Training Daniel

Back to the first chapter of Training Daniel
Posted on August 25th, 2024 09:58 AM

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It felt like hours to Daniel who remained in his same sucking and swallowing routine though getting progressively slower. He felt exhausted and being so full was only adding to that feeling. His diaper was utterly saturated and the fact it hadn’t burst at the seams seemed like a minor miracle. The whole time he had been attached to the breast Sarah had been typing away at her computer as if this was all perfectly normal.

Daniel felt a cramping in his tummy. All that milk was disagreeing with him and his bladder couldn’t evacuate it all fast enough. That meant more stress was being put on his bowels which had startled to gurgle loudly. He twisted his body as he felt some small cramps but with his head still forced against the breast there was nothing he could do to even warn Sarah what was about to happen.

Daniel grunted against the mouth-filling nipple as a slurry of very loose waste poured into the back of the soaked diaper. He pushed down with his tummy muscles and went very still as he emptied his bowels into the disposable around his waist. His legs came up and bent at the knees whilst his hands balled into fists. He let out a little grunt as he pushed.

“Is someone making Mommy a little present?” Sarah said with a chuckle.

How Sarah could laugh about what was happening Daniel had no idea. By the time he had finished soiling himself his diaper felt like a swamp. The smell quickly started to spread but his Mommy didn’t pause her work. All he could do was remain latched to her breast in the harness waiting for Sarah to change him.

“Such a big boy…” Sarah said mockingly and then chuckled, “Are you all done? Have you finished ruining that diaper, baby?”

Daniel didn’t respond. He couldn’t from this position and he knew Sarah didn’t expect him to regardless. It was another fifteen minutes before she finally stood up. Daniel felt one of her hands go underneath his body and press on the bottom of the harness. He moaned as he felt the disgusting padding getting pushed against his butt.

Sarah carried Daniel to the nursery and at no point let him take her nipple out of his mouth. It was only as she went to lay him down that his face was allowed to separate from her huge breasts. Daniel’s vision was a little blurry after so long focusing on something only an inch in front of him. He was laid on the table and finally got a diaper change. It took several minutes and it seemed like Daniel had dirtied every square inch of the previously pristine white diaper. When Sarah held it up he could see just how heavy it was.

Once Daniel was freshly diapered he may have been forgiven for thinking the ordeal was over but it wasn’t. He was picked up and before he could utter a word of protest he was back in the harness and latching on to his Mommy’s breast again.

Sarah had to continue working so she went back to her desk. All Daniel could do was stare at the breast. He still had the nipple in his mouth but it seemed, at least temporarily, that no more milk was coming. It was something of a relief for him after the previous few hours. He was astounded though at just how much milk he must’ve taken in. Whilst his body had managed to digest a lot of the milk he was still clearly very well-hydrated, Sarah had hardly put her fingers to the keyboard before he felt a fresh stream of urine going into the previously dry diaper.

That was how the day continued until dinnertime. Daniel was pretty much permanently attached to one of Sarah’s nipples, the few times he wasn’t it was for a diaper change or to just be turned around to face the other teat. He sort of zoned out in the harness. There wasn’t a lot for him to do and he became lost in his imagination as a result. For the most part he daydreamed about escaping his life, if he could only get outside the house he could end the madness.

When Daniel heard his Mommy’s computer shutting down he was actually surprised it was already time for dinner. With his face permanently against Sarah’s skin he had no concept of where the sun was in the sky or how much time was passing. He clung on as Sarah walked downstairs and out into the kitchen.

Sarah hummed happily as Daniel heard cupboard doors open and close. Dinner was being started and he was still clinging on to his Mommy like a baby monkey. He regretted any of his attempts to escape or show he could be big, he had the feeling that if they hadn’t happened he would be sat in his playpen right about then.

“Smells nice.” Amber said as she walked into the kitchen area.

Daniel couldn’t see her look at him, shake her head and laugh. The refrigerator door opened and then closed.

“Oh no, don’t worry about Daniel’s dinner.” Sarah said, “I’ve got that covered.”

Daniel slumped in his harness. It wasn’t that he was looking forward to the bland baby food he usually got for dinner but it would’ve seemed like fine gourmet dining after all the milk. The smell of dinner had Daniel drooling. He would’ve greed to anything at that moment to be taken out of the harness and allowed to eat what the women were going to eat.

By the time everyone was sat down Daniel was feeling particularly grumpy. He was surprised to be taken off Sarah’s breast but it was only to get him to latch on to the other one. Soon the thick milk was flowing again and Daniel had to work to keep up with it. As the women discussed their day, like nothing unusual was happening, Daniel was feeding from his Mommy. Nothing showed how big the gap between him and the women was quite like that moment.

After dinner he was taken to the living room as the women watched television. All he could do was fill his tummy with more milk and then let go into his diaper over and over again. He just wanted the day to end. Once he was in his crib he would finally be alone and this nightmare would be over, he could only hope it wasn’t an experiment Sarah wanted to repeat.

Daniel was almost falling asleep when Sarah stood up. He had no idea how long they had been sat down or what the time was, all he could remember was that Sarah and Amber had sat through several shows whilst he daydreamed. He was delighted to feel his Mommy climbing the stairs. The crib would feel like freedom after all this.

It was into the nursery and over to the changing table that Daniel was taken. The same process from earlier in the day was repeated but Daniel spent the change looking longingly at the crib. Once in the fresh diaper Daniel was lifted up but, instead of being taken to the crib he was slipped back into the harness. He was confused, surely Sarah wasn’t going to keep him up any later. It felt like Sarah had started to see him less like a person and more like an accessory, something to be worn as a fashion statement.

Daniel could only guess where he was going from the sound of the footsteps as Sarah’s nipple found its way back into his mouth. He was surprised to be taken back downstairs. His tongue flicked the teat in his mouth and he tasted the sweet milk on his tongue. He swallowed almost automatically and just like that he was breastfeeding again. The thick milk providing something of a comfort to him as he felt unsure of what was happening. Daniel heard the television and so assumed he was back in the living room, it seemed to be confirmed when he heard Amber’s voice.

“Isn’t it past his bedtime?” Amber asked when she saw Sarah walk back in.

“He’s feeding at the moment.” Sarah replied, “Besides, I like this. I think it’s fostering a real bond between us.”

If Daniel had been able to pull his head away and speak he would’ve scoffed at his Mommy’s idea. Aside from being physically close Daniel felt no connection whatsoever, he wanted to get away from that house and the crazy women whatever the cost.

“Could I take over for a little bit?” Amber asked innocently.

“I don’t know.” Sarah replied, “I was trying to see if I could keep him against my breast for a full day.”

“I mean, the day’s basically over, right?” Amber replied, “Normally he would be in bed by now so you’ve already succeeded really.”

Daniel shook his head as much as he could whilst feeding from Sarah but he knew his input meant nothing. He could feel Sarah’s chest move as she sighed in thought. Then, without a word she moved over to where Amber’s voice came from. Daniel whined around the nipple as he felt himself getting lifted and pulled away, he stayed latched to the breast until the last minute in hopes of convincing his Mommy to stop.

“Come on, baby.” Sarah cooed, “You can have a lovely feed on Amber.”

Amber may have been slightly shorter in height but her bosom was equally voluptuous. Daniel had fed from her before though it didn’t happen as often as it did with Sarah. Amber wasted no time in putting the harness over shoulder and pulling her shirt down to reveal one of her enormous creamy orbs. They were each as big as Daniel’s head and he was brought closer and closer to them. With just an inch to go his mouth formed a sucking shape and he latched straight on. He heard Amber let out a little exclamation as he immediately started suckling.

“He’s certainly eager!” Amber said from above Daniel.

Daniel was only eager in getting this finished. He thought that maybe if he could drain the milk from Amber he would finally be taken up to bed where he could hope and pray the next day didn’t involve having his face shoved against a breast the whole time.

After a couple of dry sucks Daniel felt creamy milk exploding into his mouth. He was already feeling full but with his sweaty face pressed against Amber all he could do was continue feeding like a ravenous infant. Soon his belly was swelling as the two women watched the television like normal.

It was way past Daniel’s bedtime and he was getting increasingly tired. His eyes were getting heavy and his feeding slowed down. Soon his eyes closed completely and he felt like he was just about to drift off when Amber stood up. He was startled awake but remained docile as he was passed back over to Sarah.

“Alright, time for bed.” Sarah said.

Daniel stretched as much as he was able to in the harness. Although he wasn’t slung over Sarah’s shoulder for the trip upstairs he was held especially tightly and the cloth harness was essentially used to swaddle Daniel. He was so tired he didn’t care. He just wanted to get to his crib.

At the top of the stairs, instead of the nursery, Daniel was carried into a different room. It wasn’t a room he saw very often.

The master bedroom wasn’t a place Daniel was often taken into but now he was carried across to the huge bed and laid carefully on top of the covers. He saw Sarah smiling down at him as she straightened up. Thanks to the swaddling Daniel couldn’t really see much of the room except for the ceiling, he felt almost like a little worm who could only wriggle around slightly.

“Isn’t this so much better than trying so hard to be something you’re not?” Sarah asked as she unbuttoned her blouse, “So much time and energy wasted trying to be a big boy when we both know you’re just a little baby who needs protecting and looking after.”

Daniel didn’t respond as Sarah slipped the blouse off her shoulders. Her massive breasts hung on her front in a way that seemed to almost defy gravity, it didn’t seem like a chest that large could remain as pert as they were.

Sarah took her pants off next and Daniel’s eyes went wide as her panties soon followed. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen his Mommy naked before but, like being in the master bedroom at all, it wasn’t a regular occurrence.

Completely naked, Sarah picked Daniel up and slung the harness over her shoulder again. Daniel’s face was pressed against his Mommy’s breast and he let out a yelp as her pointy nipple poked him in the eye. He was adjusted to that the nipple went into his mouth and before he could suck at all Sarah was climbing on to the bed and lying down.

“Have a good night.” Sarah said softly as she stroked the back of Daniel’s head.

Daniel couldn’t believe it. After spending a day attached breasts he had assumed he would be able to get some rest at night at least, but here he was still attached to Sarah as she leaned over and flicked the light sending the room into darkness. He thought she was just joking or that she wouldn’t be able to rest like this but soon he heard Sarah’s breathing slow down and deepen. Somehow, and it seemed impossible to Daniel, his Mommy had managed to fall asleep!

Daniel was left unable to move between the harness and Sarah’s heaving breasts. Her nipple was still lodged firmly in his mouth and though he tried to push it out with his tongue it stayed lodged in there. He soon gave up with a sigh.

After just lying there in the dark for the longest time the tiredness started catching up with Daniel. Despite the awkwardness of his position and the nipple that dripped thick drops of milk into his mouth even if he didn’t actively suck on it he closed his eyes and started to drift off.


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