This is a Toph/Ty Lee/Zuko story, which are characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender, though setting is an Alternate Universe set in the modern era, but with bending. In this story all characters depicted are adults.
This work is part of a series i'm calling 'Letting Go And Holding Tight', which consists of two parts: Curious Depravity, which consists of 4 chapters, and this fic: Freak Is A Compliment, which will be a one-shot. I'm splitting the two for tagging purposes, fans of the show may already be able to guess why ;)
Before you read i also want to shoutout BabishBerry from whom i commissioned a cover for this series for and AndyABDL whose old Toph pic was a big visual inspiration. Please give 'em a follow (and be nice!).
As for me: any comments, criticism or feedback is welcome :)
Content Warning: Though there is a happy resolution Toph spirals a bit with feeling of inadequacy and there's also some mention of child neglect.