Something really upsetting happened at work today and I’m all up in my feelings about it. Unfortunately, both my partners are unavailable to me tonight. Princesita has summoned me to her waffle so I can be sad with her instead of sad alone with my cat. I think I will bring a nappy or two and try to make tonight my first night really using it! I'm hoping it will take my mind off what happened today. We’ll have a sleepover so I won’t have to worry about driving late and can partake in my favorite mind altering substances. I want to take some things fluffy and fuzzy and cozy to wear over my nappy. I settle on my deer onesie. I chuckle as I pack my overnight bag and tuck my onesie next to my neatly folded dress shirt and suit coat. The dichotomy represented in my bag is stark. Dark red and black dress attire complemented by bright pinks, blues, and yellows. On top of it all, a couple of fresh diapers and Reginald.
I wait until I get to the waffle before I decide to tackle putting on one of my diapers for the first time. Stress courses through my body like electricity. I can feel the bones in my arms like lead weights weighing me down, turning steering into a chore. Carrying my bags from my car to the door is similarly difficult. Princesita graciously helps me. Once groceries, clothes, and games bags are tucked where they belong and my suit is hung in the bathroom, Princesita shows me to the nursery where she invites me to pad up.
I take her advice for fluffing the diaper before I lay it out flat on the bed. It’s long, much longer than the baby diapers I’m familiar with. Between caring for siblings and nannying, I’ve changed my fair share of diapers, maybe even a million. This is nothing like that. The diapers I’m used to are small and dainty and- oh these smell just like real diapers. I don’t know if it's instinct or simple perversion that brings me to it, but I plant my nose squarely in the crotch of the diaper. Fluffing the padding made the smell fill the room and I am in ecstasy. It smells so good. The scent feels safe and secure and familiar in a way that isn’t easy to explain. As I think of it now, I struggle to recall more than my brain feeling fuzzy and small. Bent in half over the changing table, I smear my face in the soft material. I bring my nose out when, through the nursery door, Princesita calls to warn me not to get lost staring at the mobile. The knowing comment makes me laugh.
I finally climb onto the changing table, a blue step stool helps me reach, and lay back onto the soft, absorbent fibers. I have to wiggle and squirm and adjust to get the diaper into the right position. Over and over, I fold it forward onto my belly to check the fit, fold it backward again, lift my ass, and wiggle it one way or another. The tapes come easily on and off the front icon, making it a simple process to readjust. I eventually give up trying to make it feel right, convinced it probably won’t ever feel “right”. I chose the one with the t-rex on the front. He’s pink and is rolled onto his back. When I stand, I have to adjust the tapes again to keep the plastic from cutting into my thighs. Thunder thighs, I like to call them. My favorite part of me. They’re thick and soft with a layer of protective fat over my muscles. I like the way they look in my clothes, even when they out me for my transness. I like how my partners’ beards tickle when they kiss and lick and bite there. I like the way their fingers dig through the fat and into my muscles, soothing aches from my day and holding me firmly in place.
I have to adjust my diaper again when the original adjustments open space between my buttcheek and the seat of the diaper. Each time I change something the material crinkles. When the material crinkles it sounds like laughing. The laughing makes me giggle and wiggle around. Looking down at my diapered self is surreal. I pooch out my belly so it is round like a baby’s. My now extra-round tummy stretches the band of the diaper and I giggle again when the opposite movement tickles me.
I don my favorite fox sweater and matching slippers, then proudly throw open the nursery door, revealing a pretty little princess standing behind it. My own Little joy is reflected in the smile that glows on her face. I feel so soft all over. My heart is warm with good friendship. My sweater reminds me of the partner who gave it to me. It’s his way of continuing to give me love and warmth even though he is far away. My feet are wrapped in my favorite animal- squishmallow style. My ass is wrapped tightly in a diaper. A proper diaper. No more pull-ups for me. When she learned of my leaking venture, Princesita decided she would have none of that in her waffle. No leaking babies. The plastic on the outside sticks to the inside of my thighs and my butt crinkles with every step. I can’t stop rubbing and petting and patting myself. I feel like a ball of poof. That’s it. Just POOF. I feel silly and it makes me giggle. The giddy emotions of wearing a diaper all evening has replaced the difficult feelings I was having earlier.
In an attempt to force myself into a bathroom emergency, we start on the wine first thing. We refill the sippy cups when they are empty and continue to enjoy our diapered evening. We play games, eat snacks, and continue to drink wine well into the night. I take pictures in my diaper and send them to my Little friends and my partners. They coo over how cute I am and gush about wishing they could swat me, pinch my cheeks, or tease me. The blood that rushes to my face as I blush is warm and full of love. We eat chicken nuggets and french fries for dinner and keep the leftovers close by for easy snacking. Each of the extra snacks I brought gets broken into and sampled. I drop pieces of the game on the floor and have to hunt them down, repeatedly. While I’m on my hands and knees searching for a lost piece, Princesita lovingly bullies me. It makes me squirm more than before.
Each time I sit, I am reminded of the extra padding on my relatively bone-y butt. The plastic covering applies a slight restriction around my waist that travels down and around the place where my thighs meet my torso. Just the right pressure in just the right place on that natural crease replicates the feeling of Osito’s powerful arms holding me in place against his face. Mi Osito, my Bear, my Big. My heart warms at the reminder. The fluff on the inside teases me as it brushes against my swollen lips and cock. It invites me to relax and release myself into the padding, but my body holds back. Even upright and full of wine and soda, my body refuses. It fights back, insisting that I can’t do this, I no longer do this. I haven’t done this in over 25 years now. My body rejects not just the lack of toilet, but also the lack of bathroom. Without being in the designated space for vacating, my bladder won’t even consider the task. I’m not in the right space. How could I? The pressure in my lower abdomen threatens me and urges me down the hall. My body won’t listen to what I want so I don’t listen to what he wants. I can play this waiting game.
It’s time for bed now and Princesita has put me in my dog bed. What better place for a feral fox boy? Of course, since I’m feral and have no home training, I am still diapered. No leaks for me tonight! Mi Osito noticed me online and sent me a “go to bed” demand. I pretended I didn’t see the notification. Future me can deal with the spanks I earned for that one.
My belly feels overflowing with too many snacks and drinks. It’s something I’ve felt many times before- the crushing weight of a glutinous night pushing hard against my bellybutton and threatening to drop. Except the weight refuses to drop! Try as I might, I remain unsuccessful in wetting my nappy. It’s making me cranky. I am not used to struggling for success. This feels silly, almost stupid. I’m frustrated I can’t act like a baby, what is this? Madness! Of all the places where I am naturally exceptional, how is THIS not one of them? I silently kick my feet in a tiny tantrum. The movement jostles my tummy, adjusting the pressure against my prince parts. My resulting moan quickly turns to a groan. I feel my frustration sting my eyes as tears prick the corners near my nose. I bury my face into Reginald, the only Bunny Brother available tonight, trying to hide my groans.
Reginald couldn’t care less about the twisting in my stomach.
Reginald is excited to see me in a diaper.
I throw the blankets over me and his paws immediately find their way to my hips. He crushes the padding and drags my body to be right against him. It isn’t long before he shoves his vibrating wand between my legs, hard against my padding. I can’t help but push back against the onslaught. Grinding hard against him, I lean into the feeling of vibrations and rubbing on my most sensitive parts. He showers me in praise as I hump against his stuffed body.
“You are my very good little boy.”
I try to hide my squeaks.
“Mira lo lindo que eres. Look how cute you are.”
He sucks hard on my nipple, I gasp softly.
“That’s my boy, moan for me.”
I bite his ear to keep quiet.
“You can do better than that, little one.”
He presses hard against my stomach, right above where my bladder lays swollen inside me. I feel the drinks from this evening slosh inside me. Torrents of liquid without means of exit press against the back of my cock. My little nub twitches in the oversized padding, begging and aching for permission to let go. When Reginald pats the place where the diaper flattens over my ass, each firm spank sends wave after wave of vibrations to every part of me. I can feel my holes pulse with an overwhelming need to release both my orgasm and my urine. The tears that threatened earlier finally make their appearance as twin streams streaking down each cheek. My eyes roll back in my head and my mouth opens wide in gasp when Reginald hits me with a four-pronged assault. His lips press hard against mine while he twists my nipple with one paw and holds my ass in the other. He presses directly on my asshole and expertly sandwiches the wand between our cocks. Using his strong tongue, he keeps my mouth open as he sucks each moan and groan from my little throat. He has me so close to orgasm. My diaper absorbs the moisture seeping from my pussy. It’s thick and abundant. My canal pulses with need and produces more fluid. I want so badly to soak this diaper, one way or another. Preferably both.
My tears replenish when Reginald abruptly stops touching me. In a swift movement, he pulls away from my mouth and relinquishes my nipple and torso. The cold air hits my skin and I shiver at his loss. He makes eye contact and laughs at the scowl he has produced on my face. teasing me, he comes in close without touching his face to my skin. He growls into my ear, his husky voice sending shivers all the way to my toes. As he speaks, his arm snakes back around my body.
“You’re so full, Principito.”
He emphasizes each word by squeezing me, his paw on my ass smooshing me into the other that had migrated to the bulge in my lower tummy. I feel like an overstuffed burrito waiting to burst. I beg him to start again, to keep going and let me finish! Then he lays it on me,
“Oh, Little Fox, you aren’t allowed to cum until you fill that diaper for me.”
The sound that escaped me reaches beyond begging and slips into tantrum territory. Reginald takes pleasure in teasing me and bullying me while he does it. He loves the way his soft fur tickles my skin and forces me to arch my body in an attempt to wiggle away. I can never get away. Every ruined orgasm for me is like a battery recharge for him. Giving me a challenge before I can climax is cherries on top to this sadistic Bunny Brother. I shudder against him as he nips his way down my neck. Twin teeth pricks surrounded by ticklish whiskers and hot breath. Pleasure ripples through me and I grind hard into my bun, trying desperately to find the finish mark.
Before I know it, I’ve been pinned to the dog bed, and I’m gasping for breath. Reginald’s paw holds me firmly in place by my throat.
“Don’t you dare steal your reward before you do what I’ve told you.”
His whisper is deep and husky with arousal at my refusal of his challenge. A “make me” challenge of my own to elicit a more feral reaction from him. He knows what I’m doing. I know what I’m doing. You know what I’m doing. We all know what I’m doing.
I feign ignorance anyway.
“I don’t know what you mean, sir. I’m just trying to get the water works going.”
My best pouty puppy face doesn’t break his marble exterior.
His growl makes me ache with deep carnal need and my tiny cock twitches in my diaper. I want him to rip it off me and ravage me until I pass out, then ravage me some more. He won’t do that. He is a bunny of conviction and isn’t susceptible to my little charms. He’ll stay the course and make me go to bed frustrated if I don’t find a way to satisfy his whims.
My next whimper is real. My frustration has built beyond my capacity and this isn’t fun anymore. Tears flow freely down my cheeks
“Reggy, I can’t do it like this. I can’t do what you want the way you want it. I want to so badly and I can’t!”
At the sound of his pet name- our in-scene safe-word indicator for I need you to listen right now, I’m being Real- his demeanor changes instantly. He lifts his paw from my throat and quickly flips off the vibrator, tossing it off the bed and out of the way. My suddenly gentle Reggy scoops me into his arms, letting me curl into a ball against his chest, and pulls the blanket over both of us, being sure to cover our heads.
It takes only a moment for the Bunny Brother to create a safe-cave for me. In the muted light, he covers my forehead and face in gentle kisses. Methodically, he kisses all parts of my face. Between each kiss he gives me affirmations,
“My good boy.”
He plants a kiss on my nose.
“My sweet fox prince.”
Three long kisses on my forehead.
“You did so good telling me you can’t do it.”
One kiss for each eye.
“It’s ok, you don’t need to worry.”
Sweet kisses in the soft spot behind my ears.
”I love you, my little fox.”
One, two, three, four kisses placed ever so lovingly against my lips
“You’re the best boy there is.”
One final, big, dramatic kiss on top of my hair.
He always makes double-sure that I feel good when I use my safeword in a heavy scene. His sincerity warms me with his paws as they caress my skin. When I feel safe, I pull the blanket off our heads, signaling his go-ahead to ask questions.
“How can I help you get what you want, Principito?”
My lips still tremble at fear of being vulnerable, but I muscle through it,
“I can’t do it laying down. It just won’t come.”
Reginald pauses to think for a moment before making a suggestion,
“What if we stand up?”
I glance at the thin glass panes in the door to Princesita’s room. That feels too revealing.
“No, I don’t want that.”
Another pause for thought.
“Want to go to the bathroom?”
I wipe my eyes and give him a small, shy nod.
Reginald pulls me to my feet and helps me as I waddle down the hallway. The sound of crinkles and little footsteps echo off the walls and seem to fill the whole house. My tummy aches like I swallowed a bowling ball. The weight of the evening feels heavier with each little step. My socks slip a little on the wooden floor as Reginald pushes me along, but he catches me under my arms and doesn’t let me fall. When the door latches behind us, my bladder finally gives way. His arms are still around me when the padding between my legs starts to swell. Princesita’s words in my head remind me to squish the diaper so I can be sure to use all the padding, even way up top near my belly button. Reginald is more than eager to assist me in this. His paw wraps up under my body, hoisting and forcing me onto my toes. The movement sends more warm liquid up the front and back as what was inside me quickly makes its way to the outside of me. Reginald coos in my ear,
“What a deliciously sloppy boy. You couldn’t even make it all the way into the bathroom. That poor little bladder must feel so good.”
He drags each syllable like he drags his paw back and forth between my legs. My knees buckle and he catches me with an arm around my chest, up under my arms. I moan and writhe as he escalates the speed of his rubbing. Back and forth he goes, his focus on my aching cock. My feet leave the floor when he lifts me enough to grind his equally swollen cock into my ass. In his excitement, he can’t hold me right, so he pushes up both against the wall. His thrusts become frantic. His breath is hot on my neck and his teeth sharp against the shoulder he’s biting to hold me in place. He thrusts with a determination that should easily break through the diaper. Whether through craftsmanship or self-restraint, he leaves the nappy in one piece. I buck and moan in response to his efforts. The relief I feel in my body paired with the overstimulation outside my body builds into crashing waves of orgasms. As I squeeze out the last few drops, my diaper catches a new stream. It diligently catches the thick, creamy substance that chases my pee. I bite Reginald’s ear to keep from screaming into the night and waking my hostess. He presses forward with one final thrust before releasing his own cream. It splashes across my back and over his belly, smearing between us as we slide together down to the floor. We sit there for some time, panting and recovering our breath. He kisses me all over, focusing on my back, licking up his cum, and moving to my tummy. He praises me as he removes my soaked padding and wipes between my legs. I blush and giggle with what little of my energy is left to me. When he is finished and I am dressed, he tucks me safely into bed. I find peaceful sleep as I breathe in our musk that still clings to his fur.