stood straight up. "Now sit pretty." Eranor quickly assumed the position again, keeping Rosewood's notes in mind. Her knees were further apart and she was really pushing her smaller sized breasts up as much as she could. There was another tense pause while Rosewood examined the pose. "Good girl," Rosewood praised and Eranor's tensions were momentarily loosened at the praise. It meant she did it right and wouldn't get hit, and also get something else. The better part of reinforcement training. Rosewood smiled and set a small piece of candy on the floor in front of Eranor. The reward for successfully performing a command. They weren't a super delicious treat or anything, but the whole situation seemed to magically made the sweet taste better somehow.
Of course Eranor didn't take it, even with it right in front of her. This was something she learned very early in this training session, she wasn't to take the treat unless she was told to. So she swapped her gaze between the treat on the ground in front of her and to Rosewood expectantly, still holding her good sit pretty pose.
"You may want to wrap it up Rose," Aldyn spoke up from his seat. He had been there the whole time and seen every demeaning trick Eranor was forced to learn, much to Eranor's dismay. She'd rather he not be there, but it was true that slaves didn't care who was in the room they listened to their masters. More relevant to Eranor, however was that Rosewood would smack her with the cane if she complained about Aldyn being there. "Not too much longer til we're at the palace," Aldyn continued. Rosewood glanced back at Aldyn at the news, with a somewhat perplexed look on her face.
"Really?" she asked in disbelief. "I didn't seem like it's been that long."
"You've been at it for a few hours," Aldyn reminded. "Time flies when you're having fun it seems," He giggled slightly. Eranor did her best to keep the comeback to that statement in her throat. It hadn't been fun for her, and she felt every grueling moment of the past few hours. She didn't say that though, Rosewood was still holding her cane. She just held her sit pretty pose and gave a small whimper gesturing toward the treat on the floor. Rosewood turned back around quickly when she heard the whimper.
"Ok go ahead take the treat," Eranor eagerly gobbled the thing down, entering a more relaxed sitting pose as she ate the treat. "Ok then one final lightning round before we get you ready for departure. Three treats on the line if you get em all right. Ready?" Eranor nodded excitedly. "Sit. Lay Down. Roll over. Beg. Sit pretty. Prostrate. Walkies. Ready." Eranor hit each pose as best and as quickly as she could as Rosewood fired them off. With her staying on the last pose Ready, which had her sitting with legs spread far apart and palms up on both knees. Rosewood lightly tapped on the outside of Eranor's knee with the cane and Eranor quickly adjusted so the knees weren't as far apart. "What do you think?" Rosewood asked Aldyn with a hint of anxiousness.
"She seemed fine to me," Aldyn answered.
"I just hope fine is good enough," Rosewood sighed dropping the three treats on the ground in front of Eranor. "Good girl. Go ahead and eat your treats." Eranor gobbled the treats up as Rosewood and Aldyn kept talking.
"It'll have to be," Aldyn said with a sigh. "We don't have a whole lotta time."
"Yeah," Rosewood replied. "And she's not the only one that needs training either."
"What? I thought you were up to date on all of your training."
"Please Aldyn. I have always been a model slave. No it's not me that needs more training. It's Tialla."
"Oh," Aldyn said knowingly.
"She doesn't really know how to handle slaves, deliberately never wanted to, but she's going to have to now."
"Well that part should be easy right?"
"Not as easy as you would think. Come here Eranor let me check you diaper." Eranor stood up with a blush. What better way to end the humiliating training with a humiliating diaper check. Extra humiliating because Eranor knew it wasn't dry. It's not like she was going to ask Rosewood for a potty break during that training, and the poses did not lend themselves to holding one's bladder. "That's what I thought." Rosewood smiled and stepped away.
"You're not going to change her before we arrive?" Aldyn asked.
"Nope." Rosewood said smiling. "Her diaper is perfect as it is. Would be better if it was messy too but extra soggy is a great way to show her off when we get there."
"What!?" Eranor couldn't help the protest.
"Calm down sweetie we'll get you changed soon, but first impressions are important. Speaking of we need to get you ready, and you're not gonna like this." Rosewood approached with some kind of heavy restraint in her hand and Eranor gave a defeated sigh.
As she was being locked into the thing she finally got a chance to look outside and see what must be the Vas Naga capital city. While Miqo cities were organized into their cantons Naga cities centered around large Pyramids. There were fewer buildings in total but the buildings themselves were much bigger. In most cases, a whole Naga town could live inside one of their pyramids, usually all on the first floor of the pyramid itself. The second floor was typically reserved for public services and businesses, and the floors above that were for government or other management purposes. In the case of the capital one of these pyramids, the smallest actually, served as the royal palace. Eranor could see that the rail they were on split into three tracks that went into the second floor of the three pyramids that made up the capitol. It was interesting for her to see a new culture, but the musings were short lived as Rosewood approached with a ring gag that would keep Eranor's mouth open uncomfortably.
"Is all this not enough," Eranor gestured to the contraption she had been locked in while she was looking at the city. She had been locked into a metal pillory. A long metal rod with three holes that went around her neck, and her two wrists, keeping her wrists held up by her head and off to her side. Additionally her ankles were now attached by a short chain.
"Relax it's only for a bit."
"If it's only for a bit then why do it at all?"
"We have our reasons," Rosewood said sternly. "Now be a good girl and open up. I'll give you a treat at the end of all of this." Eranor sighed annoyed.
"This sucks," she complained quietly but opened her mouth for Rosewood to put the ring gag in. The gag kept Eranor's mouth uncomfortably wide open, and already she was starting to drool.
"I know dear, hang in there. Oh and if you do need to make messies that would complete the picture perfectly." Eranor mouthed off an angry comment through her gag though no one could tell what it was.
The train whirred to a stop inside the second floor of the pyramid and suddenly Eranor found herself nervous, even though it would be impossible to tell in all of her bonds. It only occurred to her now that she was about to meet her master, queen Tialla, the person who was to be the center of her universe for the rest of her life. With how she was now, she would certainly make an interesting first impression.
The train door opened unceremoniously. And Rosewood grabbed Eranors leash, Eranor groaned in protest as she was yanked out of the train, struggling to keep up in her bonds. As quickly as she was ushered off of the train, she was just as quickly met with an entourage of four royal guards, at the center of the was a small Naga, even smaller than Eranor.
Queen Tialla, who looked barely out of her childhood herself. She was small and had a shocking lack of the Naga's natural plates, though she carried herself confidently. Her stark white hair matched her similarly white scales, a rare trait among Naga, as normally the scales were a dark black. This all went with her outfit, which was a regal but practical outfit. A blue dress whit white fringes, whose skirt fell to just above Tialla's knees, though her legs were covered with white tights.
"Rosewood," Tialla said plainly, though there was a hint of longing in her greeting.
"My master," Rosewood said slowly giving a deep curtsey. "I've brought your newest slave. Princess Eranor of Pal Miqo."
"So I see," Tialla said quickly. "You've been a good girl Rosewood."
"Thank you master," Rosewood said in a breathy voice Eranor had not heard before. She gave Rosewood a curious look. She could tell something was up, but she couldn't tell what it was, and she doubted it really mattered one way or the other.
"You may inspect the slave," Tialla spoke to one of her guards.
"Yes my queen," The guard answered militarily and approached Eranor, to being inspecting every inch of her body that wasn't covered by her chastity gear.
"I can tell from here that her diaper is wet," Tialla commented. "Just like I instructed. You've made me proud Rosewood, now release her from her chastity so I can inspect all of her."
"Yes master," Rosewood obeyed, and quickly descended upon Eranor. Eranor found a strange sensation coming over her as the chastity gear she had been wearing for the past few days fell off with the diaper that she had been wearing for just as long. She struggled to not scream out as the royal guard groped and inspected all of her most private parts.
"How does she look?" Tialla asked the guard.
"Everything is top notch ma'am," the guard said finally stopping his inspection.
"Good," Tialla said flatly. "I would like to inspect her more personally in my quarters. Rosewood you will accompany me." There was a pause. "Where is your collar?" Tialla asked in an accusatory tone, but anyone could see that the expression on her face was more of a hurt emotion.
"I'm sorry master," Rosewood explained. "We needed an especially strong knife to cut through some brush, and my collar was the only metal that would suffice."
"We shall have to get you another one. It won't do to have a slave wander around without her collar."
"Yes Master. Sorry master," Rosewood got on the ground in an almost perfect prostrating pose.
"You are forgiven," Tialla said, unable to hide the uncertainty in her voice this time, but she quickly recovered and kept speaking in her royal tone. "You will come with me to my quarters and help me inspect the new slave."
"Of course master,"
"And Aldyn," Tialla addressed the general at last. "You are needed in the war room immediately."
"Yes my queen," Aldyn said with a salute and quickly began walking away. Tialla to, started to move away, and Rosewood followed practically dragging Eranor with her leash. It was a quick walk past the train station to a small elevator. The royal guard left the two princesses and two slaves with a salute as the doors closed. Tialla began casting a spell onto a rune on the wall, no doubt a very specific spell that only a certain few people knew that would give access to the queen's personal chambers. The ride up wasn't long but it was awkward. Eranor was groaning in complaint against her bondage, but otherwise that was the only sound until the elevator arrived at it's destination. As soon as the doors opened and Tialla stepped out into the parlor like room her demeanor changed.
"Can we get her out of this ridiculous get up," Tialla said in a distinctly different tone that had sent Eranor into a whiplash. The care in her face heavily contrasted with the cold royal tone she had earlier and better fit her demure frame. Rosewood and Tialla quickly got to work against the restraints, and soon Eranor was left now completely naked except for her collar.
"I do apologize for the treatment Eranor," Rosewood said apologetically.
"The elves have spies even in our palace," Tialla explained. "I cannot afford to appear weak, even in my own home." Tialla made no apologetic gesture other than her words, but Eranor expected as much. Despite her more friendly attitude now, Tialla was still her master, though her reaction to her other slave was much different. Tialla had embraced Rosewood in a deep long lasting hug.
"I know sweetie," Rosewood said gently stroking the back of Tialla's head.
"I've missed you," Tialla said softly.
"I know, but you've been so brave," Rosewood said proudly.
"There's still so much more to do," Tialla sighed as she rested her head in Rosewood's bosom.
"And you'll get through it all," Rosewood smiled.
"At least one of us is confident," Tialla very suddenly glanced up at Rosewood. "And where did you collar really go."
"I told you we needed a knife," Rosewood said nervously. "Right Eranor?"
"Uh yeah I guess," Eranor said feeling like a stranger in the room.
"Suspicious," Tialla said playfully. "But I'm glad that metal turned out to be as useful as I thought it would. I'll have to make you another one."
"Yes you will dear. Now," Rosewood clapped her hands together. "Let's get your new slave dressed yeah? You two do need to get acquainted." Tialla and Eranor both looked at each other nervously, and then back to Rosewood. "Come on time is wasting you know."
AUTHORS NOTE: Here's the next chapter everyone. We finally get to meet our elusive queen Tialla, and with that I think we've officially transitioned into our second act of the story. It's going to focus a lot on Tialla and characterizing her. Look forward tot hat. If you want to see the next chapter right now you can becom a patron over on my patreon at hope you all enjoy.