The panda sisters quickly made their way back to the classroom, lining up according to color order. Their little ones- however- were busy making room on the floor for Candy as she sat down in front of them all, her pasty white cheeks simply glowing.
“Take it away, girls.”
“Thank you, headmaster.” Always the one to take charge, Jenna stepped up. “Right. You know us. We’re the panda sisters. But we’ll introduce ourselves again anyway, just in case.”
“My name is Miss Alex, and I’m the school nurse.” The tan skinned, teal headed, girl in red said. “Don’t worry. I am quite thoroughly certified, and can take care of all of your medical needs. Allergies, sickness, injuries, medications- I’m the one to turn to.”
“My name is Miss Jenna, and I’m the school secretary.” The eldest panda sister quickly resumed, taking her place in the color lineup. “My job is boring, for the most part, but you get to see the fun bit right here. My sisters report to me, I report to the dean, and the dean reports to the headmaster. But if you need me for any reason, feel free to ask.”
“My name is Miss Shannon, and I’m the school librarian.” Their sister said, her eyes staring straight at her poor injured little girl sitting at the teacher’s feet. “Books, bookkeeping, supplies, toys. All of your special interests. If you need it- or want it- I have it. You just have to ask.”
“My name is Miss Molly, and I’m the school counselor.”
There she was. Our Molly. Vivi’s Molly.
Her heart sank hearing her caregivers voice again, more hurt than anything knowing she’d been lying about her intention to keep the poor girl. She was beginning to get her hopes up too, but she no longer knew what terrible fate awaited her once she was out of this hell of hers. Not if she wasn’t allowed to stay with Molly.
Vivi was starting to like Molly.
“I love all of you. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. But as my sisters can tell you, I’m not just a guidance counselor, I’m a behavioral counselor. I will not hesitate to beat, abuse, and correct you if I have to. My last master taught me that. Your caregivers might get squicked out from time to time, but I won’t. If it means training you to be safe once you reach your new owners, like I did with my own daughter, I’ll do anything.”
“My name is Miss Chelsea, and I’m the school lunch lady.” The next panda sister stepped forward without hesitation, licking her lips as she eyes Molly beside her. “I may not have her experience, but I’m mean. Don’t come asking to milk me, I’ve got bottles to spare, but these girls are off limits. I know all of your dietary restrictions, I cook most of your meals, and if you’re good I’ll make you dessert.”
Quick as she could, Chelsea stepped back, making room for the girl to her right to step up and introduce herself.
“M-my name is… My name-” She stuttered. Hesitant. Terrified. “My… My name is Miss Robin, and… and I’m the school custodian.”
This woman, clearly not prepared for this, had tears in her eyes as she spoke. Robin was- to put it mildly- not as experienced as the rest of her sisters. But when she looked up and stared right into her own little one’s eyes, she stood up just fine.
“I don’t do much, but I do watch over the playroom. Picking up toys, organizing the play area, putting things back together-” Robin’s eyes locked with her sister at the front of the room, growing angry as she stared into Candy’s soul. “I’m the one who always has to clean up after everyone.”
There was tension- Vivi could sense- between those two. Normally it would end there. Robin was almost always the last in line. But today was a bit different. Forward stepped another woman, the very same from earlier who’d Vivien and the girls had seen but hadn’t yet recognized.
“My name is Isabella. But you can call me Miss Izzy if you’d like.” She smirked, her eyes glinting in the light. “Forget what Robin says, I’m in charge of the playroom. I’m here to make sure you girls are getting your exercise in, which means actually getting up and playing like kids do. So if I have to drag you out of your rooms by force, I will. Trust me. I’ve wrestled women twice your size… and won.”
The panda mistress applauded her girls, pleased with their combined performance. If the little ones didn’t already know their place in all of this, they did now.
“Now back to business at hand.” She smiled, clapping her hands. “You girls may take a seat.”
“Thank you, headmaster.” Jenna smiled, bowing on behalf of herself and her sisters. “Good luck, mom.”
“Thank you, sweetie.” Miss Panda smirked, blowing the girl a kiss. “You see, little ones. I trained those girls myself, and I’m going to train you just the same. If a perfect success rate with my daughters is anything to go off of, you’ll be acceptable slaves in no time. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?”
Almost simultaneously, the little ones quickly muttered. “Yes, Miss Panda…”
“Excellent.” She turned, prodding the girl at her feet with her ruler. “This little cutie patootie right here is Candy, and she’s an awfully good girl. Aren’t you Candy?”
Candy nodded, still blushing. “Yes, Mommy.”
“We’ll start out with an easy demonstration for the other little ones, okay?” Miss Panda asked her, rhetorically. “First things first, babies use their diapers.”
The girl’s mouth only hung open in surprise for a moment before closing. Candy didn’t quite pout, but she was feeling a little bit indignant about the whole thing. “Yes, Mommy.”
Vivi had never really had an eye for this sort of thing. She’d never really been in a relationship before, but Candy was cute. Pretty even. There was a moment, as Vivi was watching things unfold, where a strange feeling occurred to her. Sure, it seemed a little bit icky at first. But once she pushed past it, there was something cute about the thought of using diapers that stuck out to her. For just a moment as she was watching Candy do it, she could finally see the appeal.
“Good girl, Candy Cane.” Miss Panda ran her fingers through the girl’s hair once she was done. Vivi wasn’t quite sure what Candy had just done in her diapers, but she imagined Candy had plenty of experience with it. “You’re such a good girl. Aren’t you, princess?”
Candy was blushing profusely, but almost happily. Her eyes went wide, flickering with some new emotion. “Yes, Mommy~”
“Now little ones.” Miss Panda gestured now to her students. “Can any of you tell me what sort of things you’d expect a baby to do that an adult might have trouble with?”
There was a lull following her question. Plenty of the girls had already made their objections already, but it was clear that they still took issue with what was going on. It was perhaps possible that the reason each of them were behaving themselves so well now was because they knew that each of their caregivers were standing- however submissively- in the back of the classroom.
One of the girls- Maisie- raised her hand and waited to be called on. “Um… I don’t know, like… eat baby food?”
That certainly made her caregiver smile with delight, while her sister on the floor simply grimaced. Chelsea made sure to give Candy a pat on the head as the other girl crawled to her at the back of the class- a bottle of what looked like baby food in her hand.
“Candy here is going to be a doll and help me demonstrate all the icky little baby things that you girls might not want to do, and I expect all of you to sit there and watch while she does so. Once it’s all over, you girls won’t have any excuse not to make her your role model.” Miss Panda nudged Candy towards her sister with the yardstick. “Michelle, if you would.”
“Open up lil sis.” Chelsea snickered. “Say ah~”
Candy sighed. “Ahhhhhh…”
Chelsea helped the spoonful of mush into her sister’s mouth, which made Candy wince. She didn’t shy away from feeding the girl more, either. Chelsea made sure Candy had finished the whole jar before she was allowed to be done.
“Atta girl, sis.” She patted Candy’s back, forcing a rather loud gag from the girl’s mouth. “Proud of you~”
That seemed to spark something in one of the other little’s heads, because before Miss Panda had even asked the question, Zoey had her hand up.
And before she’d even been called on, Zoey had something to blurt out. “You should burp her next. I wanna see if she barfs-”
All eyes just kind of turned towards Zoey for a moment after that, before turning back to the demonstration, her suggestion clearly having been accepted.
“Come on, up you go.” Jenna helped her blushing sister into her lap, having Candy face her and lean in, head over Jenna’s shoulder. “I’ve got you.”
Quiet burps escaped Candy’s mouth as she relaxed, embarrassed, snuggling into Jenna’s lap. It was humiliating. Not just for her, but for everyone watching. Thankfully for her, Candy didn’t end up barfing, but she certainly got close. If anyone was about to be sick, though, it was poor little Vivien over there.
“Don’t be shy, little ones.” Miss Panda sighed. “I expect all of you to raise your hand and come up with something, otherwise I’ll be having your caregivers put you over their knees.”
Vivi’s tummy ached, gurgling in distress. Her stomach churned from just the sight of the other girl’s torment. Not only did she already not want to watch, but now she was being expected to contribute to it as well? It wasn’t fair.
“Umm…” Lulu mumbled quietly as she raised her hand. “Maybe take suppositories?”
“Works for me.” Miss Panda cheered. “Alexandra.”
Alex picked up her sister, Candy, and hauled her onto a nearby table. Candy didn’t protest, but she wasn’t at all a small girl, so it was impressive that Alex could get her up there with such ease. Most of the girls closed their eyes as it was happening, and some of them kept them that way even once it was over.
A trend clearly emerged as Lulu’s caregiver got to work, undoing the loud tapes of Candy’s padding in order to get to her behind, at her little one’s behest no less. When Maisie suggested something, Chelsea did it. When Zoey suggested something, Jenna did it. When Lulu suggested something, Alex did it. Which meant that if Vivi suggested something, Molly would likely be the one to do it.
She just wasn’t sure what it was she wanted Molly to do to the other girl.
The next thing Vivi heard after that was Charlie’s voice from in front of her. “Can she play pattycake?” Her entire class stared at her in disbelief when she said that, which made the poor girl shrink in on herself. “What, it’s not that bad?”
Sure enough, it was Shannon who sat herself down across from Candy on the floor, beginning to play pattycake with the other girl. A little game was at least a much needed break for both Candy, and Vivi. Because not only did her tummy continue to bubble, it continued making it harder to think.
Molly… Vivi bit her lip, staring carefully up at Molly. She could hardly believe what she was being told. Molly wasn’t a liar, she couldn’t have been. Vivien was her dolly, Molly would never do that to her. Right? Come on, Vivi. Think… This is your one chance to stick it to her. You have to think of something…
The room slowly went silent as the two girls finished their silly little game, prompting the teacher to reiterate herself again. “Alright, you two in the back, let’s hear it. Don’t make me get the stickers out.”
No answer. Fuck. There were only two of them left, weren’t there? And the only other person yet to answer was busying coaxing her booboos off to one side. Of all people, she had to be seated next to Aubree.
Her stomach gurgled again as she locked eyes with Molly, nodding her head to try and encourage her. Vivien could hardly take it. She slowly raised her hand, still unsure of what she was even going to say. And even though Molly smiled as she did, Vivien couldn’t help but feel just a bit upset with seeing her caregiver happy.
“Yes, dear?” The teacher pointed the ruler straight at her. “Vivi?”
Vivien slowly lowered her hand, biding time as she thought. She could feel her expression sour, looking towards Molly with borderline disgust, and her caregiver merely gave her a worried look in return.
And then Vivi’s eyes drifted to where they always did-
Molly’s tits.
Arms nervously clutched tight against Molly’s chest, shamefully trying to hide them. The bust this girl had on her was genuinely gargantuan. It was frankly comical.
Magically enough, however, she didn’t seem at all distraught by this. Quite the opposite in fact. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Molly was unbuttoning her uniform from the top, and out bounced her boobs. The girls would only get a quick peek at them, though. She promptly hauled Candy into her lap- and if that wasn’t bad enough- turned around so that no one could see. By the time she turned back around, her breasts were put away and her uniform was closed right back up. If anyone was humiliated right now, it was Vivi.
The eyes beading down upon her made Vivien’s tummy growl that much harder, and with everyone’s attention pointed her way, that wasn’t quite so easy to hide. Even Molly- who often looked upon her little one with tender love and care- wore a stern glare in her eyes as they locked with the other woman’s. Vivien sensed that her butt would be feeling that later.
None of the littles noticed their teacher creeping up on them, seemingly. “And last but not least.” Miss Panda said, tapping the end of her ruler against poor Aubree’s shoulders. “Surely you must have thought of something by now, little lady?”
Aubree had an uncharacteristic flinch in her movements as she turned to face the other woman. Her body trembled slightly under the blanket she hid beneath. Miss Panda sighed, reaching down and removing the pacifier from the girl’s mouth, a string of drool hanging between them. She blushed, looking to her caregiver for a nod of approval before answering. She closed her eyes and whimpered out. “Diaper checks, Ma’am?”
Miss Panda smiled, tapping the little one’s mouth with her binky to open up, replacing the pacifier. Aubree accepted the pacifier without fuss, suckling nervously as her teacher took one hand and patted the girl atop the head.
Vivi felt Aubree’s hand pawing at hers to hold, which she offered. The other girl almost immediately began squeezing hers for support. For once, Aubree almost didn’t seem too bad.
Robin watched fondly, proud of her girl. She moved to take her turn- but as she did- a hand pressed itself to her chest from the side and pushed her back down into her seat.
“Nah, honey. I’ve got this one.” The woman in pink- Izzy- said as she stood. And Robin slumped back down as she did. “You have to take care of clean up, after all.” She snickered. Robin didn’t question her, defeated. Izzy checked Candy’s padding- as ready for a change now as she’d been when the other littles watched her soil herself. The waistband snapped back into place. “Speaking of.”
Robin stood up and patted down her dress, sighing to herself. “Okay.” She said, turning to Candy. “Come on, little one. Let’s get you changed.” Candy looked up at Robin skeptically from on the floor in front of her, watching carefully. She shook her head at the caregiver. Robin then crouched next to her, offering Candy a hand. “It’s okay, honey. Don’t you wanna get out of those icky pants and into a new potty?” Robin smiled as the other girl took her hand and slowly stood up, nodding in submission. “That’s it. Just like we used to.”
The two of them slowly made their way out to find a proper place to change, leaving the rest of the girls alone with Miss Panda.
“And while those two are doing that.” The teacher chimed in. “Which one of you little ones would like to go first?”
“Go first?” Charlie asked. “What do you mean go first?”
“What else would I mean, silly?” Miss Panda answered. “Now that Candy has finished her demonstration. I expect all of you to follow her footsteps. So, who would like to be first?”