When Andrea came to she heard voices arguing.
“-iously shocked her! That was too much!”
“Nonsense, Mistress, she was clearly already in shock from before and could not handle seeing my visage! It is not my fault if she has a weak constitution!”
She opened her eyes and saw the girl arguing with the half-corporeal floating woman. She stared wide eyed as they bickered, she felt like she was going to pass out a third time. Instead she steeled herself and did the next best thing, and screamed as loud as she could.
The girl and the genie shut up and the girl immediately rushed over to her. “Andrea! Andrea, listen, it’s okay! It’s alright, it’s me!”
Andrea looked at the girl in terror and took several quick panicked breaths before screaming again. The girl put her hand over Andrea’s mouth before she could and started talking.
“Andrea, you’re panicking! Remember the breathing exercises you taught me, ok? 1 and 1 is 2, 2 and 2 is 4, 4 and 4 is 8…”
She kept counting and Andrea found her panic beginning to subside. She breathed in several deep breaths through her nose while the girl counted and found herself calming until she was under control once again. She looked up at the girl who was looking back with such concern in her eyes that Andrea almost wanted to cry. She looked over at the smoky woman who now had legs but was sitting on nothing in midair, legs crossed with a bag of popcorn in her lap. Andrea looked back at the girl and pulled her hand away.
“Shshsh, what is going on?” she asked, her voice still shaking.
The girl took a breath and said, “Well, um…earlier today I went to an antique store to-”
“No, no, no not that, you told me that,” Andrea interrupted, pointing at Sisu. “What is that woman and why are you a girl?!”
“Ah, okay, um, well, I opened the bottle, she came out of the bottle, and she told me she was a genie. Apparently she’ll grant as many wishes as you want, but each of them has a trade. Remember when I asked you what it was like to be a girl? And we had that whole long conversation about dicks and vaginas and things?”
Andrea nodded and the girl continued. “Well, um, that was more than just curiosity on my part. I didn’t really know it then, but I’ve always wanted to be a girl. Being a boy felt weird and when Sisu over there came out of the bottle I knew what I wanted and I wished to be a girl.”
The girl paused as Andrea processed this. She didn’t really know what else to say so she sat back. Andrea noticed her mug of tea on the coffee table and reached over and took a long drink. It was ice cold, but she didn’t care. She drank the whole mug down and gasped for air when she was done. She blinked a few times and looked at the girl, then at the genie, Sisu, she’d said, then back at the girl.
“You said there was a trade? What did you give?”
The girl opened her mouth to speak but Andrea remembered something the girl had said earlier. “Your name, right? She took your name? That’s why you said you can’t remember it?”
“Um… not quite. That was actually…my second wish.
Andrea stared agog at the girl. “What do you mean second wish?”
The girl looked down and said “Well…I was a girl and none of my clothes fit! I would have just been in an oversized shirt and no pants when you showed up. I asked Sisu to make all of my stuff fit, and she took my name as payment for it.”
Andrea looked at the girl like she’d grown a second head. “If you gave up your name for your second wish, what did you give up for your first one?!”
The girl felt like she was going to throw up and Andrea thought she looked like it too. “Please don’t be upset,” the girl pleaded. The girl stood up with a crinkle and, with a deep breath, pulled down her sweatpants, revealing the garment underneath. At first Andrea didn’t know what she was looking at and examined it in confusion before realization hit her and her eyes widened.
“Is that a diaper?!”
The girl looked away, ashamed, and pulled her sweats back up and sat down. “Y-yeah. Yeah it is. Sisu took away my potty training, I think.”
Andrea was aghast at the whole situation. “What….what were you thinking?! You’re a girl! And you’re not potty trained and you don’t even know your own name!”
The girl’s face turned bright red. “I’m sorry, but I was kinda in shock over the whole thing, I just wished without thinking and…well here I am.”
“And you didn’t even talk to me about it?”
The girl frowned. “What? I don’t…why would I have talked to you?”
Andrea looked at the girl, suddenly furious. “Because this is a big fucking deal shshsh! You’re a girl now and you just fucking sprang it on me out of nowhere! Were you even thinking?!”
“I’m sorry! If you suddenly had a magical genie would you have waited to discuss it with me?”
“Yeah, I fucking would have! You can’t just do shit like this! You fucked everything up, and now you’re like this! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“I…I’m sorry.” the girl whispered, turning away. She choked back a sob, on the verge of tears. She didn’t know what else to say.
Andrea’s anger melted away as she saw the girl’s expression. Girl or not Andrea did care deeply about her and hadn’t even considered how she must be feeling. She hesitated for a second, then took the girl by the shoulder and pulled her into a hug. The girl gave another sob before fully breaking down in her arms. Andrea stroked her hair and held her close while she cried. She felt like the world’s biggest asshole for what she’d said. She hadn’t really thought about how hard this must be for the girl, too, and she’d lashed out and felt terrible about it. She hummed a lullaby to the girl as she comforted her.
Andrea looked up at Sisu to find her still watching the whole thing but with a much more somber look on her face. Andrea shot the genie a nasty look, one that said "You did this to her and I won’t forgive you.” The genie just looked back and gave a small shrug.
After a few minutes the girl’s cries turned to small sobs and hiccups. Andrea still held her in her arms as they lay there in the silence. The quiet hung between them for a moment before the girl spoke up.
“I'm...I'm sorry, Andrea. I fucked up.”
Andrea sighed. “You did what you thought you wanted. I wasn’t really prepared and I was shocked by it all. I was too harsh on you and that wasn’t fair. I’m sorry, shshsh.”
The girl tensed in her arms. “Sorry,” Andrea said, “I forgot.”
They sat in silence for a few more moments before the girl sat up and wiped her eyes on her sleeve. Andrea grabbed a tissue from a box on the coffee table and passed it to her. The girl sat up, wiped her face and blew her nose into the tissue, then dropped it onto the table. Andrea looked at her sympathetically for a second, then stood up and went to the kitchen to get the girl a glass of water. When she came back the girl was curled up on the side of the couch with her knees to her chest, looking down at her feet. Andrea offered the poor thing the cup, and she took it gratefully with both hands and took a sip.
“They’re too small,” said the girl softly.
“What are?” Andrea asked, sitting back down on the couch.
“My feet,” the girl said, still looking at them. “Everything is so big now except me. My feet are too small. So are my hands. I’m shorter than you now. I used to be taller than you, but you tower over me.”
Andrea didn’t know what to say so she put a hand on the girl’s knee and examined her for the first time. She was really cute, and with the look on her face she couldn’t help but feel so sad for her.
“Is there…can you wish yourself back?” Andrea asked.
The girl shook her head and took another long drink from the cup. “No, Sisu says she won’t undo any wishes.”
Andrea pursed her lips. “Oh. I’m sorry, sh- um…hun.”
“S’okay,” the girl whispered.
They sat silently for a few more minutes, the girl taking sips from the water until the cup was empty. She leaned forward to place it on the coffee table, then scooted over to Andrea with a crinkle, who lifted her arm to let the girl cuddle against her. It was a strange experience for the both of them, their sizes felt wrong to each other. Andrea gave her a squeeze and looked down.
“What do we do now?” she asked the girl. The girl gave a small shrug.
“I don’t know,” she said to her girlfriend. “There’s no going back from this, and I’m not sure if I'd want to, anyway. Yeah, the…diapers are gonna take a lot of getting used to, but being a girl is something I’ve low-key wanted for my whole life. I don’t know, maybe it’s worth it.”
“I’m glad that you feel that way at least,” Andrea said, “but I was more asking about us. You and me, our relationship. I’ve never dated a girl before, let alone one who was incontinent. Speaking of which, are you, like, fully incontinent? Like…both ways?”
“I…I’m not sure. I just wet myself after I got…girlified. I didn’t…do the other thing.” The girl looked over at Sisu who had evidently lost interest in the two and was now hovering near the girl’s bookcase, reading the titles of books on the girl’s bookshelf.
The genie looked over at the couple. “Yes, Mistress?”
“Did you take away all my potty training, or just, like, bladder stuff?”
Sisu gave a knowing smile. “Perhaps, perhaps not,” she said unhelpfully. “You shall have to wait and see.”
The girls on the couch gave the genie a sour look. Sisu blew both of them a kiss and went back to reading book titles.
The two girls sat in silence for a moment before the girl spoke up. “Do you want to still keep dating me? Even if I’m like this?”
“I…think so,” Andrea said. “I’d be down to at least give it a shot. I’ve always wondered about what it would be like to date a girl. Plus you’ll probably need someone to help you get used to stuff. As a professional girl I can teach you how.”
The girl snickered then snuggled in closer. “Thank you, Andrea. I appreciate it. I was so worried about losing you.”
“Well I’m not going anywhere,” comforted Andrea. “Actually, I think there’s at least one thing we can fix right now.”
The girl looked up at her girlfriend. “What’s that?”
“We need to give you a name,” Andrea said. “I know you don’t like me saying your old name, even if you can’t remember it, so let’s give you a new one.”
“Oh, sure. Um, did you have anything in mind?”
Andrea thought for a moment. “Well, let’s throw some names out there and see if you like them. How about…Sarah?”
“Nah,” the girl said. “I knew a girl named that when I was a kid and she was kind of a bitch.”
“Feels too generic, y'know? I want something a little less common, I think.”
“Fair enough. What about…Eliza?”
The girl thought about that for a second. “Actually, I think Elizabeth would work pretty well. Both of my grandmas are named Elizabeth, and it’s my mom’s middle name. It would be a good family name. I could be…Ellie, maybe. Or Lizzie.”
“I like Ellie,” Andrea said. “It’s a nice name, and it’s kinda cutesy for a cute girl like you.”
The girl blushed. “You think so?”
“Yeah, you’re adorable. If I’m gonna date a girl I’m glad it’s someone as cute as you.”
Ellie blushed even deeper. “I meant the name, but thanks. I’m glad you’re still here with me.”
Andrea pulled her close and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. Ellie gave a deep contented sigh. This night was kind of a clusterfuck, but she was glad it all worked out okay in the end. Andrea was always the more levelheaded and smart of the two of them so it wasn’t really a surprise that she came around in the end. But Ellie had a new worry now.
This was hard enough telling Andrea and Ellie trusted her with all of it. How was she going to explain this to her other friends? Or her parents? That would be a whole new mess of things and if it all got out then it could be a serious issue for everyone involved.
A thought started forming, but Ellie figured that was something she could deal with in the morning. She could talk it over with Andrea then and they could figure something out. Ellie suddenly felt very tired and yawned into Andrea’s shoulder.
“Aw, is someone sleepy?” Andrea teased. Ellie gave her a playful punch on the arm and sat up.
“Shut up,” she said halfheartedly. She stood up and stretched, feeling the diaper bulk between her legs sag as she did. “Getting turned into a girl and then having to explain it to your girlfriend really takes it out of you, I guess. God knows how I’ll explain all this to my parents, but that’s future me…future Ellie’s problem.”
Andrea reached over and smacked her girlfriend’s butt, then frowned and felt her butt again. “Speaking of problems,” she said, “I think you might need a change.”
Ellie turned a deep crimson and reached into her sweatpants to feel her diaper herself. The sagging and squishy bulk she found told her that she had in fact wet herself again. She groaned and pulled her hand out. “Yeah, you’re right. Um, I’ll go take care of that, sorry.”
She started to walk down the hall to her room when she heard Andrea behind her. “Can I help?”
Ellie froze mid-stride and nearly fell over, just barely catching herself against the wall. “Wh-what?” she stammered back.
“Can I help?” Andrea repeated. “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want me to, but you’re my girlfriend, and I want to at least try, yeah?”
Ellie blushed even harder. “Um…I guess, but there’s not really much you can do. I’m just going to put on a new one. I don’t have any wipes or powder or anything.”
“Yes you do,” Sisu interjected, floating above them, reclining on her stomach. “In the drawer with your diapers there are wipes, powder, and rash cream.”
Ellie stared at the genie in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me about that earlier?!”
Sisu shrugged. “You didn’t ask, Mistress.”
Sisu floated away and Ellie and Andrea watched her go, annoyed at the genie for different reasons. Ellie looked back at Andrea and said, “Well, uh, I guess you can help if you want. C’mon, I’ll, uh…I’ll show you what to do.”
“I’m gonna put the pizza away, I'll meet you there in a sec?” Andrea said.
“Yeah, okay,” Ellie replied nervously. Andrea moved to the kitchen, while Ellie turned and walked down the hall, more nervous than ever.