Mystery Medallion

M/f Rated R abdl bdsm realitywarp
Posted on April 12th, 2024 11:53 PM
*Edited on April 12th, 2024 11:54 PM

Stephen took a familiar position at the end of a non-descript and rarely visited hallway in his school. To the uninitiated, the tall, muscular, senior taking an uncomfortable squatting position at the end of under visited hallway would be strange, and in fairness it was. The reason why Stephen was taking an uncomfortable squatting position at the end of this underused hallway is because the wall at the end of this hall contained a convenient hole in the concrete. A hole that went all the way through to the room on the other side of the wall: the girl’s locker room. A hole Stephen noticed when he was a sophomore and a hole which has since then not been filled in, allowing Stephen to take part in his usual past time of ogling over the naked girls on the other side of the wall. Stephen wasn’t quite sure why he took part in this. He was a senior, and a well built one at that. Any one of these girls would probably fall over his feet to be with him, and he could get a show without having to look through a hole in the wall, but Stephen just did it.

Stephen became distracted when he heard a familiar tone from the phone in his pocket. The tone he gave to his girlfriend. He knew what it was without looking at it, they typically met in between classes to talk for a few seconds, when he wasn’t being a peeping Tom that is. Stephen quickly abandoned his peeping activity not wanting to deal with the fallout of keeping his girlfriend, Julie, waiting. Julie had some fight to her, which is why Stephen picked her to be his steady girlfriend and not just another target of a peep show. It also meant that he would get an earful for being late.

As he began a jog to their usual spot, Stephen felt a light impact on his head followed by a clanging sound on the floor. Some coin or medallion had fallen from somewhere, hitting him lightly on the head and then falling to the ground. Stephen picked up the curiosity and then looked to the ceiling to find a possible place where the thing could have come from. He couldn’t see anything that stuck out to him. He then glanced down to look at the coin itself. It was about the size of a quarter, with a gold color and two strange glyphs on either side. Stephen could only guess that it was some foreign currency, though he couldn’t place the language of the script. What a foreign quarter was doing in the ceiling was beyond him but it did look pretty cool. He stuck it in his pocket with a smile and went on to meet his girlfriend.

Julie was waiting at their usual spot next to a long length of lockers. She was every bit as attractive as Stephen was. Tall, slender, and busty. Just like Stephen, she knew it too. Really the two were a perfect match for each other.

“And just where have you been?” Julie shot Stephen a glare. “Not peeping on the girl’s locker room, I hope.”

“Aww babe,” Stephen expertly began to brush off the explanation by grabbing Julie into a side hug. “Why would I need to peep when I got the prettiest girl right here?”

“That’s a question I’d love to know the answer to,” Julie responded accusingly. She brushed the concern aside though and eagerly began to kiss Stephen, not caring about the other people in the hallway watching, though they quickly moved off on their own.

Stephen was enjoying the make out session as much as Julie was, and was glad he left his spot at the end of the hall for this. In the throes of their passionate kissing Stephen felt a vibration from his pocket and felt a sensation wash over him like a wave. His eyes were closed when he started making out with Julie, and when he opened them, he found himself at crotch level to Julie. Further, the tight jeans she was wearing was now changed into a small and enticing mini skirt. Stephen didn’t have a lot of time to ponder what had just happened as he found his head being forced past Julie’s skirt and into her thin panties.

“What are you waiting for? Get to work!” Julie commanded with sudden dominance. Stephen felt he should protest, but the wave washed over him again and found himself compelled to obey. With surprising deftness, he slid Julie’s panties aside with his tongue and proceeded to pleasure her. He thoughtlessly ran his tongue into Julie, licking up all of her juices and moving his face in time with Julie’s gyrations.

Stephen thought that while he was performing this act that surely people would protest. They would get uncomfortable when he and Julie made out, but this was something else entirely. Despite that though people were carrying on like this was the most normal thing in the world.

“Oh god,” Julie gave out a telltale sigh as she hit her climax. Stephen eagerly licked up the resulting mess as Julie came back to her senses. “Good job.” She said in post orgasmic haze, pulling Stephen out from under her skirt.

Stephen, now free from the haze compelling him to eat out his girlfriend, was finally able to take stock of what had just happened, though he could hardly believe that it happened at all. The reason he was staring at Julie’s crotch is because that it was at his eye level. He had somehow turned from a muscular six-and-a-half-foot tall jock into a four-foot-tall weakling. As far as he could tell, his body was the same minus the missing muscle mass and body hair, at a smaller scale. Stephen was still processing this as Julie was wiping his face off with a handkerchief.

“You did good but I don’t want to have to tell you twice again ok,” Julie chastised lightly. “When I say you’re going down on me, you go down on me, that’s what you do.”

“What?” Stephen questioned.

“And just what are these clothes you are wearing?” Julie said with contempt. “This is what I get for letting you wander off on your own. Come on you’re going into your daycare.”

“My what?” Stephen questioned, but he found himself being dragged by the wrist to a very familiar hallway.

There, at the end of the hallway where Stephen would peep into the girl’s locker room, right where the hole itself was even, was a door. Which was perplexing in more than one way. For one it definitely wasn’t there before, and for two on the other side of that wall was the girl’s locker room. There was physically no space for there to be a room behind this newly appeared door. Despite the impossibility of it though, there was, in fact, a room on the other side of that door, and Julie was right it was a daycare.

As impossible as it was there was a daycare in the middle of Stephen's school, occupying what should be the same space as a locker room in fact. The main feature of this daycare was a large playpen, with walls made of large colored pencils. Short enough for Stephen to be able to step over at his old height, but tall enough that his new height would be trapped behind the wall.

“Hey there Miss Knight,” Julie greeted Stephen’s old science teacher with a wave. “I’m dropping little mister attitude off for a bit.”

“Has he been giving you trouble?” Miss Knight conversed as if this was a totally normal scenario.

“He has,” Julie sighed annoyed. “I mean just look at what he’s wearing.”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Stephen protested.

“It’s not what I want you to wear that’s what,” Julie snapped. “I have a very specific style for you.”

“Stephen, you know better than to go against Julie,” Miss Knight agreed with Julie. “There’s some clothes for him in his cubby.” Julie followed the direction over to the cubby and proceeded to strip Stephen down quickly and efficiently.

“You’re not even wearing your pull-ups,” Julie clicked her tongue in annoyance.

“But I don’t need pull-ups,” Stephen complained. Why that was the complaint he chose to voice among the many other complaints he had he’ll never really know.

“It doesn’t matter if you need them or not,” Julie explained grabbing a blue pull-up decorated with cartoon animals and fluffing it up. “I say you’re in pull-ups so you’re going to wear pull-ups.” Julie punctuated the end of her sentence by holding the pull-up open for Stephen to step into. With a now familiar wave Stephen found himself compelled to step into the pull-up and remain quiet as Julie pulled it up to his waist and then dressed him into a pair of snap crotch shortalls and a t-shirt. Apparently, the style Julie had picked out for Stephen was juvenile. “Now you’re going to wait here with Miss Knight until I get ready to come get you,” Julie pushed Stephen inside of the playpen, shutting the color pencil gate behind her and locking Stephen in.

“You’ve really upset her now,” Miss Knight said in a warning tone. “You better be on your best behavior with me.”

“She’s right,” Julie piled on with Miss Knight. “You better behave while I’m gone,” Julie added ominously before leaving the day care room.

Miss Knight sighed and started to read a book, content to just watch Stephen play in the play pen. So, Stephen was left relatively alone and could finally grasp what had happened in a surprisingly short period of time. Reality itself seemed to have changed. He had shrunken, lost his hair, and lost his muscles. Julie had turned from playfully combative to a full on dominant. And Stephen was currently stuck in a room whose existence was physically impossible being watched by his old science teacher who acted like this was the most common thing in the world.

For some reason Stephen’s mind shot back to the fancy coin he found earlier that day. When his hand shot into the pocket of his shortalls and found it there, he knew that something was off. At no point during the embarrassing stripping and redressing did Julie get the coin out of his jeans pocket and put it into his shortalls pocket yet here it was.

He took the coin out and inspected it, it looked the same as it did before, the two strange symbols were still etched on either side. Even though it wasn’t moving at all, when Stephen looked at it, he got the sensation that it was vibrating. Stephen closed his hand around the thing. With nothing left to do he violently chucked the coin as hard as his shrunken and unmuscled arms would allow, which only sent to the door of the nursery.

“Stephen!” Miss Knight looked up from her book after hearing something clack against the wall. “We do not throw things.” Stephen really didn’t care what Miss Knight thought about him throwing things he cared more about what might happen when he did that, and after a moment something did happen.

Stephen was hit with another wave, noticeably stronger. He felt dizzy as it washed over him and he couldn’t make out what Miss Knight was even chastising him for, only when the wave finally seemed to finish washing over him did Stephen’s senses come back enough to hear.

“Oh, someone was just fussy I guess,” Miss Knight was suddenly sweeter in her words. “Here this should calm you down,” Stephen found a purple pacifier being pushed into his mouth by Miss Knight. “Let me go fill up your baba too. Maybe baby is just thirsty.” Stephen didn’t really question what she had said, or why he started suckling on the pacifier in his mouth instead of spitting it out. It was all on brand for what had been happening to him today. What Stephen was concerned with was the fact that the coin had once again found its way into his pocket without explanation.

The musings were put on pause as Julie reentered the room.

“There’s my little sweetie pie,” Julie sang as she approached the play pen. Casually picking Stephen up from the playpen.

“He’s been a little fussy today,” Miss Knight said holding the full baby bottle in her hand.

“Hmm I think I can tell why,” Julie said feeling on Stephen’s crotch. “I think someone’s got a soggy diaper.” Stephen shook his head lightly because Julie was right. He could feel the damp padding of the pull-up as Julie pressed it against him. He had wet himself, and he had no idea that he did.

“Oh, why didn’t I think that?” Miss Knight chastised herself. “Of course, he probably needs a change.”

“It is a little odd,” Julie pondered as she carried Stephen over to a changing table which had suddenly appeared in the daycare. “Stephen loves his diapers; he stays soggy without complaining all the time.”

“Nuh uh!” Stephen protested as the pacifier had fallen out of his mouth. “I dun need diapees,” Stephen grew flush at the presence of sudden childish lisp.

“Oh, don’t be pouty baby,” Julie said dismissing Stephen’s complaints. “You know you need your diapees. There’s barely a moment where you aren’t soggy.” Julie continued talking as she opened the snap crotch shortalls. “Oh, maybe that’s why you’re pouty. This is a pull-up. You need proper baby diapers not pull-ups.”

“Buh I dun need diapees,” Stephen couldn’t help his whine.

“You’ll feel better once we get you properly padded,” Julie ripped open the sides of the pull up. “Oh no that’s what it is,” Julie giggled as she looked into the now open pull up. Stephen looked inside too and couldn’t deny or believe what he saw. He was obviously turned on by this situation. “Even in pull ups, little Stephen loves being squishy.” Julie’s tone didn’t change as she pressed the wet pull up back onto Stephen and began to rub Stephen through the wet pull up.

Stephen felt another wave wash over him as Julie was doing this and it suddenly felt the best feeling he had ever felt. Much to his dismay he found himself getting off to the hand job delivered through a wet pull up.

“Wha, nu I don,” Stephen spoke quickly between erotic intakes of breathe.

“Oh, so fussy,” Julie said quietly as she continued stroking Stephen. “We can’t change you into a new diapee when you’re all hard like this. Go ahead and make cummies sweetie so you can get changed.” Despite Stephen’s best efforts it appears exactly that was about to happen. The sensation of the sodden padding against him, as well as the inherent humiliation of the whole scenario was undoubtedly and effectively turning him on. Despite the long internal dialogue Stephen was having about how humiliating this whole thing was he did not last very long and soon was filling the pull-up in a completely different way.

“There we go,” Julie’s attitude was clinical about the whole thing. It was just another part of a diaper change to her. “And you wanna pretend like you don’t love your soggy diapers.” Julie pushed the pacifier back into Stephen’s mouth and he eagerly suckled like a post orgasm cigarette. With Stephen now dazed in post orgasmic haze Julie had an easy time getting him changed into a thick and cutely printed diaper. She patted the front of the diaper to signal she was done. “Back in thick baby diapers where you belong,” she said snapping the shortalls shut again.

“You’ve certainly got a way with him,” Miss Knight said approvingly.

“Thank you,” Julie smiled, picking Stephen up off the changing table and resting him on her hip. She grabbed the full bottle from Miss Knight and deftly replaced Stephen’s pacifier with the bottle's nipple, holding it in place. Stephen again felt a compulsion, this time to drink from the bottle. “I’ll take him from here I have to go drop him back off with his mom. After all that fussing you probably need a nap too huh?” Julie playfully asked Stephen who only frowned slightly over the bottle he was actively drinking.

Internally Stephen was panicking a bit. There seemed to be no escape from this. When he tried by throwing the coin away it only made things worse. He didn’t think he would miss the submissive pull up version of himself he was earlier that day but here he was in a full-on diaper mindlessly drinking from a bottle. He had a feeling that things would only get worse with time.

“Let’s get you home Stephen, I can’t wait to play with you tomorrow,” Julie sang happily.

AUTHORS NOTE: This little short story is actually a commission I got from a user that wishes to remain anonymous. If you want to get a commission from me contact me on twitter or discord @bigred0603. Something like this costs $100 but i also do shorter caption style comms for $20


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