“Is it really any surprise that a perfect dominant like myself would also be the perfect submissive?”
“Oh shut up, kitten.” Tallie handed her umbrella off to the other girl, before tearing her own masquerade mask from her face, setting it down on her nightstand. “Behave, or you won’t be getting spoiled tonight.”
“But I am behaving, Ma’am.” The girl sat up and looked towards her dom with the most smug grin painted on her lips. “If there’s something you would like me to correct about my behavior, I would be more than happy to do so.”
Tallie sighed loudly, climbing into her bed and tossing the covers aside. “Candy…”
“Yes, Miss Panda?” Candy stepped into the room after her mommy, closing the panda themed umbrella and setting it aside.
“Drop the high and mighty attitude, sweetie.” Tallie gently patted the mattress, beckoning her little girl to come join her in bed. “Mommy’s missed you~”
Candy smiled, climbing into bed next to the other woman. Tallie’s little was older than some of the caregivers at Dreams Come True, but she was still over a decade younger than Tallulah.
“My little one…” Tallulah pulled the smaller girl into bed with her, putting her hands on Candy’s waist and undressing her. “If I could have taken you for myself, I would have done so years ago~”
“That’s just too bad.” Candy taunted her, letting Tallie begin to remove her dress. “My father would kill me… or you~”
“That he would… it would start a mob war.” Tallie turned Candy around, unstrapping her bra and removing it, leaving her sitting there in just the underwear that she had gone to lunch in. “So just let Mommy spoil you rotten while she has you~”
Candy smiled, letting Tallulah gently lay her down on her back. “Yes, Mommy~”
Tallie licked her lips, putting her hands on either side of her kitten's head and looming over the pale woman beneath her, watching Candy bite her lip and divert her eyes, as if she was trying to make herself seem tougher than she was.
Candy was definitely tough, and she was a pretty fantastic dominant in her own right, quite probably even better than Tallulah was. But that was on her own time and in her own space. The two women were in Tallie’s space now, and here Candy was nothing more than Mommy’s little Candy Cane. In her own castle, Candy was the queen, but in this place, she was a princess, Mommy’s little princess. In here, with Tallie, Candy was the submissive, and that’s what she was expected to be.
“Put away your big girl pride, and put away the pretense that you have any control of what happens here. Here with me, you’re nothing, my little saint.” Tallie trailed down the center of Candy’s chest and torso with one finger, right between her breasts and all the way down to her panties. “Now give Mommy what she wants~”
Candy bit her lip, arching her back slightly as her escort ran her finger down her sensitive pale skin. “And what do you want, Ma’am?”
“You know what I want, sweetie.” Tallie smiled down at her, her hair dangling beside Candy’s face. “I want my little Candy Cane~”
Candy took a deep breath and sighed, releasing a lot of tension in her chest through her lips. “Candy Cane’s right here, Miss.”
“Good girl.” Tallie smiled, sitting up and climbing off of the bed from on top of her. “Let’s get you in diapers~”
Diapers. They were only humiliating if Candy let them be humiliating. What was more important to Candy was doing as Tallie said. Candy was her little princess after all, and unlike some people she knew, Candy loved being a good girl and doing as she was told. If she behaved for Tallie, she’d get spoiled, and Tallie liked to spoil her rotten.
Tallie hummed to the little one lying on her back below her, slipping her panties off and tossing them aside, watching Candy blush as she was exposed. “Let’s get this little thing put away for the night, okay princess?”
“Okay, Mommy~” Candy spread her legs, making it easier for her caregiver to slip the diaper beneath her before powdering her bottom and taping it securely around her waist, giving it a good pat once she was done.
“There, all done. It’s just what you wanted, right?” Tallie smiled, cooing at the other girl.
“ Blue, but not the diapers meant for boys, Mommy. I’m a girl. ” Tallie mocked her, repeating Candy’s own words to her to taunt her. “Isn’t that what you said last time?”
“Maybe…” Candy sat up, looking down and admiring what she was wearing. Tallie was willing and able to get the kinds of girly diapers that her little one wanted in whatever color she wanted, so she did. It warmed Tallie’s heart to see Candy smile as she looked at her powder blue padding, covered in little pictures of kittens, puppies, and bunnies that decorated it. “I like it…”
“You do~?” Tallie grinned with delight, her heart twisting happily at the sight of her little girl smiling up at her. “I had them made just special for you, princess~”
“You did?” Candy blushed, her hideously pale cheeks glowing pink out of embarrassment at the idea of it. “Why in the world would you do that just for me?”
“Because you’re my princess, aren’t you?”
“You do realize that that’s what my father calls me, right?”
“I do recall. Your point being?” Tallie chuckled. “As long as you belong to me, you’re my princess~”
“Just don’t be as bad as my father and I guess I’m fine with that~” Candy rolled her eyes, snuggling into her caregiver’s lap.
“Don’t tell me how to be your mommy, and you’ll be just fine with me, Candy Cane.” Tallie sighed happily, admiring the beautiful sight of the gorgeous little thing lying in her lap. “Just know that once your father’s out of the way, you belong to me~”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh don’t play dumb, Candy dandy dearie.” Tallulah cupped Candy’s cheek in the palm of one hand. “Your daddy gave you to me to become my apprentice, remember… and that’s as good as handing you over in my book.”
“We’ll have to see about that, Mommy~” Candy smiled, not wanting to think about her heinous asshole of a father right now. This weekend was about getting away from him. This weekend was about her and Tallie. “What are we doing tonight?”
“Is there anything you’d like to do tonight, little angel?” Tallie sat up, Candy’s only pair of panties in her mommy’s hands as they laid in bed together.
“Can I go pick on the other girls?”
“The girls are being filmed for their staff observations tonight, I’m afraid. The first day of school is tomorrow~” Tallie grinned, holding the pair of panties towards Candy to take.
“Lame… I want someone to pick on.” Candy took them and held them, unsure of what Tallie wanted her to do with them.
“Tear that to pieces for me, kiddo.”
“Yes, Miss.” Candy sighed, taking her rather expensive pair of panties in both hands and ripping her lingerie apart like she was told, holding the remains out to her once she was done. “My obedience is yours~”
“Good girl.” Tallie took the remains and properly disposed of them. “Keep it up and you’ll actually deserve to be the teacher’s pet tomorrow~”
“Don’t I always deserve that, Miss?” Candy giggled, sitting up with Tallie and leaning into her chest.
“We’ll see how you do tomorrow first.” Tallie gently pet the girl’s hair, wrapping her arm around Candy’s waist. “The other girls deserve to be teacher’s pet sometimes too~”
“What do you mean, Miss?” Candy looked up to her, strangely confused by what she was talking about. “We’ll see how well I do at what?”
“As teacher’s pet!!” Tallie smiled, holding Candy there against her chest. “You’re going to be teacher’s pet for class tomorrow~”
“Wait, what?” Candy sat up, pushing herself away from Tallie’s chest and out of her grasp. “We didn’t talk about this.”
“That’s because it’s a surprise, princess~”
“But I’m not going to be here tomorrow, Tallie.”
“Sure you are, your schedule is cleared, I’ve made sure of it. You arrived here on a private helicopter anyways, I can have Izzy take you home whenever I’d like her to.”
“It’s not about my schedule for tomorrow, Ma’am. We didn’t discuss this, you can’t just spring this on me out of the blue.”
“Sure I can. That’s how we’ve always done things, isn’t it?”
Candy just eyed the other woman sternly, not at all entertained by the surprise that she was trying to spring on her. “I’m going home tomorrow morning before your class starts, Tallulah.”
“No. You are not.” Tallie sat up, rolling her eyes at Candy’s sudden change in behavior. “I thought you were going to behave?”
“That was before you told me you planned on keeping me here an extra night.”
“I was the one who upon your request brought you up here for opening weekend in the first place, you will leave when I allow you to leave, Candy.”
“I wouldn’t have asked to come if I knew you were planning on using me as a doll in front of all of your students, Tallie.”
Tallulah sighed, furling her brows and reaching up to one of her earrings. “Lullaby. Prevent Candy from opening any of the doors tonight.”
"You still use Lullaby?" Candy scoffed, astonished that she would think to do that. "You do realize I'm an administrator, right? I have administrator access."
"Right. You are, aren't you?" Tallie sighed. "Lullaby, revoke Candy's administrator access for the next 24 hours, and increase the length of the door lockout to the same length for being a brat."
Candy gasped, jumping out of bed and heading straight for the door, which she quickly realized wasn't going to open for her. "Since when could Lullaby track who's at the doors anyways?"
"You would have to ask Robin about that."
"Robin and I never programmed her to have that."
"Well clearly Robin has made some changes since you finished Lullaby."
"So you're just going to use my virtual assistant against me?"
“Isn’t that what it was built for, Candy… keeping little girls like you in line?”
Candy mumbled quietly, slowly moping her way back into bed and climbing back into Miss Panda’s lap. Tallulah made room for the smaller girl, opening her lap wide so that the other woman could sit fully within her grasp and under her control. She was going to make sure to keep this one under her thumb.
“Like I said, put away the pretense that you have any control of what happens here… give Mommy what she wants and you will be okay.”
“Yes, Mommy.” Candy frowned, letting Tallie lift her chin up with her hand. “Tell me what to do… and I’ll do it…”
“I may not be your father.” Tallie brought Candy’s face to hers, holding her mere inches from her lips. “But I am just as powerful.”
“Yes, Ma’am…” Candy closed her eyes, feeling Tallie bring their lips together for a kiss.
Candy didn’t like this. As a free woman, this wasn’t how she operated. She could submit, she knew how to submit, but only of her free will. She hated having it extracted from her. She hated not actually being in control.
But all of a sudden, for the first time, she was being forced into it.
She wasn’t usually a brat, but extreme scenarios sometimes required extreme solutions.
✶ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✶
Despite the current tension between them, hanging out with Tallulah was always nice- But even Candy got bored after a few hours of educational cartoons and kids movies.
“Can I please do anything else but watch another hour of Blue’s Clues?” Candy yawned, stretching and sitting up in bed.
“What’s wrong dear?” Miss Panda giggled at her. “You were doing so well~”
“That’s probably because I got annoyed about twenty minutes ago.”
“And what did you go and do that for, sweetheart~?”
“I didn’t mean to, it’s just…” Candy sighed, setting her hands down in her lap. “Something about Magenta…”
“Don’t tell me you’re still hung up about her , angel.” Miss Panda’s sighs were closer to groans at this point. “Your dog was a menace to yourself and to your entire family.”
She frowned. “Didn’t mean she needed to go to the pound…”
“Your family made sure she got sold to a new owner, didn’t they?” She cooed, trying to cheer the poor girl up. “Isn’t that what you told me~”
“I just don’t want to watch any more Blue’s Clues, okay?” She scoffed, narrowly dodging her caregiver’s grasp and jumping out of bed and onto her feet, arms crossed at her chest. “Why does it have to be about her?”
“Princess, please. You see two girl dogs playing together and you get fussy, don’t try and tell me it’s not about her.”
“Well it’s not, alright?” Candy stomped her foot, her ire growing. “Will you just drop it?”
“Settle down, sweetheart… what’s gotten into you tonight?”
Candy crossed her arms at her chest, pouting. “You said this was just going to be the weekend…”
“And you are supposed to be the perfect little role model for my students to look up to and aspire to be.” She frowned at the other woman. “Now if you won’t behave, you’ll be going over my knee… so settle down.”
Candy swallowed nervously, sighing in exasperation. “Yes, Miss Panda…”
“You have a hell of a day ahead of you tomorrow because of this outburst, Candace.” She stood over the smaller girl, caressing her cheek. “I hope you know that~”