Sam is back in pre-school. It's the last place she wants to be, but perhaps a reminder is needed of how far she has come and what she is trying to get away from. By the end of the week, maybe she is ready for one more go at high school.
Commissioned by: diaperboy187
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Sam watched Isabelle leave with disbelief. Have fun? That wasn’t going to be possible and she was sure Isabelle knew that. She turned around to face the room just as her old friend saw her once again. Olivia’s face lit up with a beaming smile when she saw Sam standing by the entrance.
“Sam!” Olivia ran over and gave Sam a big hug.
“Hi…” Sam replied.
“You’re back!” Olivia continued unnecessarily, “Come with me, I’ve got new friends for us!”
Sam sighed. She was back alright, but she didn’t want to be. She waddled behind Olivia, her diaper was already damp but she wasn’t going to go up to Carol and say she needed a change right away. She could already see the older woman looking at Sam with disappointment. Clearly she had hoped Sam was past needing to go to the pre-school.
The pre-school was everything Sam knew and loathed. Forced to spend all of her time with small children it felt like her brain was melting away. Her days consisted of playing, having her diaper changed, playing, lunch, another diaper change and then more playing. When she went home it was much of the same. After the first day she stopped complaining, not because she found the situation any more tolerable but because she was getting nowhere.
Sam had to begrudgingly admit that one part of Isabelle’s plan seemed to be working. Experiencing all of this baby treatment yet again was humiliating and made her more determined than ever to get past it once and for all. She had a lot of time to think about everything that had happened in the recent past. She started to understand where Isabelle was coming from. After fighting for so long to be treated like an adult as soon as the reins were off she had gone completely off the rails. Smoking, getting piercings and provocative clothing was not who she was. It had never been who she was. All of a sudden she found herself as embarrassed by the things she had done with Roxy and her friends as she was about the stuff she had to do in the pre-school.
“Carol! Carol! I need the potty!” Olivia called out one morning in the middle of the week.
Sam looked up from the dolls she was listlessly playing with to see Olivia hurrying over to the pre-school’s teacher. She was quickly taken to the bathroom. It was a stark contrast to Sam who was sitting in her soaked diaper and had made no attempt to get to the toilet. It wouldn’t have done her any good no matter how hard she tried, Carol had been told by Isabelle that Sam was to use her diapers no matter what.
Sam sighed and continued dressing the little doll she was holding in a princess dress so it could go to the ball that Olivia’s doll was throwing. The child had a very active imagination and had dreamt up a surprisingly interesting story considering how old she was.
A couple of minutes later Olivia was bounding back over to Sam with a big smile on her face. Another successful trip for the little who was quickly potty training. She dropped down opposite Sam.
“I made it to the potty.” Olivia said proudly.
Sam didn’t reply. She felt embarrassed to have a young girl talking about her potty training success whilst she was wearing a thoroughly wet diaper. She tried to focus her attention on the game she was playing but it was difficult. The spongy padding around her waist was impossible to ignore, especially as Olivia went into detail about just how well her potty training was going.
“I’ve been doing super-duper-good!” Olivia said with a big smile, “Mommy gave me big girl panties!”
Before Sam could say anything Olivia raised the front of her dress to show her grown-up underwear with pictures of cartoon princesses on them. Sam quickly looked away as Olivia lowered her dress and giggled happily.
“Don’t worry, Sam.” Olivia said, “You’ll be as big as me one day.”
Sam bit her tongue. She wasn’t exactly in a place to argue back. She sighed as she picked up a small toy comb to run through the small dolls hair.
“Olivia, could you do me a big favour?” Carol said as she came over. She leaned down next to Sam and her friend, “Could you keep an eye on Sam? If she needs a change come and tell me, OK?”
“OK!” Olivia said excitedly. Clearly the idea of being given such a responsibility excited her.
“Hey! I don’t wa-…” Sam started.
“Thank you, Olivia.” Carol said.
Before Sam could say anything Carol had already stood up and was walking away. Sam was left looking hopelessly after the owner of the pre-school, she had reached out a hand to try and get her attention but now she let it drop to the ground. Just when she thought she couldn’t be embarrassed any further she was now being left under the care of a literal child.
Fortunately Sam was soon able to go back to her playing. It might not have been the most fun she had ever had but it was enough to distract her a little bit at least. Olivia was taking her new responsibilities very seriously and had made herself the “boss” of their games. She’d always been the one to suggest what they should play but now she was ordering Sam around. She seemed to feel Carol had given her carte blanche to do everything for Sam. That included looking after her at snack time.
“Come on, Sam.” Olivia cooed gently, “Open up for the baba!”
Sam cringed. She was laying cross Olivia’s lap in the reading corner. Olivia was holding a baby bottle given to her to give to Sam by Carol and was trying to coax her to open up and drink. Sam was refusing thanks to what little remained of her pride. Being fed a bottle by a small child wasn’t at all appealing. When Sam failed to do as she wanted Olivia scowled.
“If you don’t drink your baba I’ll have to tell Carol you’re being naughty.” Olivia warned.
Whilst Sam wasn’t particularly worried about what Carol might think she was a lot more concerned with Isabelle. If Sam ever wanted to grow up again she really had to prove she had learnt from past mistakes and do what she was told. Suddenly, drinking the bottle felt like the difference between being trapped in the pre-school forever and getting another chance at growing up.
“There we go!” Olivia said cheerfully, “What a good girl.”
Sam opened her mouth and started sucking the sweet juice into her mouth. What a position she found herself in. Olivia seemed to be growing up before her very eyes. From being almost equals Olivia was now mostly potty trained and trusted to look after others whilst Sam had seemingly gone the complete opposite direction. She was helpless, diapered and needing to be looked after still. It felt like she was a long way from being allowed to be an adult again.
It was shortly before lunch as Sam was putting away some of the dolls that Olivia fulfilled her new role to the maximum. As Sam was putting the toys back in the box and bending over to slide the box underneath a shelf she suddenly felt a hand pressing against the back of her disposable padding. She froze in place and felt her face go pink.
“You’re soaked!” Olivia exclaimed, “I’ll get Carol!”
Sam slumped and sighed. She wished she could say Olivia was wrong but her diaper was absolutely soaked. Still, having a tiny child be the one to make that determination was utterly humiliating. All she could do was waddle over to Carol and wait to be taken to the changing room.
“Good girl, Olivia!” Carol praised, “I’ll tell your mommy what a good girl you’ve been.”
The last thing Sam saw before being carried away was Olivia beaming with excitement. The little girl gave Sam a cheerful wave as the diapered woman turned away. Olivia being so nice and oblivious about how uncomfortable Sam was made it impossible to be particularly mad about her. It just made the situation that much worse.
Everything came to a head on Sunday morning as Sam was changed out of a diaper she had soaked overnight. Isabelle had found that she had needed to use the trigger several times during the week to keep Sam regressed which had pleased her.
“I think you’re just about back to normal.” Isabelle said as she taped Sam into a fresh diaper.
“You’re not going to say the thing again, are you?” Sam asked nervously.
“I think the lesson has been learned.” Isabelle replied with one of her characteristic thin smiles.
Sam slumped against the changing table and sighed with relief. One week of pre-school had felt like an interminably long time, she wasn’t sure she could take a second one without completely losing her mind.
“I’m sorry.” Sam said as the last tape was placed on her diaper and she sat up, “I’m sorry for how I acted. I… I don’t know what came over me.”
“It’s OK.” Isabelle replied. She put a hand on Sam’s shoulder, “I think that as parts of you grew up very quickly others needed a little more time to mature.”
“I think I understand that now.” Sam nodded.
Now that Sam had been reminded what it was like to be treated as nothing more than a baby again she was ready for a second chance at being grown up that she would not waste. For sure, any time she was tempted into doing something naughty she would remember how easily everything could be taken away from her.
“I think you do.” Isabelle said, “Shall we try going back to high school next week?”
“Yes!” Sam eagerly agreed. She had been worried Isabelle would make her repeat every level of schooling again.
“Good. Hopefully the last of the trigger’s effects should’ve worn off fully by this evening.” Isabelle said, “But until we are sure you’ll have to stay in diapers.”
It wasn’t like being kept in diapers was something particularly unusual for Sam. One more day wasn’t going to break her, she was just determined to make sure that this disposable was the last one she would ever need to wear.
Sam focused on her potty training for the rest of the day and by the time her diaper was taken off before bed she was confident she could stay clean and dry. She would have to be since the next day she would be going back to high school and back in pull-ups. She was nervous, not just about staying dry but it would be the first time seeing her high school friends since everything went down. They would no doubt wonder where she had been and she couldn’t exactly tell them the truth.
As Sam got ready the next morning she left out the ear rings that had been removed after the party the previous week. She also decided to dress in some of the clothes Isabelle had bought her rather than the racier options Roxy had paid for. She needed to show she was responsible and worthy of her place. Another mistake would surely get her sent back to pre-school again and who knew how long she’d be stuck there for. Isabelle didn’t have unlimited patience and if Sam didn’t show progress she could only speculate what would happen.
“I don’t want you hanging around with those girls.” Isabelle said as she drove Sam to school, “They’re bad news.”
Sam felt a little prickling of discontent over being told who she could and couldn’t be friends with but she swallowed it down and nodded her head. She had already planned to steer clear of Roxy and her friends, she didn’t need reminding what had happened when she had hung out with them. It didn’t matter how “lame” she might be seen by the other students, she had to be as grown-up as possible.
“Alright, well, have a good day.” Isabelle said as they pulled up outside the school.
“I will.” Sam replied.
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