Chapter 9: In Which She Eats an Orange

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Posted on June 26th, 2024 04:45 PM

An hour later they were sitting in the living room, Sisu’s bottle on the coffee table in front of them. They'd spent the last little while discussing exactly what to wish for. Neither of them felt ready for this, but it was time to do it regardless. Ellie looked at Andrea nervously.

“Last chance, hun,” she said. “You don't have to do this.”

Andrea took a deep breath and reached for the bottle. “Yes I do,” she said with more confidence than she felt.

She picked up the bottle and broke the seal. Sisu’s telltale lavender smoke began pouring out, swirling in the air until the genie appeared with her usual flair, bottom half still incorporeal. Her earlier malaise was gone and she gave a grin and looked down at Ellie.

“Mistress Ellie!” She said cheerfully. “It is good to see you again. How can-”

She broke off mid-sentence as she noticed the bottle in Andrea’s hands. “Ah,” she said unsteadily. “Mistress Andrea. It seems I will be assisting you today. How can I help?”

The two girls on the couch looked at each other. Ellie reached over and took Andrea's hand. Andrea swallowed and looked up at the genie. “Sisu,” she said, “I need to make a wish.”

“Ah, but of course,” the genie said with a smirk. “You know my rules, Mistress Ellie informed you yesterday. You shall receive one boon and one bane. Speak your wish.

Andrea took a deep breath, looked the genie in the eyes, and spoke. “I wish that everyone in the world besides the three of us will forget who Ellie used to be and will have always remembered her as she is now, and all records will change to match this as well.”

“Your wish is my command, Mistress Andrea,” Sisu intoned.

The lavender smoke began to coil about the genie’s hands as she started to wave them around in a tight circle. The smoke began to change colors, turning blue, then green, yellow, and so on until every shade of every color imaginable swirled in the haze. Ellie swore for a moment that she saw a color that didn't exist at all drift from her and join the mix before becoming lost in the swirling rainbow. Eventually the energy was formed into a sphere which Sisu took in her hands, spoke two words into it that the girls could not hear, then flung it into the air.

At once the ball of color burst and a wave swept out from the point of origin, colors spinning within the maelstrom. It passed through the two girls in an instant, then passed through the walls of the room, then it was gone. Sisu, her work done, breathed a sigh of effort and bent over in apparent exhaustion.

“It has been a very long while,” she said, panting, “since I have had to alter reality and memory. In one hour my magic will have circled the globe and all knowledge of Mistress Ellie's previous life will be rewritten.”

She finally took a breath, straightened herself out, and cleared her throat. “Now then, Mistress Andrea,” she said, beckoning with one finger. “Come here, please.”

Andrea hesitated, still holding the bottle in one hand. She looked at it, then back at Sisu.

“Mistress Andrea,” Sisu said with a suddenly fierce look. “I know what you are thinking and it will not work. Please, come to me of your own accord or you will not enjoy what I will do to you.”

Andrea sighed, then handed the bottle to Ellie and stood. Sisu drifted over to the girl and placed a hand on the center of Andrea's chest. Andrea gasped and arched her back as Sisu pulled from her a smaller ghostly figure of Andrea that stood in her palm, its form hazy like a mirage. Sisu inspected it, nodded in apparent satisfaction, then closed her hand and it was gone.

“The price has been paid,” the genie said

Andrea felt her chest where the genie had touched her. “What…what was that?” she asked breathlessly. “It felt warm, then it was gone.”

“You shall find out on your own accord,” the genie said. “For now I shall take my leave.”

“Hold on,” interjected Ellie. “While you were working your magic I saw something come from me. Did you take something from me, too?”

“Did it appear to be a strand of unnameable, indescribable color?” Sisu asked. Ellie nodded and Sisu said, “What you saw was the colour of magic, a portion of your being. It was necessary to add some of your own essence to the spell for it to properly work. It is harmless, I assure you, you shall feel no adverse effects, although I would advise you to consume some fruit in the near future. Now, may I take my leave?”

“Yeah, sure,” Ellie said. “Thank you.” Sisu gave a bow, her form fuzzed, and she flowed back into the bottle which sealed again with a pop. Ellie set the bottle back on the table and turned to Andrea, who still had a hand to her chest.

“Andrea?” she said. “Are you okay?”

Andrea looked at her. “I think so,” she said. “I don't really feel any different. I know something is gone, but I can't tell what it was.”

“Yeah, I felt the same way when I lost my name,” Ellie said. “I'm sure we'll find out eventually.”

Andrea took a breath and turned to Ellie. “Yeah,” she said. “No sense worrying about it, I suppose.”

“Right,” Ellie agreed. She stood up and stepped over to Andrea and gave her a hug. “Thank you for doing that,” she said. “I'm sorry you had to.”

“It’s okay, Ellie. I'm sure you'd have done the same for me.”

The two stood there for a second before Ellie stepped back.

“I should probably get some fruit like Sisu said,” she said. “I have some oranges. Do you want one?”

“Hold on one second before you do,” Andrea said. Without any hesitation she slipped her hand into Ellie’s pants and squeezed the front of the girl's diaper. Ellie gave a yelp of surprise and tried to jump away but found it difficult to do while Andrea’s hand was down her pants.

“You definitely need a change,” Andrea said, pulling her hand back out. “I think you've wet yourself again since earlier, I'm worried you might leak.”

“Okay!” said Ellie, blushing furiously. “But you don't need to do that! I can check myself!”

Andrea gave Ellie a smile and ruffled her hair. “I know, sweetheart, but I just wanted to make sure. Let's get you your orange and we can get you clean.”

Andrea slapped Ellie’s butt with a bomf and walked off to the kitchen. Ellie watched her, amazed. That felt really forward for Andrea and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Ellie followed her girlfriend to the kitchen where she was peeling an orange. Ellie sat at one of the stools across the counter and watched her.

“Are you doing okay?” she asked.

“I mean,” Andrea replied, “as okay as I can be after all that. Why?”

“You didn't think what you just did was weird?”

“What was weird?”

“The way you checked me.”

Andrea shrugged. “I just wanted to see if you needed a change. That's not so weird.”

“I guess not, but next time at least ask, okay?”

“Sure. Sorry, I didn't think it was an issue.”

“I mean…I guess it’s not, but I’d at least like some warning next time if you could.”

Andrea offered the peeled orange to Ellie, who took it and started pulling off segments. Andrea grabbed another one for herself and started peeling it.

“So,” Andrea said. “Should we call your dad now?”

Ellie swallowed her bit of orange and said, “Sisu said it would take an hour before the wish fully takes effect. Let's wait until after that before we do.”

“Fair enough,” said Andrea, now eating her own fruit. “What do you want to do now, then?”

“Well, change first, like you said. Then I don't know. We can figure it out.”

“Wanna make a store run? You need eggs and bread at least. Also, I thought maybe we should see about getting you more diapers.”

Ellie coughed as Andrea said that. “Wh-what?” she sputtered. “Why?”

“Well you don't have a lot and at the rate you're burning through them you'll probably be out in, like, three or four more days. Better to get them now, right?”

“I guess so,” Ellie admitted. She finished up her orange, slipped off the stool, then started her way down the hall.

“Hold on, where do you think you're going?” Andrea said behind her.

Ellie turned back around. “To change?” she said.

“Not without me you’re not,” Andrea countered. “Wait til I finish my orange.”

“Why? I can do it myself, you know.”

“I know, but I still want to help you. I want the practice.”

Ellie regarded Andrea. She still felt like her girlfriend was still acting strange, but she couldn't quite say what was going on. “I guess it's fine,” she finally conceded. “I'll go lay everything out for you at least, okay?”

“Sure,” Andrea said. “Be there in a sec.”

Ellie walked to the room, wondering about Andrea as she started clearing off a space for her to be changed. She was definitely acting a little weirder than normal. Was it just the stress, or was this because of whatever Sisu took? Ellie was just pulling out a new diaper and changing supplies when Andrea walked in.

“Hey, perfect timing,” Ellie said, laying out the supplies on the bed.

“Yeah, looks like it,” Andrea said. “Get those pants off and hop on up, let's get you clean.”

Ellie pulled her sweats off and laid down in bed while Andrea got to work. “Do you remember how to do it?” Ellie asked.

“I think so,” Andrea replied, untaping the other girl's diaper. “Wipe, cream, powder, tape, right?”

“Yeah, you got it. Let me know if you need a refresher or whatever.”

“I gotcha. Butt up now.”

Ellie lifted herself up as Andrea slid the old diaper out and rolled it up. “Yeah, you really needed a change,” Andrea said. “This thing is heavy, I don't know how much more it would have held.”

“Well, that'll happen. I won't always be able to change in a timely manner.”

“True,” Andrea said as she started wiping down Ellie. “I guess try to be aware of it while I'm not around. I don't need you peeing on the furniture or anything.”

As Andrea wiped Ellie down she noticed she wasn't as bothered by the girl’s vagina this time. I suppose she did get pretty personal with it earlier, Ellie thought as she cleaned. She shrugged to herself as Andrea finished and slid the new diaper under Ellie. “Down now,” she said, tossing the wipes away.

Ellie lowered herself and began to adjust the diaper when she felt Andrea's hand on hers. “Can I do it?” Andrea asked.

“Uh, yeah, sure. Remember how I showed you?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure.” Andrea started adjusting the diaper beneath Ellie, pulling it up to check the fit and having the girl lift for a second to move it. After a minute she felt like it was in a good spot and asked Ellie, “How's that? Feel good?”

Ellie pulled it up and checked, then gave a thumbs up. “Yeah, good job.”

Andrea grabbed the rash cream and started applying it around Ellie’s crotch and bottom, but ran into a bit of a problem. She'd forgotten to do it while Ellie was up in the air and she couldn't reach underneath. She thought about asking Ellie to lift again, but paused as she had another idea. Reaching down she grabbed Ellie’s ankles and lifted them up and over until she’d folded the girl in half.

“Woah, hey!” Ellie yelped as Andrea maneuvered her. “What are you doing?”

“Sorry, I needed to get at your butt and didn't want to have you lift up and have to readjust your diaper again. Hold your legs there while I finish.”

Ellie blushed at being handled like this, but wrapped her arms around her legs until Andrea had finished with the cream and started applying baby powder.

“Legs down, let me powder your crotch.”

Ellie lowered and Andrea began to liberally apply the powder around. Satisfied, she set the powder aside and started taping up. Ellie was impressed with how well she'd done. She remembered how shaky and flustered Andrea had been the night before. She was lost in thought about Andrea's behavior when suddenly she felt Andrea’s mouth on her stomach. She had no time to react as Andrea gave her a loud, wet, very tickling raspberry. Ellie squealed in laughter, flailing around and eventually pushing Andrea off her.

“What was that!” she said, a bit breathless from her sudden giggles

“I’m sorry,” Andrea said with a big grin on her face, “but your tummy was out and you looked sooo adorable in just your diaper and shirt, and I just had to!”

Ellie blushed and pulled her shirt down. “Yeah, well…” she stammered. “Warn a guy-uh, girl next time, okay?”

“Aww but surprising you was half the fun!”

Ellie gave her girlfriend a look. Andrea just smiled and reached down to help pull her up. Ellie obliged and Andrea gave her a kiss on her head and pulled Ellie’s head to her chest in a hug.

“Sorry, hun,” she said in a halfhearted apology.

“S’fine,” Ellie said from between Andrea’s boobs. Andrea let her go and leaned down to give her a kiss, which she gladly obliged.

“C’mon,” the taller girl said, walking out of the room. “Get dressed and let's go shopping. I want to get this done as soon as we can.”

Ellie stood up and checked the tapes on her new clean diaper. Satisfied that Andrea had done a good job she walked over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans. She pulled them on, then went to the trash can full of used diapers. She had a moment of melancholy looking at it, wondering how this was her life now, before pulling the bag out and tying it closed. She carried the bag to the living room where Andrea was tying her shoes by the door. Ellie picked up her wallet and tried to slip it into her pocket, but found it only fit halfway. She frowned and tried to put it in her other pocket, but it didn't fit there either, nor in her two back pockets.

“Andrea,” she complained, “my pockets shrunk!”

Andrea looked up from her shoes and gave a sad sort of half smile. “Yeah, that's girl clothes for you,” she lamented. “Pockets are kind of a luxury for girls.”

“I always thought that was a meme, I didn't think it was real!” Ellie moaned, slipping her wallet into her jacket pocket and pulling it on.

“Don't blame me, blame the purse industry or whatever. There's probably some conspiracy to keep pockets small so we have to keep buying big bags. I can bring you one of my old purses next time I come by.”

“I guess so, if I have to.”

“Welcome to girlhood, sweetheart.” Andrea said as she stood and pulled on her coat.


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