A New Babysitter

F/f Rated R abdl babysitter
Posted on December 9th, 2023 04:46 PM
*Edited on December 9th, 2023 04:46 PM

AUTHORS NOTE: Here's the next one off. For this one I was inspired by someone who wanted more stories with diapered cgs and also more stories with like in story scene negotiation. This has got both and it's cute too. Hope you all like it.

Dala smiled as she sauntered up to the front door of a quiet suburban house. She made sure to double check that this was the right address. She always had to make extra sure she had the right place in her line of work. Dalla grinned a little deviously as she felt her skirt swish as she walked. Her outfit was showy to say the least. She had on a short sleeve cream cardigan like top, and a short black mini skirt. The short mini skirt was there to show off the diaper underneath. As clothing meant to hide underwear, it was practically useless, especially when Dalla’s diaper was as full as it was. That was kind of the point though. Dalla loved her diapers, there was no denying that. She didn’t care who knew and who saw. With littles being popular enough for her baby-sitting side gig to have steady employment, seeing a girl rocking a diaper whose yellow wetness indicator line had fully faded to blue wasn’t that uncommon of a sight. Though Dalla liked to think she pulled the look off very well. Her heart fluttered again, she felt exactly how full her diaper was as she knocked on the door. She’d need a change as soon as she got inside which was part of the plan.

“Miss Simmons?” Dalla asked as the door opened. On the other side was a woman ready to go out on the town. Wearing a smart and sleek black dress, still loose enough to be practical but still form fitting.

“Right on time Dala,” Miss Simmons said inviting the girl in. “Clea’s just in her play pen now.”

“Mommy!” came a whine from the next room over confirming what Miss Simmons had just said.

“She’s a little anxious about getting a baby sitter. It’s our first time trying this, but I think she’ll have fun.”

“It’s ok Miss Simmons. I’m used to new clients, and the nerves is understandable. I’ll make sure she has fun.”

“Glad to hear,” with her fears allayed Miss Simmons finally looked at Dalla and noticed the obvious. “Girl that diaper is soaked.” Dalla smiled and give a little curtsey with her skirt.

“What can I say, I’m as diaper brained as the babies I look after,” Dalla shrugged. “I like to think it helps me be a better baby sitter. I know how wet the little one's diapers are because they’re just as wet as I am. I wanted to make sure I was ready for a change when I got here so me and little Clea’s diapers could match.”

“Mmmhmm, and not at all so you could walk over here soaked,” Miss Simmons doubted. Dalla gave a little smirk.

“Mommy,” Clea called out again. This time the anxiety was clear in her voice.

“Let’s go meet the little one,” Dalla offered. “She seems a little anxious.” Miss Simmons nodded and lead Dalla into the living room.

Clea was anxious standing in her play pen. A blush spread across her face as soon as the unfamiliar Dalla entered the room and Clea was suddenly reminded what she was wearing. A white frilled crop top that had “Baby Girl” sewn on it in pink, leaving nothing covering her baby printed diaper. Much like Dalla’s diaper her fade when wet shapes were very much faded.

“Hey there sweetie. You must be little Clea,” Dalla was sure to lay the cutesy talk on thick. She could tell Clea was very anxious about this and didn’t want that to take her out of her headspace. Clea nodded quietly. Much like her mommy, after introductions, she noticed what her baby sitter was wearing.

“Wait? you’re wearing a diaper too?” Clea asked.

“Mmmhmm,” Dalla nodded with a smile. “You little babies can’t keep all of the diaper fun to yourself you know.” Clea was a little taken aback by her baby sitter’s diaper being soggier than her own. “Oh, you’re wearing the new Day Nites diaper, right?” Dalla said excitedly. “I’ve wanted to try those. Do you think your baby sitter could try on one of your diapers tonight?”

“Uh I guess so?” Clea said still anxious.

“Thank you, cutie pie. I’ll have to pick your brain about them later. Diaper girl talk.” Clea giggled a little and fell back into her play pen.

“Well, you have things under control it seems,” it was Miss Simmons turn to be a little anxious as she was about to leave her little girl alone.

“We got this,” Dalla said with a smile. “I’ll take care of her. You go have fun.” With a bit of hesitation Miss Simmons left the door leaving Dalla and Clea alone.

“Ok little baby. First things first, we both need diaper changes,” Dalla said playfully. “Now I was thinking maybe the baby should go first because, I dunno if you know this, but I like being a little squishy. I’m sure you can’t relate.” Clea giggled a little. “But you’re just so cute in your little play pen. It’d be like taking a doll out of it’s box.” Clea giggled again and blushed. “So, you just wait right there my little doll,” Dalla playfully booped Clea on the nose.

Dalla found an open pack of diapers nearby and got two out as well as the changing supplies that were located conveniently nearby. Dalla got situated in front of the play pen. After discarding the useless mini skirt. She tore off the tapes of the well-worn diaper and let it fall to the ground.

“You’re changing right here?” Clea put her hands over her eyes.

“Well, I’m about to change you right here,” Dalla rolled up her used diaper and laid out the new baby printed one, fluffing it up. “It’s only fair right.” Dalla laid down in the open diaper and cleaned herself up and applied plenty of baby powder. “Plus, I get to look at a cutie while I’m getting changed.” Clea giggled again and sat down in her play pen, suckling on a pacifier while she waited for her baby sitter to get done changing her diaper. Eventually Dalla did finish her change and stood up with a smile. Wiggling around to get used. “What do you think?” Dalla struck a model like pose. Clea laughed and gave a thumbs up from her play pen. “They’re pretty comfy, but I think they might be a little too baby for me.” Dalla wasn’t wrong. The print of the diaper was overtly cute, featuring a little dinosaur teaching music on the landing zone, and dotted with fade when wet musical notes throughout.

“The music notes go away!” Clea said excitedly.

“I noticed because yours are all gone,” Dalla smirked. Clea giggled. “That’s cuz you’re a good little baby using her diapers like she should. Hop on out let’s get you changed.” Dalla took Clea’s hand and helped her out of the play pen, laying her down on the floor where she was just a minute ago. “So how about that diaper talk,” Dalla said fluffing up Clea’s new diaper. “What do you think about these? Give me a real baby’s perspective.” Dalla was making conversation to help Clea over the anxiousness of getting her diaper changed by a baby sitter.

“I like em’,” Clea said quietly.

“You like em’?” Dalla laughed. “You got almost all of these music notes gone, seems like you more than like em’.” Dalla had just removed the full diaper as she had said this. “What do you like about them?”

“Well, uh, they’re cute, and I like fade when wet stuff,” Clea explained.

“Oh really?” Dalla had slid the new diaper under Clea. “You sound like a girl that knows what diaper she wants. Tell me about it. What’s the ultimate Clea diaper?”

“Well, I really like the plastic ones, even though these are cloth backed.”

“Right? They just don’t give you that good crinkle,” Dalla started wiping Clea down and applying powder.

“Yeah, they don’t,” Clea pouted playfully. “Oh, and I like the uhhh the … these tapes.” Clea struggled to find the word.”

“The hook and loops?” Dalla answered for her. “I actually like the sticky tapes more myself, but you know I’m not a baby like you so I like grown up diapers.” Dalla taped up the new diaper on Clea snugly.

“Grown up diapers?” Clea said in disbelief. “How can you have grown up diapers?”

“Easy. When they’re on me,” Dalla pressed the diaper she was wearing against her. “Grown up diapers. When they’re on you.” Dalla patted Clea’s new diaper for emphasis. “Baby diapers.”

“They’re the same diaper though,” Clea stood up now that her diaper change was over. “You’ve got on the same diaper I do.”

“I do,” Dalla agreed. “But I’m a big girl and you’re just a baby.”

“I’m not a baby!” Clea automatically responded.

“How many times have I heard that one?” Dalla smirked. “It’s a shame you’re not a baby because I had a whole schedule of play time, and bottle feeding, and getting fed in your high chair. All of that’s for a baby though so I guess you won’t be able to do any of it.”

“No no!” Clea shrank a little. “Fine fine Ima baby.”

“There we go that’s a good girl,” Dalla patted Clea on the head. “Check in time sweetie. We just got your diaper changed. Tell me how you’re feeling?”

“Good,” Clea’s tone was distinctly more grown up. “Still nervous, but you’re really helping.”

“Good girl, thank you for telling me,” Dalla slowly and deliberately moved to put Clea’s pacifier back in, giving her time to turn it down if she didn’t want to continue. She didn’t though. She opened her mouth to take the soother, and that was Dalla’s que to keep going. “Now that we got your new diaper on let’s get to work filling it up,” Dalla snickered. “Come show me where your baba’s are we can lay down and bottle feed you.”

“Yeah yeah over here,” Clea excitedly made her way to one of the cabinets in the kitchen, picking out a tall baby bottle by the time Dalla had gotten into the room.

“That’s a cute one. Tell me Clea are you a milk drinking baby?”

“Uhhh I usually just have water in my babas.”

“Ok well let your baby sitter fill this up for you. Why don’t you pick out a show to watch while you're drinking your baba.”

“Yes Miss Dalla,” Clea started to bounce away but Dalla stopped her with a finger.

“Age-appropriate little girl,” Dalla warned with a wagging finger. Clea nodded affirmatively. “Good girl.” Dalla had gotten pretty good at seamlessly working in having her little do things for her that she would normally have to ask. Things like knowing where Clea kept her bottles, or how to operate their tv to get to whatever cartoons Clea liked. She smiled as she filled the bottle with water. Another smooth operation. She took the time to fill up her own cup with water as well. She had to keep up with Clea if her own diaper was going to be a measure of Clea’s diaper. Not that she would need it. With the fading, shapes it was super obvious when this diaper was wet. She had to admit that it was cute, and she liked it more than she was letting on. She would probably be spending this paycheck on a case.

With two vessels filled with water Dalla walked into the living room with Clea waiting patiently on the couch, a cartoon already playing.

“You are such a smart little girl Clea,” Dalla congratulated. “One might think you don’t even need a baby sitter. You can probably drink your own bottle.”

“No um,” Clea grew flush. It was in little’s nature to playfully deny that they were littles, and play at being big girls. It was always adorable to Dalla when she flipped that on them and had them asking to be treated like the babies they were. Clea was no exception. “I wanna be bottle fed though.” She said quietly.

“Oh, you do?” Dalla said in fake astonishment. “But that’s something babies do. Are you just a little baby?”

“Ummmm,” Clea blushed

“Well you’ve got a diapee on like a baby, you’re cute like a baby, and you want to be bottle fed like a baby. Must be a baby.”

“But you gotta diapee too,” Clea’s argument was purposefully weak, Dalla knew to give her this out. Let her have a comeback that gave Dalla the easy win. Because she knew Clea wanted to loose this little fight.

“We’ve been over this sweetie. I wear big girl diapers. You wear baby diapers,” as she said this she sat down and gently laid Clea’s head across her lap.

“Buh …” Clea started but Dalla cut her off by sticking the bottle in her mouth.

“Hush and drink your bottle sweetie,” Dalla smiled sweetly. Clea made that quiet little moan littles make when they get comfy, and Clea was definitely comfy, as she suckled her bottle in Dalla’s lap while watching her tv show. Dalla made sure to drink her own water to keep pace.

Dalla let Clea watch her show for a little longer with her head in her lap, even after the bottle was done. Clea was clearly enjoying the gentle head scratches Dalla was giving her. Dalla wondered if she was even paying attention to the show she had picked out.

After an episode ended Dalla decided to move things along. Clea could probably spend the rest of their time getting pet on her lap, but Dalla wanted her to have a full experience.

“Ok sweetie, time for nums,” Dalla smiled. Clea shot up excitedly. “Now your mommy left some leftovers in the fridge for me to heat up for you. Can you be a big girl and get your high chair ready?” Clea nodded and eagerly moved to do just that.

Dalla smirked as she got to work reheating the leftovers. It looked like some kind of dressing or casserole. A pretty good stand in for baby food, points to Miss Simmons. By the time it was ready to eat, Clea had set up the high chair. Another thing that Dalla had no idea how to do, but one that she was able to pass off to Clea in character.

Half way to the high chair Dalla felt the twinge in her bladder, and immediately after the warmth in her diaper. She loved her diapers after all, and at this point she had gotten pretty good at just letting go. More importantly though, if she was wet than Clea was about to be, if she wasn’t already.

“All right hop up baby girl,” Dalla patted the seat of the high chair and Clea crawled in. She already did most of the work securing the tray, Dalla only had to finish the locks. With the tray in place Dalla set the bowl of food on it. Predictably the bibs were close by so Dalla was able to find a cute one and tie it around Clea’s neck.

“I think someone’s soggy,” Clea teased Dalla as the bib was tied around her.

“I told you I like being soggy,” Dala said without missing a beat. She put a bite of food onto a spoon and brough it up to Clea’s mouth. Clea happily opened to eat the bite of food.

About half way through the food, Dalla noticed the telltale pause the meant Clea had wet her diaper. Even an experienced diaper butt like Dalla wasn’t immune to this pause. A look between the two of them, and a blush from Clea was all Dalla needed to know. Dalla was a show woman though, and every little loved a blush inducing diaper check.

“Hold on just a second, let me check that diaper of yours,” Dalla smiled as she looked underneath the tray. “Oh my gosh little girl this diaper is soaked.” Clea blushed a deep red. “Such a good little diaper girl,” Dalla pressed the soggy padding against Clea. “Wetting your diapers like a good little baby.” This actually got a whine in addition to the blush, a critical hit. Dalla giggled. “Finish up your food sweetie.”

“But I’m soggy. I need a change,” Clea said with a flush. She was playing along a little. Dala smiled since she got Dalla to break past her barrier a little.

“Oh, but you’re a little baby,” Dalla said in her baby tone. “Babies are used to being in soggy diapees right? You were in one when I got here.”

“But I …” Clea started but paused for a moment. “Uh Dalla,” Clea’s tone shifted into a more serious adult one.

“What’s up?” Dalla said matching Clea's out of character tone.

“I don’t want to just spring this on you,” Clea was blushing. “I want to make sure you’re ok with it.”

“I appreciate that,” Dalla said flatly. “Let me know what it is and we can talk about it.”

“Gosh it’s embarrassing,” Clea blushed.

“Honey I’m a baby-sitter. There’s not a lot you can do that I haven’t seen. Be brave and let it out you got this.”

“Messing?” Clea whined hiding her face in her hands.

“Messing is fine with me, if you’re comfortable with it,” Dalla said with a plain face, not nearly as mortified by the idea.

“Oh gosh,” Clea whined in embarrassment.

“Hey,” Dalla grabbed Clea’s hand. “You did good. That’s a very difficult thing to talk about it.”


“Now back on you. I like to keep up with my littles. So is me messing ok with you?”

“Seems fair.”

“Good. Thank you for talking that out sweetie. Are you good to keep going?” Clea nodded. Dalla smirked and switched her tone back to her teasing one. “Now I don’t want to hear that whining baby girl, I know you’ve been wet for longer and didn’t complain.”

“But I’m more than wet,” Clea responded. What was coming was kind of spoiled by the conversation they just had, but Dalla still played along. Gasping as Clea lifted herself slightly from her high chair to push a mess into her diaper. Before plopping back down into her mess. There was a quiet moment and Clea had a concerned look on her face.

“Green Clea?” Dalla whispered.

“Um,” Clea was a little shaken.

“Take your time,” Dalla coaxed. “You’re doing very good.”

“It’s a weird thing to be complimented on.”

“No, it’s not.” Dalla corrected. “It’s a lot, and it’s scary, but you plowed on through it. You did good. You should be proud.”

“Of shitting my pants?”

“Yes, of shitting your pants,” Dalla was firm. “You were brave for doing that and you should be proud.” Clea was quiet for a bit. “Just let me know when you’re ready. It’s all at your pace.” Clea did take a moment to calm down.

“Ok I’m green.” Dalla nodded and got back into character.

“Wow you certainly are more than wet my stinky little baby,” Dalla said in her baby sitter tone.

“Yeah, so can I get my diapee changed now?” Clea whined.

“Well, a good little baby like you that messes their diapers is certainly used to being in them for a while. Certainly, long enough to finish your food.”

“No!” Clea argued. “I need changies though. It’s icky.”

“Oh, it’s icky?” Dalla put her finger on her lip innocently. Truly what was about to happen was horribly convenient, but Dalla knew how to seize opportunities. She had felt the need to do this in the middle of feeding Clea. Holding her bowels was much easier than holding her bladder and after their little talk, Dalla knew what might happen and wanted to save this trump card. Right in front of Clea Dalla squatted down slightly and messed her diaper. With a final grunt and but wiggle the deed was done. To match Clea, who had plopped down in her mess, Dalla pressed the mess in her diaper against herself.

“There, now we’re both soggy, and stinky, and icky.” Dalla put another bite of food onto the spoon. “If I can make it through feeding you in a soggy and poopy diaper then I’m sure you can handle being fed in your good girl diapee. Now open up sweetie. If you’re a good girl and finish fast, we can cuddle a bit before you get changed.”


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